The Scrabble Files

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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The Scrabble Files

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

In this thread, we talk about:


I will begin with Scrabble.

It's the ultimate test of one's intellect! And luck. Okay, maybe penultimate. I guess "Chess" would be first or something. And maybe "Circle of Death." But! I am getting away from myself.

Luckily, we live in a digital age, so I am able to take free photographs of every completed game board. So far I am down to Vitriola 2 games to 1.

Here's a quick "Vitriola and Jonsey Gaming FAQ":

Code: Select all

Q: So, Vitriola basically defeats ICJ in everything those two compete in?

Q: Whoa! No need to get personal. I am asking a [i]question[/i], you are providing an "answer." We are impartial -- 

Q: Pinback did this better. 
So, I have pictures. Will place them up, with "Deleted Scene" commentary.

In the meantime... what strategies out there ensure higher Scrabble scores?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

You won at bowling, tied until the last game. You won at Centipede that one time I gave myself a 2-life handicap. You handed me my ass at the circus game.

'Goldfish smile 'cuz they don't have a clue that they'll be eaten'

You had the best scrabble strategy I've ever seen. Throw down a bunch of letters. When asked, claim ignorance of whether or not they make an actual word, cock an eyebrow, and exclaim 'Are you CHALLENGING me???' Upon confirmation, type some word like 'quin' into, pull 36 points out of your ass.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Vitriola wrote:You handed me my ass at the circus game.
Circus Atari!!? This isn't going to go well for me. Kinda hoping that of all things wouldn't "get out." I just really hate those frigging white, pixely clowns.

Upon confirmation, type some word like 'quin' into, pull 36 points out of your ass.
Yeah, kind of sucks. Any dictionary that wants you to register for "extra" definitions isn't in it for the words any longer. It's all about the WORDS, man.

It's so commercial, now.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It's the ultimate test of one's intellect! And luck. Okay, maybe penultimate. I guess "Chess" would be first or something.
Hi! I just explained that I did.

"Scrabble is the ultimate test of one's intellect!"
"Wait, maybe it's the penultimate test."
"For what it's worth, chess would be the ultimate."
"Thus making Scrabble penultimate."
"Or something."

Next time I write "CHOKE ON A COCK" try to correct me on that as well, cock-choker.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

In this case, ultimate is an antagonym, meaning, it has opposite meanings. You want to use it with regards to chess as being first or best, but penultimate and ultimate also mean second to last and last, respectively. So, ultimate can mean first and last. Thus, antagonym. Try and not embarass me like this, ok?


Post by Vitriola »

(This is where you make up names for me and tell me where to do humiliating things to my body and soul.)

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Vitriola wrote:In this case, ultimate is an antagonym, meaning, it has opposite meanings. You want to use it with regards to chess as being first or best, but penultimate and ultimate also mean second to last and last, respectively. So, ultimate can mean first and last. Thus, antagonym. Try and not embarass me like this, ok?
How is that any different from what I said?
(This is where you make up names for me and tell me where to do humiliating things to my body and soul.)
How is that different from what I said, groanlord? The first thought expressed in my post was that Scrabble was the last, final, "ultimate" test of one's intellect. I then did a faux "oohhhhh wait!!!" and said that Chess was probably the last, final, "ultimate" test of one's intellect, thus moving Scrabble down a notch. Making it next to last. Or penultimate.

How is what I wrote even remotely incorrect?

I claim that it is not. I demand/claim the following:

1) I was right, in every post in this thread.

2) Agreeing with the guy who said that key lime pie tastes worse the further you get from the Florida keys ought to be cause for pause

3) You to take a ruler, hold it up to a mirror, write "JONES IS RIGHT, RIGHT IS JONES" in reverse with a Sharpie and then paddle yourself with it until the letters come off and affix themselves permanently to your bottom. Slowly.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Vitriola »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
It's the ultimate test of one's intellect! And luck. Okay, maybe penultimate. I guess "Chess" would be first or something.
Hi! I just explained that I did.

"Scrabble is the ultimate test of one's intellect!"
"Wait, maybe it's the penultimate test."
"For what it's worth, chess would be the ultimate."
"Thus making Scrabble penultimate."
"Or something."
Ok, this works if you meant that Chess would be FIRST of the LAST.

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Post by bruce »

Vitriola wrote:(This is where you make up names for me and tell me where to do humiliating things to my body and soul.)
Yo, gravyneck, I think Atlanta is that place. I'll buy you a San Francisco Wrap after I give you a Bruce Wrap.



Post by Vitriola »

I was once told that for singles, Atlanta was a place to fall in love. Granted, this was back in the boom, when everybody from Albany to Miami was flocking there for outrageously paid consulting jobs, but alot of people I knew did in fact meet their match there. You being one of those love-the-one-you're-with (and-take-pictures-for-my-wife) types, you should really have no problems, if you were so inclined to look.

Then again, Greg has other opinions on the harvest of the south.

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Post by gsdgsd »

Vitriola wrote:Then again, Greg has other opinions on the harvest of the south.
Actually, things may be looking up. Yay Atlanta!

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Post by bruce »

gsdgsd wrote:Actually, things may be looking up. Yay Atlanta!
We should go get a drink after work some day.


Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

The point is, "ultimate" and "penultimate" have NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER in the context you're using. You're saying that something is the "ultimate test." Clearly, that means that you using this definition:
1. Of the greatest possible size or significance; maximum: Has the ultimate diamond been found?
2. Representing or exhibiting the greatest possible development or sophistication: the ultimate bicycle.
3. Utmost; extreme: the ultimate insult.

Penultimate has no definition other than "next to last" - it cannot mean "the greatest, except for one."

You cannot with a straight face claim that you were saying that something is the "last" test of intellect. Intellectual testing is not a straight line with a finish.

As for pie, Key lime pie is named for the Florida Keys, retard. You'll get the best and freshest Key lime pie in the Keys themselves.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:You cannot with a straight face claim that you were saying that something is the "last" test of intellect. Intellectual testing is not a straight line with a finish.
The WHOLE FIRST POST IN THE THREAD was basically done up in a joking and joshing manner. None of it was written with a straight face. Sheesh!

o The thread was not about danger, at all, I was only kidding around.

o Circle of Death is mentioned only because the version of it I know is completely removed from intellect.

o The FAQ is supposed to be goofy.


I wasn't kidding about the board photos, though. Gotta upload those and post them. Many exciting words come into play!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by itgirl »

Vitriola wrote:You won at bowling, tied until the last game.
Oh come on, the only person you beat at bowling is me, unless you count the time when you ran out the door with the stolen bowling shoes whilst I kept playing, thereby getting in an extra frame and beating you by one point/pin. I even won that bet for a $0.17 check that I would lose to you.

NOBODY sucks at bowling like I do. Admit it.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

itgirl wrote:Oh come on, the only person you beat at bowling is me, unless you count the time when you ran out the door with the stolen bowling shoes whilst I kept playing, thereby getting in an extra frame and beating you by one point/pin. I even won that bet for a $0.17 check that I would lose to you.
Hey!! I know you. Welcome to the BBS!

It's not lost on me that the first story we have from someone who knew Vitriola during the last few years before I came along mentioned her thieving tendencies. What she has lifted from public libraries could just about fit nicely in the Dead Sea. Has she been sort of a kleptomaniac ever since you've known her?

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by itgirl »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: It's not lost on me that the first story we have from someone who knew Vitriola during the last few years before I came along mentioned her thieving tendencies. What she has lifted from public libraries could just about fit nicely in the Dead Sea. Has she been sort of a kleptomaniac ever since you've known her?
We met during eighth grade math, when our teacher threatened to throw me out a window. Even then, she was stealing my pens, pencils, and assorted Bonne Bell lip glosses to sell at street value for money for Expose tapes and sparkly purple and fuschia sweaters.


Post by Vitriola »

What, you wouldn't hit this?


Or, the later version:


And oh hey, thanks for not teling everyone I used to wear the bowling shoes around the ESF/SU campus, you two. Or the watch around my ankle, the Victorias Secret pajamas, or the eyeglasses that took up half my face in the hallowed halls of Saratoga High. Though those little pink boots I had were the SHIZZZZZZZZZZ.
Last edited by Vitriola on Thu Jan 15, 2004 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by dissapointed »

we need some pictures that actually work.

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