Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered
Country / One of the Bruces (2001)
The Goatse Man's Verdict: |
Huh? Why am I being asked? SOD OFF. |
Chris Crawford's Verdict: |
There were at least
41 different jokes in this game. |
They must make 'em like this in Romulan Prison Orbs,
because they ain't making many of 'em like this back here on earth. |
Game Information
After an hour of playing Stiffy Makane: The
Undiscovered Country, I feel like I've been swimming in sewage.
OK, OK -- not at all, but blast it, that needs to be said by somebody about some
game each year the interactive fiction competition exists, and we missed out on that last
November. So I'll take one for the team this year.
The character "Stiffy Makane" is rather infamous
within the dark, oft-shunted alleyways of interactive fiction that no-one likes to talk
about. Occasionally -- if you're fast enough! -- you might catch a glimpse or hear a
whisper about one of the previous games that feature this text adventure stalwart over on either The Incredibly Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane or
the MSTKing of it that came out a while later. Stiffy has always been a man with a
mission: whereas in The Incredibly Erotic Adventures it was to pop a
lovely lady named Public Pussy Pamela, your mission this time seems to be more along the
lines of seeking out new life and civilizations and sexxing up your crew members. It is
with great pleasure that I am able to report that Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered
Country does its previous lineage proud, and not surprisingly, surpasses previous
efforts (at WARP FACTOR 10 H4W H4W H4W!).
Though the reason it is successful has nothing to do with
the Star Trek bits. It has nothing to do with the porn bits. Don't get me wrong -- those
are usually two great tastes that, whether you like to admit it or not, often go great
together. C'mon! Face it. There's a pretty good chance that if you found this page you've
at least once comforted yourself with visions of being held within the manly grope of Kirk
or Picard, or else comforted yourself with doing some groping towards Deanna or
Seven. No dishonor there, this isn't a website that casts shame. But, no, I fell hard for
this thing due to its mid-game which features one of the most hilarious mini-adventures
I've ever found myself involved in with any game, commercial or freeware.
The scene takes place on the holodeck, which as every Trek
fan knows, is a piece of technology designed to simulate a false reality and then attempt
to override the ship's computers as soon as possible in order to kill everybody aboard,
until Wil Wheaton can save the day with his overwhelming lack of personal charisma. Author
Bruce has instead decided to deliver some serious ass-kicking to those angry, enraged
denizens that have populated the newsgroup over the last few years.
The fellows depicted -- much like Worf when he found himself in the Robin Hood holosim --
are not exactly merry men.
It comes out of nowhere, yes. It's a non-sequitur. It's
in-jokey. It contains dialogue that Stiffy has not previously been depicted as intelligent
enough to hold, but it doesn't matter because it's a shock, it all comes together with so
much craft and care, and it's just long enough to never get tedious. As it's based on
computer game theory, it's rather predictable that I would personally be a big fan of it.
But to that I say, simply: "well done" -- with all the games I encountered in
the 2001 competition, this was the one that most played to what I'd already been in the
mood for. It captured the zeitgeist of what I wanted out of entertainment software at this
point in time. That's priceless.
And it must be said that carving a permanent grin on my
face was necessary for me to finish up the game -- the Glulx interpreter I used to play it
on Windows 98 had a bug where it would not accept text entry after a sound was played
unless the scrollback button was pressed. As there are sound effects quite regularly
throughout the game, it became quite a chore to keep going back and forth on that
workaround. Strangely, the game didn't exhibit that behavior while in NT 4.0. Playing it
on that operating system wasn't exactly an option as I only have access to it at work, and
this is not the kind of game you want running on your system when somebody drops by to
check on those TPS reports. It's a credit to the game itself that I didn't care -- while I
am mostly easy-going with freeware games because they are usually created through a
twisted merge of insanity and passion, a terp glitch like that would normally be a
show-stopper. Er, except I kept furiously hitting my trakball in order to get the thing
going again. But I'm confident that whatever problems the interpreter has will be sorted
out sooner rather than later. There's enough momentum to the terp design where it won't be
a problem in the long run, and there's enough comedy in the ware itself where it fails to
become anything more than a minor distraction.
I must confess absolute wonder as to what place this
particular game will finish in this year's comp. I see it as having the greatest standard
deviation, as there's a good chance that Author Bruce will become both lionized and
the new poster boy of immoral IF. But Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered Country
is ultimately wholly recommendable because it knows exactly when to fire off a snappy,
witty retort and when to flash depictions of an infected gaping anus. This is the kind of
delicate balance that most games can not hope to hold. I don't think, for instance, that
our dearly departed Quentin Thomson would want to kill the designer of this one, as he
kind of alluded to with the first Stiffy adventure. More impressively, with it being the
third game in the Stiffy Makane line, it proves without question that not all odd-numbered
Star Trek-based ventures completely suck ass. A wicked gem.
This game got my first-place vote for the 2001 IF Competition. |
Let's face it, nobody's playing this thing because of
the plot. |
Chock full of comedic goodness. |
My problems with the Glulx terp almost rendered it
wholly unplayable -- literally, not from some pseudo-intellectual standpoint -- but that's
a terp thing that I didn't even see on NT, for instance. As it's too much to expect that
I'll come back and update this when they fix the interpreter, I'll meet it halfway. |
Anybody who wonders if I'd like the puzzle in the holodeck evidently
needs to read a few more of these reviews. |
7 / 10 |
Reader Comments:
What the? How the hell did I get through that review without mentioning
that in the original game, Stiffy can drop his freaking penis? |
I liked it. Offensive is good. |
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