Suggest A Game!

One of the most difficult aspects of running an interactive fiction review web site is picking a game to review. I mean, you've got to choose between old Infocom favorites, excercises in GW-BASIC written by twelve year olds, competition entrants, non-competition entrants, the latest TADS and Inform releases, old TADS and Inform releases, AGT, Telarium, Sierra Online, Alan...crap. That's a lot of games. It's very difficult to decide what game to review at any given time. Thus, we've decided to let our visitors, particularly game authors, to tell us what games THEY would like to see us review. Have you written a new game and are trying to drum up as much publicity for it as you can? Tell us about it here! We cannot guarantee we'll actually review any particular suggested games(we're independent reviewers, not slaves, unfortunately), but we'll certainly keep any suggestions very much in mind. This is our "conspiracy to beat the IF Review Conspiracy" page, you might say.

Here's the form:

Who are ye?

What game do ye want us to review?
And where can we get the bloody game?
Anything else we should know?

That's it.

To the main page, manc