Billy Mays wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:38 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:44 pmI'm wondering if you've actually read either of my two books?
No. I am a bit old fashioned when it comes to books in that I like having a physical copy to read.
When I first rendered them, PDFs were the standard for releasing documents, and the tools ro create them could be found at low cost or even free; e-book creation tools would not become free and easily available until years later.
Billy Mays wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:38 pm I was looking it up on some reputable small run publishers in the US and got some basic quotes and it would only cost about 20-40 bucks each to print a single hardbound copy? I'm not sure if I was reading that right but it does sound awfully low.
Yes, it does. Let's take my gitst book
The Gatekeeper: The Gate Contracts ("Gatekeeper") at about 320 pages and my second book,
Instrument of God ("Instrument") at about 760 pages. Now, the more printing a company does per month the cheaper the per-page rate is because pf economies of scale. If they're doing laser printing quantities of 20,000 or more pages a month, their page cosr is probably 2c/page single-sided and 3c/page double-sided. So since both are already page-formatted PDFs, there's no extra set up. So cover is probably $5 for Gatekeeper, $7 for instrument; binding $3; mailing $5 book rate/media mail; labor, overhead and profit $15; printing single-sided $8 and $15' double-sided $5 and $10, This totals estimated minimums of $33 for Gatekeeper and $40 for Instrument. I suspect the prices you have are for books under 200 pages and/or paperback.
Billy Mays wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:38 pmBut either way I wanted to ask you first if that would be ok since it is your work?
Certainly. I think it would be kid of ridiculous for someone to release a book free in electronic format but forbid personal-use printing.
Billy Mays wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:38 pm...And I'm also concerned that there may be legal repercussions involved with printing or even owning whatever sort of crazy shit you wrote about. I know that 99% of the two books is probably good-hearted fiction, but there is that 1% that a publisher or the court system could find worrying?
I'll go over the legal issues and I'll state that there is good US Supreme Court case law for everything I say here and I can find the citations for anything I mention here.
There are only three types of works that could be banned in the US and the first two don't apply: endangering national security (the example is publishing secrets) and the second is "imminent lawless action" (libel, selling uour own tax protester schmes or illegal rax shelters, or (possibly) criminal how-to manuals on murder and maybe not even then.)
The third class of works that can be banned are obscene materials. The rules on that are clear: the work "as a whole, based on contemporary community values, lack any literature, educational or scientific value."
* for a work to be banned the party wanting it banned must either sue the book itself or the distributor.
* Individual possession of onscene material that is not child pornography is not a crime.
* Material simulating child porn is not illegal; only that involving an actual child is.
So: (1) there are no images at all in this book, thus the only wayy anyone could argue either book is objectionable is to
read all of it, then claim the entire work is sexuallty explicit material with no other value.
(2) A 320- or 760-page book about one long gang bang might be obscene; one containing maybe 10^ or less that is explicit clearly isn't. (3) Even if it was obscene it's not illegal to own it; and (4) for it to actually be obscene, a court has to decide.