Bacon and Gravy Slip'n'Slide

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Bacon and Gravy Slip'n'Slide

Post by mhuiraich »


Essentially, I feel completely unwelcome. I wrote a big bit of a message about it, but then had a error in submission. Basic impression of: the house is full so find somewhere else. IE, a certain comfortable egocentricity. Albeit, I'm here to talk about life in general -- perhaps my mistake was to ask a technical question as my first, bad thus foremost impressions and all.

Finding an argumentative realm of discussion is easy.. seems here you have a nice antagonistic angry but yet fairly rational bit of talk. (at times) which can be beautiful... but most of the time, it isn't really.


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Post by Worm »

I always just posted regardless of if I was wanted or not. Eventually people either stop pretending they care about where you go on the Internet, or they realize they are caring about where someone goes on the Internet. Oh, and they could always ban you and stay in their wonderfully inbred communities that happens sometimes.
Good point Bobby!

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Re: Bacon and Gravy Slip'n'Slide

Post by Casual Observer »

mhuiraich wrote:Basic impression of: the house is full so find somewhere else.
There are less than ten regular users of this site. It's literally begging for content. I assure you that you are at least more welcome than I am and I still bug people with my drivel. Grow some balls and be nasty if you have to.

Boston CreamPie Strangler

Post by Boston CreamPie Strangler »

Nobody ever wrote me back when I started conversations either, unfortunately.

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Re: Bacon and Gravy Slip'n'Slide

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

mhuiraich wrote:Essentially, I feel completely unwelcome. I wrote a big bit of a message about it, but then had a error in submission. Basic impression of: the house is full so find somewhere else. IE, a certain comfortable egocentricity. Albeit, I'm here to talk about life in general -- perhaps my mistake was to ask a technical question as my first, bad thus foremost impressions and all.
This place is in a lull, a down period, a downswing, whatever the appropriate term is right now, for various reasons. It's usually a lot better than this.

People seem to hang out here for a period of time, drift away, return, drift, so on and so forth. That leads to there being a constantly updated roster of denizens from a greater whole. Right now (and no offense to anyone reading this: I include myself in the category I am about to create) all the funny posters are away, leaving everybody else to sort of wonder what to do with themselves.

I think forums like this are driven by some higher content, and there currently isn't any. I'm exhausted in a professional and hobby sense and in dire need of a vacation to recharge myself, but that's this whole other thing. I'd like to shake things up around here and make it the sort of site that a new person can read for several hours and get a few laughs and then come onto the forum and see the same sort of thing, but the thought of redesigning the rest of this place again has been daunting.

In summary: feel free to start topics or chime in with whatever you'd like to talk about. Presuming you're not in Boston and not a cream pie, there isn't really anyone around who will give you a hard time or anything.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I know this thing is ICJ's baby and all, but luckily (for me), my expectations of this place aren't quite so lofty. Sure, sometimes this place is hilarious (as represented by many of those "Best Of" threads), but for the most part, this place is a pleasant distraction for me and one of only a handful of websites that I check throughout the day so it doesn't really pain my soul all that much when we have an un-funny lull.

I used to feel bad that I didn't contribute to the funny more, but now I've learned to accept that as just fine and just basically appreciate the white noise of discussion provided by both people I consider friends on here and other wacky denizens who I otherwise would not have had the chance to "meet."

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Post by pinback »

Roody_Yogurt wrote:both people I consider friends on here
He met FOUR of us in Vegas, so this means he hates at least TWO of those four.

I think he hates Bruce and Jonsey. That's my guess.

(Unless he meant... nah.)

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Post by bruce »

pinback wrote:I think he hates Bruce and Jonsey. That's my guess.
Yes! Everyone hates <i>me</i>.


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A Chilli Hot Dog with Extra Lard Please

Post by mhuiraich »

I suppose I ought to apologize a bit -- I spent a few weeks reading posts and was taken aback a bit at the relative quietude of the responses when I did post. It can suck to find a community of intelligent people and somehow not be able to break through. I'll take the recommendation, and just post whenever I think I should. I promise I won't mention hookers and aliens in the same sentence though.


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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Good to hear it, mhuiraich.

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Post by pinback »

I should echo Jonsey's sentiment that this is the low point of this BBS's history. Nobody (including myself) who used to be funny is being funny. People who aren't funny are posting with aplomb.

Jonsey is continually distracted.

I'm not drinking (as much) anymore.

These are dark, dark days, my friends.

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a sweetheart

Post by mhuiraich »


you're a sweet deity, with as good a heart as any on your green earth and forsaken bloody planet. I hail you: fuck them all, indeed, jesus(insert alternate bs deity here). Let our children devour each other like saturn amongst his kin. Have at that shit. Don't forget the gravy.


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Post by pinback »

The fuck?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I think mhuiraich is insinuating that it's up to those of us who made this place worth going to in the first place to keep this place worth going to.

I'm distracted by about a million different things. I wish I could have a month to get to them all and crank it all out. I feel thin, Pinner. Like too much butter scraped over too much bread.

Ah, fuck it. Somebody's gotta make this place relevant again.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: a sweetheart

Post by k. roo »

mhuiraich wrote:etc,

you're a sweet deity, with as good a heart as any on your green earth and forsaken bloody planet. I hail you: fuck them all, indeed, jesus(insert alternate bs deity here). Let our children devour each other like saturn amongst his kin. Have at that shit. Don't forget the gravy.

This is supposed to be funny?

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Re: a sweetheart

Post by Lysander »

k. roo wrote:This is supposed to be funny?
This is supposed to be funny?

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Post by pinback »

Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Caltrops is really the better place for dishing out abuse on the newbies. Here, it's more about "family."
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

k. roo
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Post by k. roo »

pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Essentially, I feel completely unwelcome. I wrote a big bit of a message about it, but then had a error in submission. Basic impression of: the house is full so find somewhere else. IE, a certain comfortable egocentricity. Albeit, I'm here to talk about life in general -- perhaps my mistake was to not log on for something like a year, bad thus karma and all.

Finding an argumentative realm of discussion is easy.. seems here you have a nice antagonistic angry but yet fairly rational bit of talk. (at times) which can be beautiful... but most of the time, it isn't really.


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Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:Like, didn't k. roo used to be a reasonably funny/interesting poster at some point? And now look.
Caltrops is really the better place for dishing out abuse on the newbies. Here, it's more about "family."
K. Roo joined up TWO YEARS AGO tomorrow. If you're giving me shit about dishing out much-deserved abuse on him, then just cool it with the "newbie" talk, or I'm LEAVING THIS BBS AND NEVER COMING BACK.

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