Flack wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:53 pm
I found a list of the top 15 Lynx games
Ehhhh I don't really agree with this list. Where is Todd's Adventures in Slime World? That was definitely one of the best games on this system. Besides being weird and fun to play, the colors just popped awesome on the Lynx display.
Stun Runner I can see being in the top 3 because the Atari Lynx was the only system that had a proper port of this game. Shit, for many early years of MAME we didn't even have computers that would run this game without lag and crackly audio.
I dunno who the hell would attempt to play Lemmings on a Lynx.
Shadow of the Beast on Lynx.. hahah why? Looks and plays bad. Only platform to play this on should be the Amiga.. runner up would be Sega Genesis/Megadrive.
Xenephobe the 7800 version is my favorite home port.. but it's solid on Lynx too. Better than the NES version for sure.
For some reason I didn't know Robotron was even on Lynx so I can't speak to that version.
California Games was often featured in advertisements for the Lynx for good reason.. it's easily one of the best versions of this game!
I never owned an actual Lynx, only tried a demo somewhere back in the day and played the games a lot via emulators. I did own a NEC Turbo Express which imo was farrrr superior to Lynx, but it was stolen over 20 years ago. Lynx was and still is an excellent handheld. I'm trying to recall what other games you play vertically as well as horizontally such as Gauntlet III but it's not coming to me atm.