A pretty great video

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two weeks later

by AArdvark » Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:02 am



(From 'Huckleberry Finn' and 'Manchild in the Promised land')

So what we are seeing here is either a racist slur, a misprononciation of country of origin or a degrading remark based upon the historical fact that African-Americans were once considered property. In fact, the word now means all those things. Remember back in the late fifties and sixties when 'my old lady' meant parents in the terms of house pets? 'That's my little brother' or 'That's my Jack Russel Terrier' or 'That's my old lady.' Because everyone had one, you see. Today the term is casually used by everyone because the word has evolved into more familiar usage and the shock value has worn off. It's no big deal anymore.
It would be really nice if the N-word was dropped out of the
language altogether, preferrably by lack of use. The same way 'wilt thou' and 'huzzah!' are no longer used in our society, except in various Ren festivals and insane asylums.( the two being almost identical.)


by Worm » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:46 pm

Nice job quoting stuff and writing completely unrelated responses!

[ ]noodle fever
[ ]sand fever
[ ]and cock fever

I am awaiting the injustices we will be notified of as we use the words chink, sand-n!33r, and maggot!

by Casual Observer » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:57 pm

Worm wrote:This block just makes it look like there is some kind of history or like you've been on a non-stop anti racism stampede ever since you caught the jungle fever.
That's ok, so you ASS U MEd.
Worm wrote:Well, I hope you make a new weepy post when you get desert fever.
What's funny about all of this is that IC"BJ" banned one of my dynamic IP's over it and didn't even have the scrot to announce that he had done so. He didn't even delete my account, if that makes any sense. Oh well, who gives a fuck.

by Worm » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:35 pm

co wrote:
Worm wrote:A sarcastic gimmick post which you are called out upon by someone who deals with your shit daily!
I've never heard straw use the n-word in person, would understand if he did because of what i know about him. I'm not sure what "daily shit" you're talking about.
Jack Straw wrote:But, if it is offensive, ERIC, I'd much rather be offensive than be cowardly. Stop hiding behind fake user names to say things which you're not fully behind. You're not offended yourself, yet you are on this neverending mission to protect your girl from racism THAT DOESN'T EXIST.
Next time stay logged in and your comments might carry more weight.
This block just makes it look like there is some kind of history or like you've been on a non-stop anti racism stampede ever since you caught the jungle fever.
CO wrote:
Worm wrote:I also like the absolute lack of denial for using your girlfiriend to experience "racism".
Nope, not denying that, I just deny that I don't really feel this way or that I am just fighting her battles for her which I am not. I absolutely had my eyes closed to lots of racial realities before I experienced things for myself.
Well, I hope you make a new weepy post when you get desert fever.

by pinback » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:29 pm

I must state again, for the record, that Worm was the only one trying to be funny.

I genuinely hate n!33rs.

by co » Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:37 pm

Worm wrote:A sarcastic gimmick post which you are called out upon by someone who deals with your shit daily!
I've never heard straw use the n-word in person, would understand if he did because of what i know about him. I'm not sure what "daily shit" you're talking about.
Worm wrote:Then you freak out over shit like ":(|)" and Pinner and I going "n!33r n!33r n!33r".
I've noticed that people who have their own prejudices are the ones that act overly dramatic when someone accuses them of racism. I'm glad you're not in the least bit racist, so there was nothing for you to get in a huff about. The sigs were just you guys being assholes so that's ok.
Worm wrote:I also like the absolute lack of denial for using your girlfiriend to experience "racism".
Nope, not denying that, I just deny that I don't really feel this way or that I am just fighting her battles for her which I am not. I absolutely had my eyes closed to lots of racial realities before I experienced things for myself.

by Lex » Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:10 pm

Once, that I've experienced. I can't remember for what or why, though.

by AArdvark » Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:23 pm

Do they still ask your religion on those applications AKA Ireland?


by Lex » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:08 am

I feel really guilty for that GIF I put on a post a while back. You did know about that, right Lysander? Fuck.

These problems do not appear in my life, because I live in Scotland. In my life I've seen maybe 20 black guys in Edinburgh.

There are places in Britain where white people are the minority now, due to all the immigrants (illegal and otherwise) we get. The racism's pretty bad there, as you can imagine.

I get really offended when I get asked my race on application forms. What the fuck. I especially hate how they insist it won't affect who they decide to employ, when you know damn well they'll employ the one fucking Eskimo who applies because it makes the numbers look good. That's racism.

by Worm » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:07 am

CO wrote:
Worm wrote:That's all that happened, and only the most ignorant n!33r, would not understand that our use of it was totally tongue in cheek.
yeah, all that happened is I made a sarcastic gimmick post which was not even remotely serious, and you people fucking freaked out. Get some lives people, please.
A sarcastic gimmick post which you are called out upon by someone who deals with your shit daily! Then you freak out over shit like ":(|)" and Pinner and I going "n!33r n!33r n!33r". I also like the absolute lack of denial for using your girlfiriend to experience "racism".

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:54 am

Casual Observer wrote:Yeah, assholes, you shouldn't use the n-word like you did. If there actually was someone of color that read this shitty board then they would have been offended. So fuck pinback and worm for your stupid sig, and fuck ICJ for rushing to pinner's aid for no reason.
You've been trolling this "shitty board" for two years now. In all that time you've never said anything of value. Not kidding around, not exaggerating -- you haven't said a SINGLE worthwhile thing.

So fucking cram it. You're running good posters off the board by writing garbage anonymously like the huge pussy you are. Do it elsewhere. I'm deleting every shitty post you make from here on out.

by Lysander » Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:42 am

Casual Observer wrote:Lysander, I understand you're blind so probably didn't <s>read</s> hear everything i said so that's ok.
Oh, hah hahaha. You're really proud of yourself here, aren't you? I can see you sitting in front of teh computer with the thoughts sluggishly moving through that sliggish brain of yours. "He's blind," you're thinking. "How can I possibly refference that in my nexzt post?" Fuck, knowing you, you probably wrote down a note pad full of possible zingers to use and then went down the list and selected the least funnyest one you'd thought of. YOu do realize that absolutely no one on this b--fuck that, on teh entire internet thinks you're funy, right? That's right--even game FAQs users will stop by this thread, see your posts, and walk away because they're better than you. See, it's that kind of thing that everyone's getting in a shitstorm about. I could give a shit that someone thinks it's the comedy goldmine that I'm blind. I really couldn't. The point--the, POINT--is that if you are going to go around randomly being a snooty bitch to anyone and everyone--and that's fine, because everyone else on the board does the same ting--than make it entertaining. Making what oyu say actually funny takes a lot of the insult. Look, man, we understand if you're just not funny. That's okay. Chris has this debilidating disease. So just stop acting like an ass, and no one will notice. WHat you're doing right now is the mind, heart and soul of trolling.
Casual Observer wrote:It happened yesterday, it's happening today, and it'll happen tomorrow. I don't have to "prove" anything to any of you. If you don't experience racism then be glad that you're white and hopefully try to gain a little understanding of people different than you.
I think I worded that post badly. I shouldn't have said that it doesn't [ever] happen, as that's somewhat foolish. My point is that it doesn't happen on the same level as it used to. It's not just one or two levevls either but, like, 500. No one seriously uses that god-damn word anymore. Okay? No one. No one except these fucktard blacks who think it's funny. THAT's trashing the memories of their ancestors that had to get their asses lynched so that they could have the fredom to stand on a box and talk in a certain rhythm and make 5 million dollars, and if you don't think it's enough just yell "YOU WHITE HOS OPPRESSIN' MEEEEE~!111!111!" (yes, tehy vocalize the 1s jsut like AOL users) and the government will fall over itself to throw them a check--meanwhile the fucks in charge are cutting disability support money. Nice one there, you cocks. Throw money to whiny bitches who dont' need it and take it from people who do. How typically American.
Casual Observer wrote: _________________
Ben is bald and Worm is a fucking freak. LOL.
Ah! Ah hah hah ha ha! Yes, the 107th law of shitty internet debate: when teh compotition is immature, sink below their level. That's fabulous. Within the day the board will be transformed to a see of little [heart] immoticons and sideways angry faces. Fabulous, just fabulous. It kind of takes the bite out of the insult when you realize that you typed it in, and apparently don't understand how to use the BB signature function, but that's okay. We don't make fun of people for that kind of thing here. Right?

by CO » Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:22 am

Worm wrote:That's all that happened, and only the most ignorant n!33r, would not understand that our use of it was totally tongue in cheek.
yeah, all that happened is I made a sarcastic gimmick post which was not even remotely serious, and you people fucking freaked out. Get some lives people, please.

Ben is bald and Worm is a fucking freak. Laugh out loud!

by Knuckles the CLown » Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:50 am

I think a lot of white guys date black chicks just so they can feel like, yeah I relate to the struggle man. And then they give sermons on how bad racisim is, but they are so above it cause they are dating a black. I hate people who interacial date and then think they are gahndi or Martin Luther King. It's almost like they get a warm feeling dating a black, like baking cookies for the homeless or something.

by Worm » Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:27 am

Casual Observer wrote:
Lysander wrote:Fifty years ago a black kid was hung for looking at a white woman. And taht somehow gives you and your girlfriend cart blanche to go arrund pulling the race card at random? If the only examples of racism you can come up with are ones that are an entire fucking generation ago, the only thing you're doing is proving my point.
Lysander, I understand you're blind so probably didn't <s>read</s> hear everything i said so that's ok.

It happened yesterday, it's happening today, and it'll happen tomorrow. I don't have to "prove" anything to any of you. If you don't experience racism then be glad that you're white and hopefully try to gain a little understanding of people different than you.
Maybe you should come clean with your girlfriend and tell her you're dating a black chick just so you can experience racism?
Casual Observer wrote:Yeah, assholes, you shouldn't use the n-word like you did. If there actually was someone of color that read this shitty board then they would have been offended. So fuck pinback and worm for your stupid sig, and fuck ICJ for rushing to pinner's aid for no reason.
Hahaha, for the initial n!33r cocks? No, they wouldn't. For the aftermath? Yeah, maybe.

Jesus, you really are the fucking PC Police. Let's try to look back at who causes this mess?
Straw explains a black man's dong as a "niggercock", you make an ator post with the same shit you feed straw in real life, and straw calls you out on it. Now, to believe that everyone is going to hold the "n-word" with the same reverence as you is just ignorant. So, pinner and I disagree with you, in the most fun and obvious manner. By using n!33r 3000% more than we originally had on this board.

That's all that happened, and only the most ignorant n!33r, would not understand that our use of it was totally tongue in cheek.

by Casual Observer » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:36 am

Lysander wrote:Fifty years ago a black kid was hung for looking at a white woman. And taht somehow gives you and your girlfriend cart blanche to go arrund pulling the race card at random? If the only examples of racism you can come up with are ones that are an entire fucking generation ago, the only thing you're doing is proving my point.
Lysander, I understand you're blind so probably didn't <s>read</s> hear everything i said so that's ok.

It happened yesterday, it's happening today, and it'll happen tomorrow. I don't have to "prove" anything to any of you. If you don't experience racism then be glad that you're white and hopefully try to gain a little understanding of people different than you.

Yeah, assholes, you shouldn't use the n-word like you did. If there actually was someone of color that read this shitty board then they would have been offended. So fuck pinback and worm for your stupid sig, and fuck ICJ for rushing to pinner's aid for no reason.

Ben is bald and Worm is a fucking freak. LOL.

by Lex » Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:20 am

Black chicks are so hot.

by pinback » Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:50 am

Lysander, on what basis do you claim that racism (particularly against blacks) no longer takes an active role in society? Your "gut feeling"?

Because you're wrong.

by Lysander » Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:08 pm

Bahaha ahh hahahaahahahahaha. BEST OF.

by Worm » Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:57 pm

Lysander, don't you know? You're black!
