by Tdarcos » Sat Sep 02, 2023 5:47 pm
pinback wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:18 pm
I did those all tonight, and you desperately want this in yo mouf.
No, señor, no quiero que eso se acerque a un orificio de mi cuerpo, y mucho menos al agujero de mi tarta. ¿Dices que no debes ser hiriente, pero muestras una tontería literal y esperas que crea que es comestible?
Oh hell, it keeps coming out wrong. Let's try again:
No sir, I don't want that anywhere near any orifice in my body, much less in my pie hole. You're saying I shouldn't be hurtful, but you show literal crap and hope people thinks it's edible?
Fried pork dough my ass! More like fried pork
shit. You sure you didn't get that plate of food from Walmart?
[quote=pinback post_id=139273 time=1693347516 user_id=5]
I did those all tonight, and you desperately want this in yo mouf.
No, señor, no quiero que eso se acerque a un orificio de mi cuerpo, y mucho menos al agujero de mi tarta. ¿Dices que no debes ser hiriente, pero muestras una tontería literal y esperas que crea que es comestible?
Oh hell, it keeps coming out wrong. Let's try again:
No sir, I don't want that anywhere near any orifice in my body, much less in my pie hole. You're saying I shouldn't be hurtful, but you show literal crap and hope people thinks it's edible?
Fried pork dough my ass! More like fried pork [i]shit[/i]. You sure you didn't get that plate of food from Walmart?