by chris » Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:34 pm
Crap, had a reply written, and accidentally quit my browser.
Here's a link to his July 15th show (best one this past month, IMHO): ... breuer.mp3
There are 4 guys on the show:
Jim Breuer - comedian, does great impressions
Pete - fellow comedian, does some singing on the side
Larry & Shaka - friends of Jim's from high school, pro musicians
This show is different than his normal show, in that they scored a performance studio at Sirius and jammed for 2 hours. It's normally just them sitting around a table and shooting the shit.
I'm going to pull the file off the server on Monday, so be sure to download it this weekend.
Crap, had a reply written, and accidentally quit my browser.
Here's a link to his July 15th show (best one this past month, IMHO):
There are 4 guys on the show:
Jim Breuer - comedian, does great impressions
Pete - fellow comedian, does some singing on the side
Larry & Shaka - friends of Jim's from high school, pro musicians
This show is different than his normal show, in that they scored a performance studio at Sirius and jammed for 2 hours. It's normally just them sitting around a table and shooting the shit.
I'm going to pull the file off the server on Monday, so be sure to download it this weekend.