by Ex-Reader of Robb's THING » Fri Oct 04, 2002 1:24 pm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:"The Thing" is, therefore, the worst game of all time and it sums up everything wrong with computer entertainment software.
Hooooo boy, here we go again. Maybe I can just save the rest of you a whole heapin' helpin' of time with the following summation of
every video game review Robb has ever written, or ever will write:
"Hi, I'm Robb Sherwin, and even though I understand that 99.99999% of all game players use the standard input methods and are totally happy and comfortable with them,
I REFUSE TO GO ALONG WITH THE NORM (even though as I indicated, it would make much more sense, and be much more comfortable, so I wouldn't have to cram my entire person over to one corner of the desk so far that I have to look at the screen sideways like I'm sitting at one side of the front row of a movie, which is probably why I suck so bad at video games anyway, now that you mention it), and because it doesn't cater to
Oh, you're quite welcome. Hey, no reason all of us should have to waste our time reading these lame-ass reviews.
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]"The Thing" is, therefore, the worst game of all time and it sums up everything wrong with computer entertainment software.[/quote]
Hooooo boy, here we go again. Maybe I can just save the rest of you a whole heapin' helpin' of time with the following summation of [i]every video game review Robb has ever written, or ever will write[/i]:
"Hi, I'm Robb Sherwin, and even though I understand that 99.99999% of all game players use the standard input methods and are totally happy and comfortable with them, [i]I REFUSE TO GO ALONG WITH THE NORM[/i] (even though as I indicated, it would make much more sense, and be much more comfortable, so I wouldn't have to cram my entire person over to one corner of the desk so far that I have to look at the screen sideways like I'm sitting at one side of the front row of a movie, which is probably why I suck so bad at video games anyway, now that you mention it), and because it doesn't cater to [i]MY UNIQUE, RIDICULOUS TASTES[/i], it [b]TOTALLY SUCKS!!!![/b]"
Oh, you're quite welcome. Hey, no reason all of us should have to waste our time reading these lame-ass reviews.