The Little Ugly Evil Guy On My Shoulder's Verdict: Simply put, this is a game about fucking.
The Little Nice Handsome Guy On My Shoulder's Verdict: Excuse me, but did he just say "fucking"?
My Verdict: Did those guys just say "fucking"? I thought this site was nicer than that.
Actual Ad Insert In The AGT Times, February 1988
Have today's complex, intelligent adventure games got you down?
Are you an undersexed geek who can't get laid in real life unless you
pay for it?
Do you like to dress your pet hippopotamus in women's undergarments?
If you answered yes to any of the preceeding questions, then SUSAN is
the game for you. It's easy. It's about getting laid. It'll keep
your mind off the hippopotamus. What more could you ask for?
Did I mention that this game is a work of "experimentary" interactive fiction yet? The game is a metaphor for life. Susan represents everything we hold dear - our fondest dreams and aspirations. In order to make our dreams a reality, we do lots of stupid tasks which we think will bring us closer to our ultimate goal. But like the protagonist in Susan, once we achieve our goal, we realize it wasn't that much to begin with, and in effect, we've been wasting our time working towards this goal because we'll never get a chance to enjoy it once we've got it. This is the most depressing game ever made.
Simple Rating: 3/10
Complicated Rating:12/50
Story: 1/10
Writing: 2/10
Playability: 4/10
Parser Responsiveness: 1/10(What parser responsiveness?)
Puzzle Quality: 4/10(Nice maze. Tee-hee.)
Quentin D. Thompson sprach the following on October 21st, 1999:
By the way, the thing I disliked the most about the game was that Susan was implemented as an object, not a creature. ("Eat the sexy girlfriend? You must be kidding!") Oh well..:-)