by AArdvark » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:24 pm
I've heard things. There's highway road signs telling us to expect severe delays and people telling me their pets will go crazy. I'm rolling my eyes. Maybe the sky will fall, turkey lurkey. Get a grip. It's a cool phenomenon certainly, but not earth shattering. It' s about 8 minutes long or something. I understand closing stores and even WEGMANS! because Danny wants people to see it because it's a once in a lifetime thing, but come ON!
I remember in 8th grade earth science, my teacher said a little knowledge was a dangerous thing. He said his mom wouldn't let him go outside during a partial eclipse because he'd go blind. The fuck!
I've heard things. There's highway road signs telling us to expect severe delays and people telling me their pets will go crazy. I'm rolling my eyes. Maybe the sky will fall, turkey lurkey. Get a grip. It's a cool phenomenon certainly, but not earth shattering. It' s about 8 minutes long or something. I understand closing stores and even WEGMANS! because Danny wants people to see it because it's a once in a lifetime thing, but come ON!
I remember in 8th grade earth science, my teacher said a little knowledge was a dangerous thing. He said his mom wouldn't let him go outside during a partial eclipse because he'd go blind. The fuck!