Tass Times in Tonetown /
Interplay (1986)
This game is pretty short.
Brady Anderson's Verdict: |
Games need more
positive gay role models like Chaz in this game and me in Triple Play '99. |
No game has ever been more smug with itself and had
the game to back it up. It's the most stylishly rendered game ever made and a hell of a
lot of fun to experience. If any game deserves a sequel, it's this one. |
Game Information
Text Adventure, limited parser and all, but with graphics. |
Mike Beryln has also done Infidel, Cutthroats, Alterted Destiny, Zork:
The Undiscovered Underground, Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I., Oo-Topos, Suspended.and many
others. Muffy McClung Beryln has done Oo-Topos, Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. and Alterted
Destiny. |
It's out there on virtually every emulator or old warez site you can
Coming soon to Home Pixelators Everywhere!
A dream you've never had.
An adventure you'll never forget. If you ever wake up...
It was released in 1986.. A graphical text
adventure that presented absolutely gorgeous graphics if you had an Atari ST or Commodore
Amiga and the same old cyan-purple-white-black shit if you had a PC. And while at its
heart it was a fully functional adventure game it should be noted that Tass Times in
Tonetown had more style than any other game ever created.
In an era where popular culture was dominated by
rock stars that wore heavy makeup and outrageous hair, 'Tonetown raged against
the perception that adventure games had to appeal to a particular
Dungeons-and-Dragons-King-Of-All-Motos mindset. The game is completely unapologetic about
its intentions: take the whack vernacular, values and past-times of the 1980s and
exaggerate them. The culture that the player comes from (ours) brands him as a total geek
once he/she enters Tonetown. Great games teach the user how to play them and 'Tonetown
definitely does this: if someone has completely managed to not "get"
(comprehend) the game and get into character then the player's game ends quickly while
walking around in totally untass clothing.
Tass Times in Tonetown came with a
newspaper that clued the player into the different characters and places in the game. It
was Interplay's take on copy protection -- and historically this view should be recognized
as a bonus, because it paved the way for four pages of very funny and irreverant video
game lore.
Around Tonetown by Gretta
* Fast Freddie was seen doing lunch with Franklin
Snarl yesterday. They seemed to be engrossed in an ultra-rash conversation, and they were
writing six-figure numbers all over a bunch of paper napkins. What could it mean?
Don't put all your GloBurgers in one basket,
And beware of geeks bearing P.
And the game magazines all say that French games
have style. Pfft. The City of Lost Children isn't more than a callous zit on the
seedly underbelly of 'Tonetown.
'Tonetown is a short game. The reason it
still stands out is because the experience could only be done as a published piece
of entertainment software. Developed as freeware, for instance, the game would still not
work because it would be missing the newspaper that provides so much atmosphere and so
many gameplay clues. Long before meeting Franklin Snarl the player knows that he is a
treacherous and snide jackass due to reading of the Tonetown Times.
The game isn't perfect. While it was
released at the beginning of a graphical revolution for the ST and the Amiga it would
still benefit from a late 90s make over with increased color depth. The music was never
done justice on any system. If there's a game that could actually use redbook audio and
MIDI compositions, it's this one. Especially since the game's theme song, Tass, is still
the most kickass video game song ever made. In the final analysis, however, it's all
moot. At first glance the game could be considered at fault for letting the obnoxious
late 80s culture off so easily: if ever there was an era ripe for savage, dry sarcasm the
mid-80s was it. But 'Tonetown embraces what was right about the decade and
corrects what was overblown. For example: the whole concept of "tass" involves
not only conducting oneself in a "cool" manner, but in an intelligent one as
well. Stupidity is mocked with rolled eyes and disdain throughout the game and newspaper:
Dear Pan Fanders,
My very bestest buddy from the Quatroversity
recently got hitched up to this girl he met there in Tassly.
They were having their hitching on a
triangular moon outside in The Park, and my mother told me I should give them a goft
because that's what you're supposed to do when two people go townsome twosome.
I thought and thought about the gift. Then I
remembered that one of my bestest buddy's favorite things when were were sitting around
studying was to look at Toneboy magazine. SO I got them a two-year subscription to
Toneboy. (I was even able to save 12 P. 'cause the neighbor kid next door was on a
magazine drive for the Buck Scouts.)
Well, if everything turned out tone, I
wouldn't be writing this letter, would I?
When the first issues of the magazine
arrived, by bestest friend's new wife got so mad she wanted to get unhitched right then
and there. After just one moon. So now I'm in hot aqua with my bud. Was it really such an
untass hitching gift?
Dear Confused,
Absolutely! It's the most tassless gift I ever heard
of (and I thought I'd seen it all). Your letter makes me wonder about what's going on at
Quatroversity and our other instituations of outer education.
You are confused.
Please don't ever write to me again.
Pan Fanders
A lesser game goes for the cheap laugh and
panders to a male audience by propping Playboy. Fortunately, morons get the
hammer in 'Tonetown -- and if you can't make the effort to fit in, (or, in real
life, to understand the game) then to hell with you. You're not worth anyone's time if
you're not willing to put some effort into yourself. Before the game starts an article
states that the town evicted a certain Jonboi Waltune for sheer tonelessness. Why couldn't
he convert? He wouldn't remove his blue scrub pants and shirts with ugly emblems and
remained a stupid tourist. Essentially, the game is saying, "you're going to get run
as well if you don't attempt to suspend your imagination." Brilliant. (Borrowed
Time, a game done with the same engine will kill the player after a certain number of
moves. Exploration is frowned upon because of this time limit. 'Tonetown will end
the game if the player looks like a stupid tourist but once the player fits in the game
does not "expire." In effect the game artifically lengthens itself just a bit
but provides an important clue to understanding the game. So many games which happen to be
short try to stretch out the gaming experience and do it so horribly: all designers should
take an example from 'Tonetown.)
'Tonetown is a classic because it
creates a lush world that will capture the imagination of anyone young at heart. It has a
relatively enormous amount of unique and original ideas and characters that exist as
throwaway-type elements. The enjoyment of the game really does come from allowing it to
access the creative part of the mind and its ability to make a player understand a
different culture.
One of my favorite games all-time.
6 / 10 |
Reader Comments:
Jonboi Waltune
February 24th, 2003 |
Hey! My hair glittered glit just tonely, thank you, but the tassless
people at tass times felt my loafers were not froody enough. For sure, I was tass, just
mizundastood! |
Februrary 21st, 2003 |
real cool game. i remember i had it when i was in like 2nd or 3rd grade,
which would've been 1987. i had it for the apple IIGS and the graphics and sound were
waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of their time. i remember the newspaper that came with the game but i
don't have it. i played and played but i never beat it. i didn't care though it was fun to
play and to look at. |
November 27th, 2002 |
I first played this game about nine years ago on an Apple ][gs that was
missing a memory card (or something like that). It couldn't even reboot without freezing
up. And yet, using a technique given to me by my brother, I managed to play it and play it
well. I am still addicted to this day. But, there is one part that still embaresses me: I
never played the game with enough seriousness to actually beat it. Now I may play my
fast-paced games, like Final Fantasy 9 or Grand Theft Auto 3, but I will forever remember
and play Tass Times In Tone Town. |
Dan Wilson
February 12th, 2001 |
the best game ive ever played, its brilliant and has a real atmosphere
about it. i dont think its supposed to be ment as a horror title atall but the feelings
you get throughout the game are really spooky. |
god. I rember being totally confused by game around 6th grade, but loving
it. Didn't they make a hi-res version for the Apple ][GS? What a beautiful, but S-L-O-W
system. Actually turned me off to Macs, along with the fact that Apple abonded thier
entire Apple ][ line for the Mac. When would they abondon that (I guess I'm still
waiting!). Anyway, PCs started getting all the cool games, so it was a moot point. |
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