by Lysander » Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:42 am
Casual Observer wrote:Lysander, I understand you're blind so probably didn't <s>read</s> hear everything i said so that's ok.
Oh, hah hahaha. You're really proud of yourself here, aren't you? I can see you sitting in front of teh computer with the thoughts sluggishly moving through that sliggish brain of yours. "He's blind," you're thinking. "How can I possibly refference that in my nexzt post?" Fuck, knowing you, you probably wrote down a note pad full of possible zingers to use and then went down the list and selected the least funnyest one you'd thought of. YOu do realize that absolutely no one on this b--fuck that, on teh entire internet thinks you're funy, right? That's right--even game FAQs users will stop by this thread, see your posts, and walk away because they're better than you. See, it's that kind of thing that everyone's getting in a shitstorm about. I could give a shit that someone thinks it's the comedy goldmine that I'm blind. I really couldn't. The point--the, POINT--is that if you are going to go around randomly being a snooty bitch to anyone and everyone--and that's fine, because everyone else on the board does the same ting--than make it entertaining. Making what oyu say actually funny takes a lot of the insult. Look, man, we understand if you're just not funny. That's okay. Chris has this debilidating disease. So just stop acting like an ass, and no one will notice. WHat you're doing right now is the mind, heart and soul of trolling.
Casual Observer wrote:It happened yesterday, it's happening today, and it'll happen tomorrow. I don't have to "prove" anything to any of you. If you don't experience racism then be glad that you're white and hopefully try to gain a little understanding of people different than you.
I think I worded that post badly. I shouldn't have said that it doesn't [ever] happen, as that's somewhat foolish. My point is that it doesn't happen on the same level as it used to. It's not just one or two levevls either but, like, 500. No one seriously uses that god-damn word anymore. Okay? No one. No one except these fucktard blacks who think it's funny. THAT's trashing the memories of their ancestors that had to get their asses lynched so that they could have the fredom to stand on a box and talk in a certain rhythm and make 5 million dollars, and if you don't think it's enough just yell "YOU WHITE HOS OPPRESSIN' MEEEEE~!111!111!" (yes, tehy vocalize the 1s jsut like AOL users) and the government will fall over itself to throw them a check--meanwhile the fucks in charge are cutting disability support money. Nice one there, you cocks. Throw money to whiny bitches who dont' need it and take it from people who do. How typically American.
Casual Observer wrote:
Ben is bald and Worm is a fucking freak. LOL.
Ah! Ah hah hah ha ha! Yes, the 107th law of shitty internet debate: when teh compotition is immature, sink below their level. That's fabulous. Within the day the board will be transformed to a see of little [heart] immoticons and sideways angry faces. Fabulous, just fabulous. It kind of takes the bite out of the insult when you realize that you typed it in, and apparently don't understand how to use the BB signature function, but that's okay. We don't make fun of people for that kind of thing here. Right?
[quote="Casual Observer"]Lysander, I understand you're blind so probably didn't <s>read</s> hear everything i said so that's ok.[/quote]
Oh, hah hahaha. You're really proud of yourself here, aren't you? I can see you sitting in front of teh computer with the thoughts sluggishly moving through that sliggish brain of yours. "He's blind," you're thinking. "How can I possibly refference that in my nexzt post?" Fuck, knowing you, you probably wrote down a note pad full of possible zingers to use and then went down the list and selected the least funnyest one you'd thought of. YOu do realize that absolutely no one on this b--fuck that, on teh entire internet thinks you're funy, right? That's right--even game FAQs users will stop by this thread, see your posts, and walk away because they're better than you. See, it's that kind of thing that everyone's getting in a shitstorm about. I could give a shit that someone thinks it's the comedy goldmine that I'm blind. I really couldn't. The point--the, POINT--is that if you are going to go around randomly being a snooty bitch to anyone and everyone--and that's fine, because everyone else on the board does the same ting--than make it entertaining. Making what oyu say actually funny takes a lot of the insult. Look, man, we understand if you're just not funny. That's okay. Chris has this debilidating disease. So just stop acting like an ass, and no one will notice. WHat you're doing right now is the mind, heart and soul of trolling.
[quote="Casual Observer"]It happened yesterday, it's happening today, and it'll happen tomorrow. I don't have to "prove" anything to any of you. If you don't experience racism then be glad that you're white and hopefully try to gain a little understanding of people different than you.[/quote]
I think I worded that post badly. I shouldn't have said that it doesn't [ever] happen, as that's somewhat foolish. My point is that it doesn't happen on the same level as it used to. It's not just one or two levevls either but, like, 500. No one seriously uses that god-damn word anymore. Okay? No one. No one except these fucktard blacks who think it's funny. THAT's trashing the memories of their ancestors that had to get their asses lynched so that they could have the fredom to stand on a box and talk in a certain rhythm and make 5 million dollars, and if you don't think it's enough just yell "YOU WHITE HOS OPPRESSIN' MEEEEE~!111!111!" (yes, tehy vocalize the 1s jsut like AOL users) and the government will fall over itself to throw them a check--meanwhile the fucks in charge are cutting disability support money. Nice one there, you cocks. Throw money to whiny bitches who dont' need it and take it from people who do. How typically American.
[quote="Casual Observer"]
Ben is bald and Worm is a fucking freak. LOL.[/quote]
Ah! Ah hah hah ha ha! Yes, the 107th law of shitty internet debate: when teh compotition is immature, sink below their level. That's fabulous. Within the day the board will be transformed to a see of little [heart] immoticons and sideways angry faces. Fabulous, just fabulous. It kind of takes the bite out of the insult when you realize that you typed it in, and apparently don't understand how to use the BB signature function, but that's okay. We don't make fun of people for that kind of thing here. Right?