by AArdvark » Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:27 pm
Ohshitohshitwhere's the fucking snake holy shit how could it have gotten out of the tank I have to find the snake before Robb comes home he can't find out shit there's no snake or cat bodies it could be anywhere fuckmefuckmefuckme...
(Frantically pulling sofa cushions out, peering under random bookcases and antique video game systems.)
ICJ: Hi! I'm Home....What's wrong, dear?
V: Nothing! nothing at all,heheheh, why would there be anything wrong. DON'T SIT THERE!
ICJ:(Jumping up) WHAT! why, did you see a mouse or something?
V: No, no, no, no mouse. Defint'ly wouldn't be any mice about here, heh. I just, er.. I haven't straightened up that easy chair yet. Let me get a flashlight and straighten it up. Then you can sit down..
ICJ: (bending down and reaching under the sofa) Ha! Gotcha! little striped bastard!
V: (starting to panic) I am so sorry I don't know how it got out and I was looking everywhere and everything and tried to find it before you got home and...
ICJ: (pulling out necktie from under the couch) I've been looking for this thing for weeks now.. Why would you pull the living room apart just to find my clothes?
V: heh..well, you know....clean is good, and everything. Want the place nice when you come home. Have a nice dinner waiting, were having snakes..STEAKS! Steaks for dinner,with everything...
ICJ: This is starting to feel like a bad sitcom...
V:Is there such thing as a GOOD sitcom?
ICJ: If that slimy thing got into my new vectrex, i'll kill it!
Ohshitohshitwhere's the fucking snake holy shit how could it have gotten out of the tank I have to find the snake before Robb comes home he can't find out shit there's no snake or cat bodies it could be anywhere fuckmefuckmefuckme...
(Frantically pulling sofa cushions out, peering under random bookcases and antique video game systems.)
ICJ: Hi! I'm Home....What's wrong, dear?
V: Nothing! nothing at all,heheheh, why would there be anything wrong. DON'T SIT THERE!
ICJ:(Jumping up) WHAT! why, did you see a mouse or something?
V: No, no, no, no mouse. Defint'ly wouldn't be any mice about here, heh. I just, er.. I haven't straightened up that easy chair yet. Let me get a flashlight and straighten it up. Then you can sit down..
ICJ: (bending down and reaching under the sofa) Ha! Gotcha! little striped bastard!
V: (starting to panic) I am so sorry I don't know how it got out and I was looking everywhere and everything and tried to find it before you got home and...
ICJ: (pulling out necktie from under the couch) I've been looking for this thing for weeks now.. Why would you pull the living room apart just to find my clothes?
V: heh..well, you know....clean is good, and everything. Want the place nice when you come home. Have a nice dinner waiting, were having snakes..STEAKS! Steaks for dinner,with everything...
ICJ: This is starting to feel like a bad sitcom...
V:Is there such thing as a GOOD sitcom?
ICJ: If that slimy thing got into my new vectrex, i'll kill it!