My Arcade Games
I have an account at ArcadeCrusade here, with many more group photos.
Crystal Castles (Atari, cocktail, 1983)
Gyruss (Centuri / Konami, stand-up, 1983)
Mods: High score kit installed by Rob Carroll
Mr. Do! (Universal, stand-up, 1981)
Converted Qix, High score kit installed by Dan Gutchess
Ms. Pac-Man (Midway, stand-up, 1981)
Mods: 96-in-1 kit, plays Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus,
Super Pac-Man, Pengo, Space Invaders
Spy Hunter (Midway, stand-up. 1983)
Mods: Installed NiCad battery replacement
Tempest (Atari, stand-up, 1980)
Mods: Installed Tempest Tubes switch
Xenophobe (Bally Midway, stand-up, 1987)
Zoo Keeper, Taito. 1982)
Converted Qix
Other games
Converted Egg Venture into a MAME cab