I thought it might be cool, as a feature for Reviews From
Trotting Krips, if I had sort of a journal concerning the development and scene-reaction
regarding the game I entered in the 1999 Interactive Fiction Competition. I realize that
this is probably of interest to maybe three people currently able to read, but I am one of
them, so the journal got green lighted.
I should state that this is not particularly funny or amusing and reiterate that this will
probably be the most boring thing you read from me on this site. Except when I eventually
interview the corpse of James Claville, natch.
So this is the story of development for a game called CHICKS DIG JERKS.
I was not actually aware of any bugs the night I submitted it to Stephen. I'd had some
friends take a look at it and I -- probably arrogantly -- assumed that if they took care
of newbie problems I would handle all the standard IF stuff. I am as hardcore as they come
to these types of games so I knew I'd be able to test commands intuitive to people who had
played these games before.
The thing was, I added a lot of code right before submission. I read a Usenet post
regarding "instant bladder-related death." I had intended for players to
get the message and put Avandre in the bathroom so a fight would break out. Therefore, if
they didn't take care of that he would just start pissing all over everything. I wanted to
end it with "the bouncers then take care of the other end and beat the shit out of
you" and I thought it would be a good way to end that session. After seeing that
message (which basically stated that any game that kills the player for not going to the
bathroom is below average) I asked myself why I was doing that. If the player didn't go to
the bathroom then that's fine: the game can still continue. Obviously, no one is going to
get killed and that Avandre's mission the next night would have realistically still
occurred. I conceded that it was a good point and added a link to that scene and getting
into the Break Room.
That was probably a mistake, because the game didn't initialize Keegan's responses through
that route. I basically had all that done in several functions rather than one so I
totally messed up and didn't walkthrough it that way. Basically, the lesson that I learned
is that you don't add paths to your game the night of the deadline unless you have nothing
else to do but test it. Furthermore, you *have* to scope out time for nothing but test. If
you make a bunch of improvements then you need to start test over again. IF is different
from other games because of the types of bugs you see. It's, usually, not so much that the
game crashes and dies as things just don't make sense and the author comes off as a
scatterbrained jackass.
After sending the game I was on a high. I mean.. hell, I finished it. On time, even. I had
a fantasy hockey draft that night so I was basically up until three in the morning. I will
go out on a limb and state that very few other people in this world saw a conflict between
picking players in a gambling-related National Hockey League event and finishing up
programming for a text adventure competition. Not that it's supposed to impress you. It
just means I put everything off 'till the last minute.
I was kind of worried as to whether or not I would come off as a complete piece of crap
for writing some of the scenes. My inspiration was really my favorite author: George Alec
Effinger. In some of his books there are characters that do sadistic, misogynistic things.
Self-destructive things. Morally corrupt things. Yet, you don't think that Effinger is
some sort of crazed, vengeful freak. He's telling a story using characters.
But still, it bugged me. There are some women in the game that are total sluts. Avandre
and Keegan litter, rob graves, drink to excess, run out on their bar tab... and that's
before the player has a chance to make decisions. I don't think that "all" women
are any way. I do think, because I've experienced it, that people -- men and women --
behave in ways depicted in the game. OK. Maybe people don't run around with
disintegrators, but aside from that. In New York, everyone is always trying to be
"the tough guy." The character of Shayne reflects that -- he sees Avandre and
Keegan keeping totally to themselves and has nothing better to do then give them a hard
time. Similarly, the way to advance the game is for Avandre to attack Shayne. That
particular kind of stuff happened all the time back in New York and I must confess that
people are generally much more mellow out here in Colorado.
I've started to fix the bugs in the game. I want to release an .exe version of it that is
perfect for GMD after the competition is over. In getting more feedback from people I've
started to get an idea of what worked and what didn't. I think that a fundamental problem
with the game is that most of it is designed solely around the player getting the
emotional response that Avandre and Keegan are a couple of absolute assjacks. Therefore,
it should be no big surprise that when Keegan is killed, no one was really choked up about
it. It became obvious to me that I needed to explore the relationship between Avandre and
Keegan better: these guys were best friends and although you may find some of their
actions abhorrent, you liked them because they were funny anyway. I didn't put enough of
that in the game. I didn't want people searching to save Keegan, but it looks like I
(For what it's worth, the reason Keegan had to die was because I had originally plotted
three games with this scene. This game was the middle one. The one that comes after this
would show Avandre trying to do things and make decisions to get his life in order and
become a much better person. I wanted to show the maturity from boy to young adult to man
via video games. I decided that losing his best friend because he was off trotting around
graveyards would be a way to do that. Also, video game sequels presume an
"ending" -- IE, you may be able to finish them in different ways, but the game
presumes you solved it a certain way to get everyone back on the same page for the next
one. If it were possible to keep Keegan alive then it wouldn't have made much literary
sense. And that's what it's all about. At the same time it's like Bobby Slayton says in
regard to entertainment: "I have a relationship. I don't have people living
under my stairs." I am personally experiencing a maturity into adulthood. I don't,
however, go around fighting noxious undead spawn and people with rocket launchers.)
There should have been a lot more conversations as well. I'm doing something about that. I
needed to explain why Keegan's brother is named Blur. I needed to explain why it seems
like you're doing well with certain chicks and then, boom, nothing. I needed to describe
what the hell Shayne the pissing shitwank was doing in the cemetery. I actually feel
pretty lousy about having people play a game I didn't completely embellish correctly.
I got a note on the Krips message board regarding the Mrs. Butterworth vs. Aunt Jemima
thing... I had originally intended for that scene to kind of depict Keegan (and Avandre)
as being slightly clueless about why that girl would have nothing to do with them.
The intended effect would be like, "Hey, these clowns can't get their sub-reference
right but they still think it's the woman with the problem? What a couple of complete
losers!" Rather than, "Hey, this author can't get his sub-reference right! What
a total chump!" I don't know how effectively I pulled it off, though.
Well, the inevitable occurred. There was a Usenet discussion about how buggy my game is.
Actually, there was a bug I hadn't seen apparently occurring. I guess there's a way to get
the game into a state where Shayne (the object) isn't there, but he still prevents people
from getting into the graveyard. I'm worried, because I can't duplicate it. One guy has
sent me a bug report (and I appreciate the hell out of that) -- vague anecdotes about my
bugs over the net does me, pretty much, no good. I think the rule that authors can't talk
about games is pretty lame. Aside from the fact that I write for a review site, I mean.
Although it would be kinda cool to be the first guy disqualified from the IF comp, in a
Neil Armstrong sort of way. Possibly.
The point I want to make, though, is that if you find a bug in my game, e-mail me. I'm not
"embarrassed" by having it up on Usenet, it's just that I had no idea what I
could or couldn't say regarding it. How it affects votes is beyond me. Yeah, some guy
getting on and flaming every other game in order to make his look good is a Bad Thing. But
you should be able to discuss bugs concerning your own game. I want to get them all fixed
and submit an .EXE file to GMD, after all.
I played Winter Wonderland the other day. That's when I became convinced that I wasn't
going to win. I think that the game I finish up with for final submission will be as solid
as they come, but my inability to meet a freaking deadline has definitely cost me. Winter
Wonderland is superb... I really enjoyed playing *and* reading it.
Right now I'm going to try to get Magic Jar finished by Valentine's Day, but I think that
I will do my damnedest to find some beta-testers on that day. Basically get it to where
*I* think it's finished and let them rip into it.
A lot has happened in two months. The game has pretty much taken up most of my free time.
I had no idea it was possible to have Shayne in the graveyard, yet unable to be acted
upon. Crap coding on my part: the daemon was dependent about an object. Gotta make sure
the object gets moved. What I ended up doing was kind of a "funnel" --
essentially, there was no way for the player to get to the different chapters of the game
without going through the funnel. So I could set up all the later conversations and move
players to where they needed to be. I had no idea that so many people wouldn't just talk
to him and then hit him. But they did.
It finished 31st place. I'm mellow enough to not have a chip on my shoulder, but hell.
It's embarrassing. Hell, one guy entered a game with the sole intention of entering a crap
ware. Apparently people, on the whole, decided that it was much more fun to hit
"1" and then "2" on their keyboard repeatedly then play my game. Fair
enough, I guess. I have a sneaking suspicion that it will get downloaded often from GMD,
because of it's name. I mean, numbers one and two are Moist and I-0. I hope that it will
be the most-downloaded 31st place game of all time. A fair goal.
I fixed all the bugs. I found out that my conversation routines would create a run-time
error if you tried to talk to anything inanimate. Ho ho ho. It was because I had talk
"to" noun as acceptable. Should only be talk "to" animate. Ha ha ha.
Some guy on Usenet piped up with that bug as soon as I announced that the final version
was on my home page. Luckily, he caught it before I uploaded it to GMD. Whew. Andrew
Plotkin created a Mac version of the game. How cool is that? I have taunted Macs over the
years, but thanks to his help I have now made a game for them. Aces. I like Apple; I just
can't respect an operating system that you can't play hockey on.
Up next is the XYZZY Awards. I don't think version 2.0 will win anything, but I'm hoping
Avandre gets nominated for PC of the Year. I think that his character is already
well-defined and it would be gratifying to know that my plan on doing the sequel and
prequel to Chicks Dig Jerks would at least interest some people.
A guy on raif mentioned that the game was like the book "Snow Crash." I had
never heard of the book, but I bought it from Buy.com a few days ago. I just started
reading it and I'm glad I wasn't exposed to it. There were some similar things all right:
the dreadlocked hero, the, er, swearing. Some subtle stuff, too. I thought the whole pizza
delivery routine at the beginning was really funny. Americans do rock the world when it
comes to that.
So that's the thing. I totally and completely disgusted a lot of people. I made a few
others laugh. Humor is really subjective. I find it, well, amusing when people
declare something "not funny." As if there are absolutes. I can appreciate why a
video game is good or bad. It's quantifiable. It's somewhat universal. I can appreciate
genres I don't like. Humor and music aren't like that. A lot of people don't understand
Writing the game and getting the feedback was, to be honest, thrilling. There's something
to be said for waking up, reading how you're a crap programmer and then starting the day.
=) It's definitely inspired me, though. So now instead of spending my time fixing bugs and
adding features to CDJ I am trying to nail down the next game: I want to cross a Bard's
Tale type RPG with IF. I'm doing it in Hugo, but I plan on writing Art of Heartbreak (the
prequel to CDJ) in Inform. Inform really is a beautiful language with the -- bar none --
best compiler I have ever seen. Nothing else comes fricking *close*. I think Hugo's an
easier language to learn, though. It's tougher to make a mistake, I think.
If you're looking for advice on what to do for next year's comp, well, make sure that your
game rocks and is well tested. I think that a lot of the bug-related backlash in Comp 99
will cause a lot of authors to attempt to show everyone "how it's done." I would
love to see a hand-picked comp where we pitted the hobby's best against one another. I
think we'll get that next year, because if we have another comp without a true
"classic" (I thought Winter Wonderland was such a game; perhaps it will be
viewed as such in time) then the kind of religious furor the Comp has now may be
severely diminished. Hopefully people won't save up games for it (I am not saving Magic
Jar for it, personally), resulting in ten dead months worth of releases, but at the same
time I really hope for a return to greatness. I kind of feel responsible, although I did
at least try to right the wrongs. I can state this: entering a game is a complete rush.
The net is a theatre with a global audience: you really do have a chance to *say*
something, to *do* something and get it recognized. I play in a band, and it's
extremely difficult to get people to really listen to my music. The IF Comp changes that.
The most important games currently being made are text adventures, and the IF Comp is a
huge part of it.
Robb Sherwin