by Tdarcos » Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:20 pm
You know, you violated WWTD: "What Would TDarcos Do," then do the opposite. Being a dick is something I would do.
This reminds me o something one of my associates told me about 25 years ago. Federal law prohibits making annoying or obscene phone calls, meaning if you use nasty, dirty or obscene language and it upsets the oher party, it can be punished by fines, disconnection of phone service, or potenially jail time. However, this only applies to the party placing the call; the recipient can be "As Nasty as They Wanna Be."
So he had stopped paying all nonessential bills and whenever bill collectors called him, he'd say insulting, often gross comments. One was so bad i'd never have used it myself, but I thought it was hilarious. If a bill collector got extra rude, he claimed he'd say, "I don't care how nicely you ask me, I'm not going to let you suck my dick."
You know, you violated WWTD: "What Would TDarcos Do," then do the opposite. Being a dick is something I would do.
This reminds me o something one of my associates told me about 25 years ago. Federal law prohibits making annoying or obscene phone calls, meaning if you use nasty, dirty or obscene language and it upsets the oher party, it can be punished by fines, disconnection of phone service, or potenially jail time. [i]However[/i], this only applies to the party [i]placing[/i] the call; the recipient can be "As Nasty as They Wanna Be."
So he had stopped paying all nonessential bills and whenever bill collectors called him, he'd say insulting, often gross comments. One was so bad i'd never have used it myself, but I thought it was hilarious. If a bill collector got extra rude, he claimed he'd say, "I don't care how nicely you ask me, I'm not going to let you suck my dick."