Freedom Force / Irrational
Games (2002)
Cryptic Studios' Verdict:
| |
I have
been properly homaged!! |
The superhero curse is dead, gone
and buried. Long live Freedom
Force. | |
Game Information
Squad and mission
based tactical
combat. | |
Irrational Games previously released System
Shock II for the PC. The Lost is available
for the PS2. | |
(Played this one both on my old system and the new
one:) P3-750, Voodoo3, 384MB RAM. P3-800, Geforce4 4400,
384MB RAM | |
X-COM I, II & Apocalypse, Jagged Alliance I, II
& Deadly Games. | |
If you've got any interest in either
superheroes, comic books, or games like X-COM you need to get this game.
Keeping in mind that it's attempting to capture the flair that Stan Lee and
company used to huck their comics with in the 1960s, of course. Freedom
Force has the same kind of attitude towards its writing that Max
Payne did: both are attempting to be very specific genre pieces. I'd say
that Freedom Force certainly does a much better job of it than
Payne, however, as we get the feeling that FF at least
knows when it's being silly. Comic books are different things to
different people, and I feel it only fair that I can just as easily get behind a
comic where five guys are beating the hell out of five other guys (so long as
it's depicted with some use of tactics, dialogue, or meaning) as I can
with one free from dudes in tights altogether. I mention that so as to get
whatever biases I have out in the open, as this game definitely leans towards
the former brand of product.
The game starts with the premise that Earth is
the last free planet in the universe. As the timeline for the game is the 1960s
and it therefore precedes both the DMCA and Slashdot nerds who bitch constantly
about the DMCA, the premise of a free Earth is at least in that respect and at
that time a believable one. The character of Mentor decides to go slumming for a
bit and clue everybody down here towards the fact that the fashion of the season
will soon be the leather choke collar and rock-pick accessory -- Lord Dominion
has his sights set on planet Earth. At this point in our history, of course,
eventual strong and responsible nuclear powers like India and Pakistan were
still throwing rocks and frogs at each other across their borders, so it would
look like the ultimate frag tally is going to be something like Lord Dominion
4,000,000 - Earth 0, except for the fact that canisters of Energy X are dropping
on earthlings, turning them into super heroes... and, yes, super villains as
The game's cut-scenes are told through Jack
Kirby-style comic renderings that look like they were put together by someone
who learned Adobe Premiere by asking his bottle of Safeway Brand
Safeway (C) Vodka for advice on how to run the app. But then,
it's supposed to look like that, to match the intended feel and style of
the game. And what the hell. It works, that I can say. The previous high score
in the style department was Tass Times in Tonetown. It only took sixteen
years but somebody finally surpassed it. Through those cut-scenes, we soon learn
that one of the guys who ended up being affected by Energy-X was former nuclear
scientist and present-day codger Frank Stiles. Judging by the shape of his
ultra-deformed cheekbones my initial suspicions that he would go on to
spawn similarly-mutated actress Julia Stiles would seem to be correct. But then
again, as Minuteman, (Frankie's superhuman code-name ) we are shown that he has a
propensity for skulking about dark alleys, propositioning other heroes to "join
the team" in their civilian guise, and get himself a boy wonder partner
whose own powers were activated by taking some "fluid injection" from the
Minuteman himself. But, still, if we are going to cut The Sims: Hot Date
some slack for not enforcing stalking laws, Zork for not enforcing
breaking and entering laws, and William Shatner's Tekwar for not
enforcing shooting-people-in-the-face laws once a gun is holstered, we can
probably cut Freedom Force some slack for not strining up Minuteman in
the 1960s for his lax care towards sodomy laws.
(The calling out of Minuteman as some kind of
dark-alley-skulking pedophile deviant is an obligatory part of every single
Freedom Force review. They enforce this now, so I did the best I could
and took a shot at Shatner in the process. Believe me, I'm doing my best to rail
against these kind of unfair restrictions -- hell, we're all obligated to
mention Reginald Denny when the GTA3 reviews go live as well. It's really a pain
in the ass.)
After learning of Minuteman's origin, you're
placed in Patriot City and given a chance to practice talking to people and
lifting street lights out of the ground. The world is deliciously "plastic" --
if your characters are strong enough they can bring down buildings, pick up and
hurl cars, wield streetlights like Louisville Sluggers and generally make a mess
of the city you're defending. It's all in good fun, though. There are a few
missions where you have to be ultra-safe and make sure that a specific building
does not crumble, but otherwise you are free to go. Realizing that was rather
freeing. At first, I did admittedly play the game with kid gloves, not wanting
to hurl chunks of the scenery in my attempt to keep the city clean. But after
getting into the swing of things I embraced the mindset of Lamprey from the
Squadron Supreme limited series of fifteen years ago: when looking at
the devastated city I left behind while popping aliens and super villains I
could only say, "So I'm a sloppy fighter. So what?"
The first few missions in the game introduce you
to the founding members of the Freedom Force team. El Diablo has on over-the-top
West Side Story thing going on. Man-bot appears to be, in origin, a kind of
cross between the Hulk and the Thing. From there you'll have a few characters
"drafted" into your group, but you'll also be able to recruit them if you have
enough prestige points. You're not limited to recruiting the built-in
characters, though -- after grabbing some skins on the net you can make up your
own DC and Marvel heroes and place them in the game.
And that's really where Freedom Force
shines. The enormous amount of variety you have in creating (or emulating
existing) heroes is fantastic. Special effects come in all colors and sizes. It
allows you to create the tactical squad you always wanted: I was able to
go on missions with Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Ice and Fire (from the old JLA
books) or have a couple characters from the superhero text adventure I made a
few years back (specifically, the Holy Avenger and Johnny Hollywood) kick some
butt with Minuteman and Guy Gardner. There's support for projectile, beam,
direct and area attacks to go with melee, and it can all look rather genuine: if
I've got Quagmire using his muck power it looks like muck. If I'm running around
with Speedball knocking people down, there are bubbles everywhere. The devs on
this one obviously grew up in a comic-friendly household and were well aware of
the shortcomings various other superhero games had.
Unfortunately, the game is over a bit too
quickly. The only real negative for this game is that there is no real
"skirmish" stuff placed into it. In X-COM, there are stretches in the
game where you can fight aliens and simply build up your characters. So long as
you do the country-juggling necessary to keep your funding, you can spend an
indefinite amount of time doing that before getting on with the plot. Freedom
Force is much more tightly organized and plotted. Each mission
more-or-less logically follows the one that came before it. While I think this
game is a classic, it'd be other-worldly if there were times where the
plot went on hold for a bit and you simply managed the "trouble alert" and had
to assemble a squad to take down (custom?) villains that went out on a mindless
rampage. But while that's a design decision that Irrational didn't make, they
opted to go with one just as defensible. And hell, after years of
meandering games that have nothing to say and no direction, seeing something
like this come along is quite welcome.
Irrational has proven to be good on their word
when it has come to supporting the game post-release. While the only glitch I
ever saw came from a lone lock-up during a level load (an isolated,
non-repeatable incident, even!) they have addressed other problems and made good
on their promises. There was a bug in one of the hero meshes that stopped
Batman-esque cowls and Wolverine-style claws from displaying properly. They
fixed it. We all wanted a level warp, not having originally anticipated that,
they released a zipfile with save games in place for each level. There was a
mission editor promised -- they delivered it. (It's possible to essentially make
your own add-on pack to the game, with scripts, text, sounds, new 3D models, and
so forth... just outstanding.) The community support has been strong as
well. Virtually every well-known hero and villain has a skin available for
download. Many, many fringe characters in the realm of published comics are
represented as well. (In fact, I'd daresay that with all the A-list heroes and
heroines represented and the stream of skins being steady, the fringe characters
will soon be 95% complete as well. And I don't say that simply because I
personally brought a career second-stringer like Vanguard into the
mix.) Fan-created mods, missions and skirmish-type danger rooms are also out
there to grab.
The game itself is gorgeous to look at. You can
play at whatever distance level you like. To put it this way -- every football
game ever made in the last five years has, in their commercials, close camera
angles that are only used during a paused replay. Depending on how close
to the action you want to get, you can have the camera almost at ground level in
this thing and still be able to play it. If you prefer a Warcraft II
level of distance overhead you can do that, too.
Freedom Force should really appeal to two
sets of gamers -- those that have been dying for a solid comic book game, and
those that are into tactical combat. While I may be singing this thing's praises
a bit too much, as I am a fan of both camps, it's by any measurement a solid,
stable and stylish game that never takes itself too seriously in moving the action,
all while being great to look and customize. Excel -- ah, I promised I wouldn't
end this review that way.
Oh, to hell with it. How often do I get a chance
to use this in an appropriate context? Excelsior!!!
It's going to be in the running for game of the
year. The only overtly negative aspect to this game is that the
board of directors at EA will be able to feed on babies and puppies
for another quarter based on the
profits. | |
It can be cheesy, but not horribly
stupid. It fully understands where it's coming from, and what
influenced it. The plot proceeds in a logical manner. There's even
some character development, especially among Man-bot and the
Alchemiss. | |
It's a big city out there... for you to poop on!
One of the most plastic games ever
made. | |
Admittedly, a hell of a lot better
on the Geforce than the Voodoo3. The scenery looks just like a late
50s, early 60s Anytown, America. And the artist doing the Kirby riff
has to be incredibly talented, because but-nobody is growing up
drawing that way from the get-go. Props to
him. | |
Battle sounds would occasionally repeat when the
game is paused. Oh, and if you select a "voice" for a custom hero,
there's an annoying amount of hard-coded stuff. If you happen to,
say, have the main character in an old game of yours use the
"Liberty Lad" voice, the character will be saying, "Liberty Lad,
ready" when in fact his code-name is "Holy Avenger" and not "Liberty
Lad." | |
As mentioned, one bump for me. I
recall some users on some video cards having some problems on the
forums, but Jesus, if you're going to play games on your PC it
doesn't take that much time to figure out what the de facto standard
card is. It did run much, much slower on a Voodoo but to the game's
credit it never crashed during
play. | |
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