The Scrabble Files

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by Vitriola » Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:55 pm

I do not know, but since there was a copy of it in my house, it might so have passed. I'm sure you're just too traumatized and shell-shocked to permit the monstrosity that was my decimation of your paltry words to enter your conscious mind.

by itgirl » Mon Jan 19, 2004 9:43 pm

Wait, I just realized...did I play Scrabble with you, Vitriola? I think it was "I'm going to kill myself by stabbing myself repeatedly with a plastic spork during lunch because I heard a rumor that Jon Bon Jovi had AIDS" chick.

by gsdgsd » Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:47 pm

bruce wrote:
gsdgsd wrote:Actually, things may be looking up. Yay Atlanta!
We should go get a drink after work some day.
Well, since I get off work at 7:30 a.m., it's not totally socially acceptable (especially now that they've closed down the all-night clubs here).

But I'll PM you my contact info. I've got a week and a half off coming up as I turn 31. We shall drink.

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:14 pm

bruce wrote:Well shit. I guess I didn't actually have to be on my good behavior with Itgirl (uh, is that "I.T. Girl", or, uh, "it girl" ?) on the phone, did I?

I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?

I just thought there was a bit of, "Uh...ummm...who the fuck is this chick calling me...." awkwardness, and I was at work and it's hard to talk when a) I work at a Federal government building and b) I'm the boss and therefore have to pretend I am a respectable human being. Plus I had just had a call from my cousin about my father being in the hospital and my mother was emailing me about why the cursor on her laptop doesn't work, so I was a bit distracted, sorry.

It's it girl, as in Clara "I fucked Gary Cooper and the entire USC football team including John Wayne" Bow. I dig slutty flappers. But everyone changes it to I.T. girl because of me being a sysadmin and dba.

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:07 pm

Vitriola wrote:Venita Columb was the other
Ewww, I think my brother had a piece of that.

"EJ slept with Randee? His dick's gonna fall off! His dick's gonna fall off!"

by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:58 pm

bruce wrote:I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?
YOU BE NICE. She gets enough crude suggestion when I'M around.

by Sr Alec Harper the LARPer » Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:36 pm

bruce wrote:I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?
roll -12 to CHARSIMA !!!

by bruce » Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:28 pm

Well shit. I guess I didn't actually have to be on my good behavior with Itgirl (uh, is that "I.T. Girl", or, uh, "it girl" ?) on the phone, did I?

I'm not actually as boring in real life as I was on the phone. Well, actually, I <i>am</i> but I'm boring in a crudely suggestive way. Vitriola can back me up on this. Right?


by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:30 pm

Dana Blair was one year, Venita Columb was the other, and I think she was friends with M.C. Butch.

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:28 pm

I thought that was Dana "I like to spread my legs for the Navy guys and call Dayna a cunt" Blair?

by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:11 pm

Mikey Callahan. Yeah, she was friends with the girls who tried to kick my ass in gym that one day.

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:10 pm

Vitriola wrote:If you looked at his albums, you'd never know he had a daughter.
Aside from once a month bowling escapades, was there anything else to indicate he had a daughter? I mean, one might think it based on the sheer volume of Care Bear crap in the Monet Water Lilies house (said house turned into a great mob site in a MUD some years back, BTW). But in the end, it was only a collection by a sad, pathetic obsessive compulsive freak who recorded Jeopardy! every night (to which even the Megacunt, I recall, said, "They tape Jeopardy!? That's pathetic.").

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:05 pm

Didn't Ryan marry a Mennonite and leave Mickey? Thus the end of another fantastic show whoch obtained the title from a horror movie and yet had nothing whatsoever to do with a slasher in a hockey mask.

Mikey. Mikey and Ryan. Yeah she had a butch haircut, played cello, I had to stand behind her when I played bass. She used to play "The Rainbow Connection" in the middle of a Mozart piece just to see of the bitch director even knew she was doing it. Caldwell? or was that our name for Conrad?

by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:55 pm


Mickey and Ryan? Are you implying that the twins were incestuous, or do you just have a sci-fi/horror fetish today? (I loved Mickey and Ryan). I know who you're talking about, tho--- the chick with the butch haircut, right?

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:47 pm

We were never in homeroom together. You were Cr. I was Br. At best my homeroom stopped with those weird fraternal twins, Mickey and Ryan. Fuck this memory loss shit. What was their last name?

by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:41 pm

I remember wearing pink jeans and a turquoise/aqua sweater over it. With a scarf in my hair. Seriously. How did you ever let me go to homeroom looking that way?

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:38 pm

Few years off, there. The PIP party you and I were in 8th grade. DD didn't even come out until we were in 9th grade (hence a weekend of viewing at Blue Light Special's house). Think her DD party was in 10th grade (The Let Me Ruin Dayna's Birthday Party By Playing Her Clarinet All Night Long To Show I Can Play So Much Better Than She Can Queen's 9th grade). I was not invited. I had already proven myself to be in orchestra and chorus and therefore, Not In Band.

by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:35 pm

I didn't like Surfer Rosa or Doolittle, but when you played Trompe le Monde, I went out and bought it. You forgot that Miss One Time At Band Camp I Made My Clarinet Fellate My Saxophone also played Dirty Dancing at her party. THAT had another suggestive scene, that we were supposed to identify at the end of the party for a party favor when she played the song and asked 'What were they doing in the movie to this song?' and like everybody knew what it was, but everybody's Mommy was there and they couldn't say anything, so I pre-empted Butt-Head by like 4 years by clarifying that 'they were like, doing it, and stuff'.

by itgirl » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:29 pm

Vitriola wrote:Nonono, I lost the glasses in May, thought I left them in the band room, and Little Miss I Saw My Daddy Be Mean To My Mommy So I Told Everybody From 8th Grade On That I Was In Danger Of Having The Same Relationship So I Purposely Found The Most Arrogant Eastman Music Guy I Could And Let Him Hit Me So People Would Feel Sorry For Me said she'd look for them, and couldn't find them. So I said nothing about it because it was summer, but found them the first day of band next school year right where I told her they'd be.
I often thought she secretly wanted to be with Le Fakkir, but couldn't figure out how to nab him. She saw her daddy be mean to her mommy? My clearest recollection of her is at her stupid "Pretty in Pink" birthday party where one girl's mom told another's mom (I guess they couldn't let their precioussssssss go to a party alone) that the movie "only had one suggestive scene in it" and then when Ducky gets thrown in the girl's bathroom and comments about the tampon machine, the mother said, "that was the suggestive part." SUGGESTIVE? I know a tampon gets shoved up your pussy as well as a cock but I never thought of it as a sexual occurrence. Odd, I still don't. Cock up my pussy, now THERE's something suggestive. Cock up my ass, ditto. Tongue in my pussy? Yes. A wad of cotton attached to a string? Still not feeling moist.
I didn't get new glasss for another 10 years. At which point I immediately dropped the new, trendy, stylish pair into a river in Costa Rica. And had to wear the 13 year old pair. Until last year. Until some Mexican kid stole them out of my truck. Along with my Ancient Rites, Pixies, Fracture, and N-17 cds.
You hated the Pixies. You MOCKED me for having the Pixies. Poseur.

by Vitriola » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:25 pm

Sorry, I'm going this one alone.
