by Robb » Sun Aug 18, 2002 12:18 am
You know, you don't exactly have a roster spot locked up on the flag team as if you were Brett Favre or something there, bud. Actually, I expect that you, Sailer or Fodge will be thrown off the team at some point during Monday's game. The rest of us ought to chip in some money and wager on who it will be. One of the following scenarios will happen:
1) You will say, under direct orders to do otherwise, something -- anything -- to Fodge, resulting in your immediate ban
2) Sailer will say something to a member of the other team, resulting in a 15 yard penalty and his expulsion
3) Fodge will say something to the refs (on defense) resulting in a 15 yard penalty and his getting kicked off the team
You and I both know one of the three is going to happen. The best you can hope for is not to be "that guy;" that the second or third thing happens instead.
Oh, and I'll also predict that someone on Troy's team will attempt to snap the ball on two, but this will not cause either myself or Ryan to go offsides but instead a member of Troy's own team. You heard it here first. Reading this after Monday's game will make me look like fucking Nostradamus.
You know, you don't exactly have a roster spot locked up on the flag team as if you were Brett Favre or something there, bud. Actually, I expect that you, Sailer or Fodge will be thrown off the team at some point during Monday's game. The rest of us ought to chip in some money and wager on who it will be. One of the following scenarios will happen:
1) You will say, under direct orders to do otherwise, something -- anything -- to Fodge, resulting in your immediate ban
2) Sailer will say something to a member of the other team, resulting in a 15 yard penalty and his expulsion
3) Fodge will say something to the refs (on defense) resulting in a 15 yard penalty and his getting kicked off the team
You and I both know one of the three is going to happen. The best you can hope for is not to be "that guy;" that the second or third thing happens instead.
Oh, and I'll also predict that someone on Troy's team will attempt to snap the ball on two, but this will not cause either myself or Ryan to go offsides but instead a member of Troy's own team. You heard it here first. Reading this after Monday's game will make me look like fucking Nostradamus.