Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

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Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

Post by pinback »



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Today, 2:50:33 PM
frapuchino001: Hi
pinback99: Hey there!
frapuchino001: Can you unban me please
frapuchino001: I didn’t do anything wrong
pinback99: From coach?
frapuchino001: Yes
frapuchino001: Can you unban me
frapuchino001: Can you
pinback99: I'm asking.
pinback99: But probably not.
frapuchino001: Why do you need to ask
pinback99: Apparently everyone hates you like poison.
pinback99: What are you up to?
frapuchino001: Why
frapuchino001: I was just asking questions
pinback99: I feel like you're not being fully honest with me here.
frapuchino001: I got banned for asking a lot of questions
pinback99: What kinda questions are you getting banned for?
frapuchino001: I was just asking his rating a lot of times
frapuchino001: Because he didn’t answer me even when I asked once
frapuchino001: Can you unban me please
frapuchino001: I promise I will be good
pinback99: No chance.
frapuchino001: Why
frapuchino001: What did I do wrong
pinback99: Because nobody can stand you. Grow up and get a life.
frapuchino001: I didn’t do anything wrong
pinback99: Grow up and get a life. Immediately.
frapuchino001: What does it mean no one can stand me
frapuchino001: I grew up and got a life
frapuchino001: Why do they hate me
pinback99: You're annoying, and need to get off the computer. You suck, and everyone hates you.
pinback99: You're ANNOYING.
pinback99: This conversation is ANNOYING.
pinback99: Are you 12 years old, or less than 12?
frapuchino001: Last time or in chat I was annoying?
frapuchino001: 14
pinback99: Get off the computer. Go get a life. Get outta here.
frapuchino001: Why should people hate me just because I ask a lot of questions?
frapuchino001: I got a life
pinback99: You're being very annoying right now.
pinback99: If I could ban you from this conversation, I would.
frapuchino001: I am just asking you to unban me
frapuchino001: It is not annoying to ask to get unbanned
pinback99: Yes, I hear you. It will never, ever happen.
frapuchino001: Why
pinback99: Don't ask "why" like a goddamn baby.
frapuchino001: Did someone complain to you
pinback99: Is your mom there?
pinback99: Put her on the computer.
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: I need to talk to her immediately.
frapuchino001: What is the problem
pinback99: Dad? Is Dad there? Gethim on here.
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: They abandoned you too, because of how annoying you are?
pinback99: I understand.
pinback99: Tell them I understand.
frapuchino001: What annoying things did I do
pinback99: Have a great day.
frapuchino001: I am sorry
pinback99: Agreed.
frapuchino001: Is it always horrible to ask a lot of questions?
pinback99: Have a great day.
frapuchino001: Please be nice to me
pinback99: I still want to talk to your mom, what's her phone number?
pinback99: What's her number?
frapuchino001: Why do you need to talk to her
pinback99: Is it annoying to keep asking?
pinback99: Why is it annoying to want your mom's phone number?
pinback99: Can I have the number please
pinback99: Why can't I have your mom's phone number
frapuchino001: I will not give you
pinback99: I just want to know why
pinback99: Why not
pinback99: Can I just have the number please
frapuchino001: I don’t want she to know what I do
pinback99: I need to talk to her though
pinback99: Can I have her number
frapuchino001: I will not let you
pinback99: Why not
pinback99: Please give me the number
frapuchino001: Because I don’t want to
frapuchino001: I am afraid
pinback99: Can I have the number please
pinback99: I will be good I promise, just give me your mom's phone number and address
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: do you have any pics of her you can send me
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: can I see your mom
frapuchino001: Stop asking the same questions
pinback99: give me her number maybe she will send me pics
pinback99: why is that annoying
pinback99: i just want your mom's phone number, address, and pictures.
frapuchino001: Because it is annoying to ask the same questions
pinback99: i'm sorry okay but can I have her number
pinback99: (and pictures)
frapuchino001: No
pinback99: (and address and social security number)
pinback99: why
frapuchino001: I didn’t do anything wrong
pinback99: give me her number immediately
frapuchino001: Stop asking why
pinback99: i will report you to twitch if you do not give me your mother's phone number, address, SSN, maiden name, and favorite ice cream flavor
pinback99: why
frapuchino001: Why do you need to talk to her
pinback99: i think I left my wallet in her bedroom last night and want to know when I can come pick it up
pinback99: Also to tell her that her son is a fucking retard.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Re: Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

Post by Tdarcos »

You know, you violated WWTD: "What Would TDarcos Do," then do the opposite. Being a dick is something I would do.

This reminds me o something one of my associates told me about 25 years ago. Federal law prohibits making annoying or obscene phone calls, meaning if you use nasty, dirty or obscene language and it upsets the oher party, it can be punished by fines, disconnection of phone service, or potenially jail time. However, this only applies to the party placing the call; the recipient can be "As Nasty as They Wanna Be."

So he had stopped paying all nonessential bills and whenever bill collectors called him, he'd say insulting, often gross comments. One was so bad i'd never have used it myself, but I thought it was hilarious. If a bill collector got extra rude, he claimed he'd say, "I don't care how nicely you ask me, I'm not going to let you suck my dick."
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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Re: Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

Post by AArdvark »

Lookit Pinback messing with kids' minds. Gotta hand it to you, conversations like that would make me drink draino in an hour.


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Re: Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

Post by Billy Mays »

Tdarcos wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:20 pmYou know, you violated WWTD: "What Would TDarcos Do," then do the opposite.
Wouldn't that make it WWTDTDTO?

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Re: Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

Post by RealNC »

You irreversibly traumatized that kid. If he (or she?) grows up to be a serial killer, or drown the kids in the bathtub, it's on you.

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Re: Being a Twitch moderator is hard work

Post by ChainGangGuy »

Poor alabaster.

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