King Arthur's Night Out / Mikko
Vuorinen (1999)
The Little Ugly, Evil Guy On My Shoulder's Verdict: |
There's a genius who lives in Finland,
and his name is not Mikko Vuorinen. Marko Toikannen, maybe? |
The Little Handsome, Good Guy On My Shoulder's Verdict: |
Alan's parser sucks.
Alan Parsons' Project sucks too. |
This is one of the most entertaining
games in the comp this year, no doubt about it. |
Game Information
His website is here. He
is the greatest Finnish game developer of all time. His other games, and there are many,
include CC, Leaves, Lost In New York and There Is No Bread. |
No zip, but pull off all the files in this
directory. |
Mikko Vuorinen is one smart dude. I've pretty much enjoyed all of his Alan games(yep,
I've played all that are publicly available), and enjoyed them well enough to stick Mikko
on top of my list of writers to interview sometime soon. But Mikko has really topped
himself with King Arthur's Night Out. He writes the best Alan games around more or
less by default(Alan games are still relatively scarce, and generally have not been very
high in quality on average), but this game is simply a step above anything else he's
produced. It's not necessarily that the game is all that impressive when you take
into account all the great text adventures ever written: it's too small to be considered
even a minor "classic" according to my standards. But it's entertaining! You're
King Arthur, lusty leader of the Round Table. You want to go out drinkin' with the boyz,
but thy lovely wife Queen Guinevere won't let you. Bitch! You've got to find a way to get
out of the castle without her knowing it so you can have some FUN for a darned change. As
the title screen proclaims, "Sometimes it's just not good enough to be the
I finished the game in twenty minutes. The only hard part involved a cutting utensil
and fabric, and that was only hard because of the parser. I really enjoyed those twenty
minutes, however. The writing was clever and effective - just how I like it. Almost
everything in the game has some use to it, and the puzzles make an alarming amount of
sense. I can't tell you how enjoyable it is to play an adventure game that seems to have
been written with just you in mind. Most everything I tried worked in this game! This game
definitely goes to show that Alan is a developement system that could be put to great use
by clever writers. Sure, the parser is not as strong as the Inform parser just yet, but I
feel like this could probably be evened out better than the primitive AGT parser could be.
What this game reminds me of most of all is old Sierra games. It has that
"Sierra" feel to it - that whimsical approach to the plot that doesn't bring out
whimsicalness from the player, that same approach to puzzle solving requiring inventive
usages for found objects... I dunno. I just got that vibe from it for some reason, but
that's definitely not a bad thing. Sierra Online used to make great games. In short, this
game is one you should rent from your local interactive fiction shop immediately. How
could you not like a game that includes the immortal line, "Woman! Come here! I want
sex!"? It's impossible! Overall, I'm giving the game an eight, but in terms of comp
voting I'm giving it a '9'. It's the ideal, short, funny, entertaining comp game. Not art,
but fun. If nothing else, it gets you in the mood to tackle something heavier. And it sure
has a kooky ending!
Complicated Rating
38 / 50 |
6 / 10 |
... for Including Line, "Woman! Come here! I want sex!" |
Reader Comments:
October 4th, 1999:
You guys are a bunch of girl-hating circus apes. What if a girl said,
"Boy! Com here! I want sex!" to you? Would you not feel the least bit like an
object? I think Robb is gay anyway. |
They all think that, doll, right before I rock their world and then tuck
them in for the night. William Tell has fired arrows which aren't as straight as me. |
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