Flack wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:28 am
01. How long has this been planned?
Two months, but the grotesque morphing of my body has been there for over a decade.
02. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy high tops?
In fact no! I had a $10 co-pay and that's it! If I can get British Knights for $9.99 then yes.
03. Any chance of jumping right to amputation to show solidarity with Paul?
Well if they did not get the "root" of it then yes, in 10 years just lop the goddamn leg off.
04. Is this actually cankle surgery?
I have distinct "body zones" that I keep in a spreadsheet.
05. Will you be getting knocked out? Any fear of the doctor touching you inappropriately during the procedure? Any fear that he won't?
I thought they would numb the entire leg, but you gotta give it to modern medicine, they can numb just the centimeter of area where the problem was. I turned away, got the numbing injection, then smelled burning as he got rid of the growth and then that was it. I walked out like it wasn't no thang.
MODERN MEDICINE! And they got rid of rinderpest too? Amazing!