Drinking Problem No More!

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by Lysander » Sat Mar 20, 2004 2:33 pm

That's what I voted! Nyah nyah nyaaaah!

by Worm » Sat Mar 20, 2004 11:21 am

pinback wrote:The correct answer was:

"1-2 months."

Thank you for playing.
Damn shame I can't even remember what I voted.

by Vitriola » Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:11 pm

Shiraz in 2K4!

by bruce » Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:07 pm

Drive-By Truckers wrote: I know the bottle ain't to blame and I ain't trying to.
'Cause it don't make you do a thing, it just lets you.
When I'm six feet underground I'll still need a drink or two
And I'll sure miss you.

by gsdgsd » Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:03 pm

pinback wrote:My one and only true friend.
Can we have the drinking base back now?

by bruce » Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:43 pm

pinback wrote:My one and only true friend.
Lover, mother, and father confessor all in one.


by pinback » Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:33 pm

My one and only true friend.

by bruce » Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:17 pm

Who loves you, baby?

The <i>bottle</i> loves you.


by Jack Straw » Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:15 pm

Welcome back, Ben.

by pinback » Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:30 pm

The correct answer was:

"1-2 months."

Thank you for playing.

by pinback » Sat Mar 13, 2004 11:12 am

Three weeks to the day, bitches! Still goin' strong!

Any side-effects from withdrawal? Well, I'd tell you I have the shakes pretty bad, but I think that's from the three pots of coffee I drink every day now!!1!3rreojeofjk

by Worm » Sat Mar 06, 2004 5:17 pm

Well, don't let the fact that three people believe in you discourage you.

by Dry Pinback » Sat Mar 06, 2004 5:13 pm

Tonight marks two weeks, dry as a barren desert plain.

According to the poll, this means that FIVE of you are about 2.5 weeks from being WRONG.

by Jack Straw » Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:09 am

Not with $2, buddy.

by Casual Observer » Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:25 am

Jack Straw wrote: 40 of OE on the way home.
Sounded like good fun until that part. Come on, Old English is nasty, surely you could have done better than that.

by Jack Straw » Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:33 am

Hey guys! I'm not driving!!

Heh, except for that little detail you guys are fucking hilarious.

by Worm » Fri Feb 27, 2004 5:09 am

Yeah! Aim for some fucking kids well you're at it. They dont deserve to walk or even live.

by pinback » Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:03 pm

Hey Jack! How about a quick spin around the neighborhood!

by Jack Straw » Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:57 pm


(Pin: I've got a link to a GREAT DXM extraction from cough syrup if you want it. Almost as fun as fungus!! OK, not really.)

Well, I have also taken a small break from drinking also. A break, although not of my own accord. Work, school, kid, car, bullshit I deal with daily has been stacking up not allowing me to pay proper attention to the nectar of the gods. Although today, in the midst of a school function, the beer god has spoken and renewed his vows to me.

It started out innocently enough. I walked into Geva Theatre about 10 minutes fashionably late. I was informed that "Death of a Salesman" had already started and I would need to wait for the first break in the action. Luckily, my ""college" professor" (MCC) was also late so I got to shoot the shit with my fine Latina honey of a "professor" hobag.
30 minutes later, a snoring girl next to me and a fired up Game Boy Advance(c) with Metroid Zero Mission(c) (legally backed up), the lights came on and cultured fucks were clapping.

And then, the discovery.

Rohrbach's. On tap. $3.00.
The bartender(do you call em bartenders when they're in the cafe of a nice theater?) wasn't paying me much mind in my Adidas (alldyIdreamaboutsex)hoodie so when I finally got her attention I ordered 2. When I was finished with (slamming) them the intermission was not over. So I ordered another pair. When those were done and the masses still had not filed back into the theater I decided to slow down and order just one of my hoppy lovely friend. Halfway through it the "bell" rung to signify that the second act was beginning. I ran up in that bitch all hyped up like it was the last period of a Detroit game and I was about to throw an octopus. The bouncer-er I mean usher-said that I couldn't bring the drink in. No matter, I slammed it and handed the empty cup to the old man. This looked like a replay from JCSS Strip Club fallacy `03. Except replace some lazy big-titty shot girl with an old feeble Geva usher.
Fast forward to Straw nearly emptying his wallet after the play listening to mediocre live guitar music and grabbing a 40 of OE on the way home.

And almost finish it typing this message.
Jack Straw
(This is aa.org right? oh shit

by pinback » Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:25 pm

No, I haven't gone back to the bottle.

However, let's just say that, lately? I've been putting the BEN in Benadryl!! wwwoooeeoffdd
