Bacon and Gravy Slip'n'Slide

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Bacon and Gravy Slip'n'Slide

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:26 pm

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, you got to admit that the death threat left a little to the imagination, didn't it? Especially since you didn't particularly like the game you were going to kill yourself over.
I don't remember this. What "game"? Don't make me go back and read my own material. I hate that.
You were going to kill yourself if the computer entertainment product NECROTIC DRIFT (copies still available!) was not released on a certain date.

It wasn't! You stopped posting for a while. We sort of "went" with your on-line (well, off-line) suicide, but that didn't last for very long because this board IS LIKE THE FUCKING HOOK AND THE FUCKING HOOK BRINGS YOU BACK!!!!

by panama rip » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:27 pm

Heh. you posted at 4:20. Smoke em if you've got em.

by pinback » Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:20 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, you got to admit that the death threat left a little to the imagination, didn't it? Especially since you didn't particularly like the game you were going to kill yourself over.
I don't remember this. What "game"? Don't make me go back and read my own material. I hate that.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:46 pm

pinback wrote:
Reality Check wrote:
Apparently, Ben prefers to sit alone in his apartment without *ANY* human contact. How's the self help working for you?

I imagine it's another false promise like his supposed "death" threat.
That's it. I'm outta here.

Consider this BBS KILLFILED.
Well, you got to admit that the death threat left a little to the imagination, didn't it? Especially since you didn't particularly like the game you were going to kill yourself over.

by k. roo » Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:30 pm

pinback wrote:That's it. I'm outta here.

Consider this BBS KILLFILED.
Took you long enough.

(And yeah, nothing personal, mhuiraich, I'm just an old fart.)

by pinback » Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:22 pm

Reality Check wrote:
Apparently, Ben prefers to sit alone in his apartment without *ANY* human contact. How's the self help working for you?

I imagine it's another false promise like his supposed "death" threat.
That's it. I'm outta here.

Consider this BBS KILLFILED.

by pinback » Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:21 pm

Oh. Yeah, okay. Well then, YEAH. Right on, Jonsey! You tell 'em!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:22 pm

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Caltrops is really the better place for dishing out abuse on the newbies. Here, it's more about "family."
K. Roo joined up TWO YEARS AGO tomorrow. If you're giving me shit about dishing out much-deserved abuse on him, then just cool it with the "newbie" talk, or I'm LEAVING THIS BBS AND NEVER COMING BACK.
No, I meant k.roo towards the new guy.

by Reality Check » Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:19 pm

Apparently, Ben prefers to sit alone in his apartment without *ANY* human contact. How's the self help working for you?

I imagine it's another false promise like his supposed "death" threat.

by pinback » Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:12 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Caltrops is really the better place for dishing out abuse on the newbies. Here, it's more about "family."
K. Roo joined up TWO YEARS AGO tomorrow. If you're giving me shit about dishing out much-deserved abuse on him, then just cool it with the "newbie" talk, or I'm LEAVING THIS BBS AND NEVER COMING BACK.

by k. roo » Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:04 am

pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Essentially, I feel completely unwelcome. I wrote a big bit of a message about it, but then had a error in submission. Basic impression of: the house is full so find somewhere else. IE, a certain comfortable egocentricity. Albeit, I'm here to talk about life in general -- perhaps my mistake was to not log on for something like a year, bad thus karma and all.

Finding an argumentative realm of discussion is easy.. seems here you have a nice antagonistic angry but yet fairly rational bit of talk. (at times) which can be beautiful... but most of the time, it isn't really.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:26 am

pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Caltrops is really the better place for dishing out abuse on the newbies. Here, it's more about "family."

by pinback » Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:20 am

Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.

Re: a sweetheart

by Lysander » Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:08 am

k. roo wrote:This is supposed to be funny?
This is supposed to be funny?

Re: a sweetheart

by k. roo » Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:35 am

mhuiraich wrote:etc,

you're a sweet deity, with as good a heart as any on your green earth and forsaken bloody planet. I hail you: fuck them all, indeed, jesus(insert alternate bs deity here). Let our children devour each other like saturn amongst his kin. Have at that shit. Don't forget the gravy.

This is supposed to be funny?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:07 pm

I think mhuiraich is insinuating that it's up to those of us who made this place worth going to in the first place to keep this place worth going to.

I'm distracted by about a million different things. I wish I could have a month to get to them all and crank it all out. I feel thin, Pinner. Like too much butter scraped over too much bread.

Ah, fuck it. Somebody's gotta make this place relevant again.

by pinback » Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:33 pm

The fuck?

a sweetheart

by mhuiraich » Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:16 pm


you're a sweet deity, with as good a heart as any on your green earth and forsaken bloody planet. I hail you: fuck them all, indeed, jesus(insert alternate bs deity here). Let our children devour each other like saturn amongst his kin. Have at that shit. Don't forget the gravy.


by pinback » Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:48 pm

I should echo Jonsey's sentiment that this is the low point of this BBS's history. Nobody (including myself) who used to be funny is being funny. People who aren't funny are posting with aplomb.

Jonsey is continually distracted.

I'm not drinking (as much) anymore.

These are dark, dark days, my friends.

by Roody_Yogurt » Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:22 pm

Good to hear it, mhuiraich.
