by 2 l4zy 2 l0g1n Lys4ndr » Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:05 pm
Not to start another long thread on the unfairness of this puzzle/easter egg/whatever you want to call it as that's been done to death, but I think that the major unfair "jump" in this is asuming that the spectre is going to come back. Well, you don't get the hint that the reason why the blood won't work is that it's spoiled until after saving Casey doesn't work, which is unfair in itself, although I suppose that it's kind of an obvious point considering as how it's, oh, 200 years old? Anyway, it's logical to expect that the spectre will chill the blood for you and keep it cold. What's unreasonable is to expect that the spectre will come back and give it to you at the end of the game. No one's going to expect that to happen--the opposite, in fact, is what I would expect to happen; the spectre is thirsty, implying he wants something but not water, implying that he wants to drink it, IE consume it, IE you give it to this thing and never get it back. So people will avoid giving blood to the spectre because they expect that once you do it's gone forever, so you can't use it to save Casey, which is in fact the exact opposite of what is true. And that's not exactly an unfair assumption to make, in my oppinion. Just throwing that out there.
Not to start another long thread on the unfairness of this puzzle/easter egg/whatever you want to call it as that's been done to death, but I think that the major unfair "jump" in this is asuming that the spectre is going to come back. Well, you don't get the hint that the reason why the blood won't work is that it's spoiled until after saving Casey doesn't work, which is unfair in itself, although I suppose that it's kind of an obvious point considering as how it's, oh, 200 years old? Anyway, it's logical to expect that the spectre will chill the blood for you and keep it cold. What's unreasonable is to expect that the spectre will come back and give it to you at the end of the game. No one's going to expect that to happen--the opposite, in fact, is what I would expect to happen; the spectre is thirsty, implying he wants something but not water, implying that he wants to drink it, IE consume it, IE you give it to this thing and never get it back. So people will avoid giving blood to the spectre because they expect that once you do it's gone forever, so you can't use it to save Casey, which is in fact the exact opposite of what is true. And that's not exactly an unfair assumption to make, in my oppinion. Just throwing that out there.