A pretty great video

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A pretty great video

Post by Worm »


It's completely NWS. Though I had a good laugh, aside from that the fact that I identify with it.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Jack Straw »

Yikes, Worm.

That video had waaaaay too many cocks for my taste (har har), and one too many niggercocks.
Also, WTC images depress the fuck out of me, so it appears I'll be drinking tonite. (I got this idea from Pinback.)

But, thanks for sharing, and thanks for the NWS tag so I didn't expose all my coworkers to a multitude of erect penises.

I wonder about one thing though. What could you possibly identify with here?!?

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by Worm »

Jack Straw wrote:I wonder about one thing though. What could you possibly identify with here?!?
That people care about/get depressed over white people dying but are totally oblivious to the deaths that happens everywhere.

I think they're trying to make a slightly different message, but me and the CoE are in the same general area at least.

Even though everyone feels like the entire thing is so "painfully real" it's really just another show on the tube.

It's a drag that people die. Though they're going to keep dying, and to make a soap opera drama fest simply because a large number of Americans died at once is just absurd.
Knuckles the CLown wrote:niggercocks?
No, a single n!33r cock. They're also facials, no ass fucking or anything gay.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Jack Straw »

Worm wrote: That people care about/get depressed over white people dying but are totally oblivious to the deaths that happens everywhere.
It's not that at all. It's where this country is right now, where it's headed, and all the rights that have been stripped from us using the WTC as the main excuse.
Knuckles the CLown wrote:niggercocks?
Worm wrote:No, a single n!33r cock. They're also facials, no ass fucking or anything gay.
Yeah, just one too many niggercock.

Nothing gay at all, like guys jerking off and tricking you into looking at a ballsack by zooming the bottom of the picture up.


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Post by chris »

Jack Straw wrote: It's not that at all. It's where this country is right now, where it's headed, and all the rights that have been stripped from us using the WTC as the main excuse.
It's easy to get depressed about the state of our country right now.....happens to me too. However, you have to realize that these things are cyclic in nature....the country constantly swings from left to right and back again as government control changes hands between Dems and Republicans. It's inevitable that there will be a backlash against the Republicans due to what's going on right now (the war, the economy, erosion of rights, etc.), and the Dems will regain control and loosen things up. Could start next year with the 2006 Congressional elections. Just be patient and give it time.

War is always an excuse for politicians to grab more power over the people, but never in the history of our country has that power lasted.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah. The next Dem to get elected (because, honestly, if McCain runs he'll probably win) is going to be a FLAMING liberal. He (or she!) will make Jimmy Carter seem like Adolph Hitler.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

The Wrong Base Fairy

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Post by Worm »

The Wrong Base Fairy wrote:WRONG BASE!!!
ICJ will probably just add "and general" to the description for me anyway.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by chris »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yeah. The next Dem to get elected (because, honestly, if McCain runs he'll probably win) is going to be a FLAMING liberal. He (or she!) will make Jimmy Carter seem like Adolph Hitler.
It'll be interesting to see just how poisioned people will be against the Republicans because of what Bush has been doing. Carter (who really wasn't a bad president) got in simply because Ford was such a dumbass and the country was still reeling from Watergate.

I think both McCain (because he's more of a Democrat than he'll admit) and Giuliani (because he kicked ass on 9/11) have a chance. Anybody else is a waste of time. Hillary Cinton is also unelectable....let's just hope Dean and the rest of the DNC realize this early enough to find somebody else.

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

chris wrote: let's just hope Dean and the rest of the DNC realize this early enough to find somebody else.
Yes Dean seems like a reasonable man with a excellent feel for what's good for the democratic party. BUT, by 2008 John Kerry should be ready to unveil his "plan".
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

By McCain being more of a democrat than he will admit, that makes him a Moderate, or independant correct? He isn't a whiny pussy (democrat) and he isn't a money hoarding bible thumper (republican). The perfect candidate. But since he is affiliated with the republican party, the 5 blacks and 10 gays who vote will not vote for him and Michael Moore will have to make a movie about him. But of course, that will prove ineffective. My only problem with the guy is that he is a representative from a useless state.
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

PC Policeman

Post by PC Policeman »

Jack Straw wrote:n****rcocks
clown wrote:n****rcocks?
worm wrote:n****r cock
JS wrote:n****rcock
You white people shouldn't be using that word, it's fucking rude and it's goddam RACIST.

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

sorry, niggergenitals
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time

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Post by chris »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:By McCain being more of a democrat than he will admit, that makes him a Moderate, or independant correct? He isn't a whiny pussy (democrat) and he isn't a money hoarding bible thumper (republican). The perfect candidate. But since he is affiliated with the republican party, the 5 blacks and 10 gays who vote will not vote for him and Michael Moore will have to make a movie about him. But of course, that will prove ineffective. My only problem with the guy is that he is a representative from a useless state.
I have a lot of respect for McCain, and it's pretty obvious that he doesn't agree with a lot the Republicans are doing these days. However, when push comes to shove, he tows the party line, even when it's grossly obvious that he doesn't agree with it. If he were to come out and say that he was leaving the Republicans and becoming an Independent, I think respect for him would go way up.

It would be interesting to see if he could mount a successful presidential campaign without the backing of a major party...a really strong candidate that could do this would turn the political landscape upside-down....something we could really use these days.

I think that Dean embodies a lot of what the Democratic party is supposed to be, but he can be a loose cannon. If he could just focus his energy, he could really do some good things for the DNC.

As for Kerry, he'll never be president. The way the Senate works makes it almost impossible for a senator to become President (only 2 have done it in history, IIRC). Beating Bush was tantamount to shooting a fish in a barrel, and Kerry either couldn't or wouldn't pull the trigger.

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Post by Casual Observer »

chris wrote:As for Kerry, he'll never be president. The way the Senate works makes it almost impossible for a senator to become President (only 2 have done it in history, IIRC). Beating Bush was tantamount to shooting a fish in a barrel, and Kerry either couldn't or wouldn't pull the trigger.
I agree. I'm a democrat and would have voted for him if I hadn't completely lost respect for him during the campaign. It wasn't the flip flop crap or anything that Bush threw at him. I lost all respect when he stood in the (i think) second debate and jerked off a complete crap answer about social security, basically "we'll look at again in a few years and if it's still a problem then we'll decide what to do" and the "i have a plan" shit. So I didn't vote at all.

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Post by Jack Straw »

PC Policeman wrote: You white people shouldn't be using that word, it's fucking rude and it's goddam RACIST.
But it's OK for blecks to use it??

More later when I'm home and the PC police aren't hot on my tail. (AKA Cracka Ass)

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Post by Worm »

:(|) Hey, I'd still be saying n-word if black people didn't keep the term contemporary.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Jack Straw »

Also - McCain is one of the few politicians I actually LIKE. He just doesn't give a shit (but does toe the current party line)

Casual Observer
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Post by Casual Observer »

Jack Straw wrote:But it's OK for blecks to use it??
yes, because they use with a quite different meaning than most whites use it (present company excluded of course)
worm wrote::(|)
worm wrote:Hey, I'd still be saying n-word if black people didn't keep the term contemporary.
exactly their point, by using it themselves with a different meaning they took the fun out of it for all the racists and pennsylvania hicks.

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