by brooksy » Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:40 pm
I'll start with a Sonnet.
Into the Golden State did stride an Easterner named Ben.
A golfer he, and coder too, he made no golfer pals.
The coders shunned him just as much as geeky coders can.
But what urked Pinback more than that was striking out with gals.
He bought a synthesizer and he moved out to the beach.
He rode his bike to Malibu, to Venice and to Watts.
His goal of scoring with the girls was somewhat out of reach.
He chalked it up one day like this, "Hey, man-- who needs them twats?"
He had a fling or two, at last, and then, picked up and moved.
He drove around this great big land, until his luck ran low.
He drove with Parliament a blarin' as he whitely grooved.
He drove until he hit a place where losers always go.
The place had harbored Robin Williams when his name was Mork.
And Pamela, that Dawber girl, when Mork she then did pork.
Lame. Fine. But at least it was a sonnet. Haikus are so 2003.
I'll start with a Sonnet.
Into the Golden State did stride an Easterner named Ben.
A golfer he, and coder too, he made no golfer pals.
The coders shunned him just as much as geeky coders can.
But what urked Pinback more than that was striking out with gals.
He bought a synthesizer and he moved out to the beach.
He rode his bike to Malibu, to Venice and to Watts.
His goal of scoring with the girls was somewhat out of reach.
He chalked it up one day like this, "Hey, man-- who needs them twats?"
He had a fling or two, at last, and then, picked up and moved.
He drove around this great big land, until his luck ran low.
He drove with Parliament a blarin' as he whitely grooved.
He drove until he hit a place where losers always go.
The place had harbored Robin Williams when his name was Mork.
And Pamela, that Dawber girl, when Mork she then did pork.
Lame. Fine. But at least it was a sonnet. Haikus are so 2003.