The Happiness Engine wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:43 pm
I believe we are unanimous unless you have SUCH a reputation for flaking that people call it "Jonseying" behind your back. Because out here we have a word for that and that word is the name of a guy (who does that).
Do... do you do that?
Well, this wasn't a situation where I agreed to do something and then later bailed at the last minute or without telling anyone. This was a, "Hey, here is an interjection that came up, it's a week away but if you can make it, cool."
There are two times that I can remember in my life where I flaked and flaked bad.
The first - a friend was asking me to help with his small business of event planning. He needed someone to do some manual labor for an event. I told him three times I didn't want to do it but he kept pressing. So I said I would try to be there and then didn't go. This was pre-cell phone for me, maybe ... 2000?
The second - some BBS friends were going to all get dinner when I came into town. (I was flying from Colorado to Rochester.) There were flight issues or delays or something and I couldn't make it out. Pre cell phone so I couldn't tell them. I did feel terrible about it and I believe I made it up to everyone later somehow.
I think cell phones help a lot with flaking.
Before I met my wife I went on dates with 20-30 girls that I met through dating sites. None stood me up. When I was shooting actors for Cyberganked I kept track of the people who did a "no call no show" and the number is 4 or 5 out of maybe 100. (That's with me paying them anywhere from 50-200 for their time.) So it's better to try to date someone than conduct a business transaction with them. I dunno.