by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:35 pm
I've been talking about this in threads, but this is the first time I have had a chance to play it on real hardware.
For those not in the know, Nox Archaist is an Apple ][ game developed independently by Apple ][ homebrew game enthusiasts. You can get it on
Steam. You can get it on Or their own
store. It is very much like Ultima III, IV, V or VI. I didn't stop enjoying that style of game, the game industry stopped making them. So I am delighted that a game like Nox exists in today's world (I think it was released in 2021).
I have gone all in, I have a shirt and the printed manual and the book of hints. I am at the point in my life where I can't waste time figuring out where to go next, so I use the book of hints for some direction on what to do. All the quests I had active on my save game (the same file I saved on Steam works on the Apple) were too high level for me, so I beat up some trash mobs, cursing when I did not get gold for my efforts. Ya gotta give gold!
I will start tomorrow with a picture of my setup because I feel people may enjoy seeing it.
I've been talking about this in threads, but this is the first time I have had a chance to play it on real hardware.
For those not in the know, Nox Archaist is an Apple ][ game developed independently by Apple ][ homebrew game enthusiasts. You can get it on [url=]Steam[/url]. You can get it on [url=][/url]. Or their own [url=]store[/url]. It is very much like Ultima III, IV, V or VI. I didn't stop enjoying that style of game, the game industry stopped making them. So I am delighted that a game like Nox exists in today's world (I think it was released in 2021).
I have gone all in, I have a shirt and the printed manual and the book of hints. I am at the point in my life where I can't waste time figuring out where to go next, so I use the book of hints for some direction on what to do. All the quests I had active on my save game (the same file I saved on Steam works on the Apple) were too high level for me, so I beat up some trash mobs, cursing when I did not get gold for my efforts. Ya gotta give gold!
I will start tomorrow with a picture of my setup because I feel people may enjoy seeing it.