by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:54 pm
Did you just call me "Yuppy Wheels"? YUPPY WHEELS?
... The fuck does that even mean?
And I want you to know something. I want you to know something and to dwell on it as you drift off into a loveless sleep, a shallow and fitful slumber, a knot of unpeace, this sad clown's only release... I want you to know something now and think about it every free moment you get.
I offered you a car for free.
But instead, you told me to go fuck myself and now I am one of like 10 people in the country with a stand-up Xenophobe in their living rooms. Hey, now that I think about it, that game has rollers to get it around! More wheels you don't have access to! My offer still stands - come get it and maybe you can drive it to work and back! Haw haw haw!
Did you just call me "Yuppy Wheels"? YUPPY WHEELS?
... The fuck does that even [i]mean? [/i]
And I want you to know something. I want you to know something and to dwell on it as you drift off into a loveless sleep, a shallow and fitful slumber, a knot of unpeace, this sad clown's only release... I want you to know something now and think about it every free moment you get.
I offered you a car for free.
But instead, you told me to go fuck myself and now I am one of like 10 people in the country with a stand-up [i]Xenophobe[/i] in their living rooms. Hey, now that I think about it, that game has rollers to get it around! More wheels you don't have access to! My offer still stands - come get it and maybe you can drive [b]it[/b] to work and back! Haw haw haw!