Why Did JC BBS Fail? (It has failed.)

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Expand view Topic review: Why Did JC BBS Fail? (It has failed.)

by Worm » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:57 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:But you know, just on the off-chance that you might get banned from a Battlefield 2 server somewhere due to your inability to see very well and therefore team-kill, well, I won't play the game. How's THAT for male bonding? Fuck you, Electronic "Arts"!
I like to think that I *did* buy BF2; I simply got banned from all the servers for accidently team-killing and I'm right back to where I am now, i.e., not playing it.

Only I saved sixty bucks.
I don't think I typed that bit about male bonding! Anyway, you're a fag, there are servers that don't ban. Can you rip me an ISO of Civ IV so I can see if I'll have hardware conflicts?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:28 pm

Worm wrote:But you know, just on the off-chance that you might get banned from a Battlefield 2 server somewhere due to your inability to see very well and therefore team-kill, well, I won't play the game. How's THAT for male bonding? Fuck you, Electronic "Arts"!
I like to think that I *did* buy BF2; I simply got banned from all the servers for accidently team-killing and I'm right back to where I am now, i.e., not playing it.

Only I saved sixty bucks.

by Vitriola » Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:20 pm

I'm pretty sure that joke was made. I'm also pretty sure Robb thought it, but had enough sense not to say it :)

by Worm » Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:58 am

Vitriola wrote:My transsexual friend works there.
So, was EA_Wife in fact complaining about his own job at EA?

by Vitriola » Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:53 am

My transsexual friend works there.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:49 am

pinback wrote:I drive by the EA building every morning and evening on my commute.
No wonder you were so depressed.


by pinback » Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:16 am

I drive by the EA building every morning and evening on my commute.

by Lysander » Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:27 am

I say we male bond over our shared hatred of Electronic Arts by figuring out a way to challenge each other at Marvel VS. Capcom II. See, it's spearning EA becasue we're not playing Marvel VS. EA. And we're not playing Marvel VS. EA pointedly, at EA. So take that, you worthless whores.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:57 pm

Lysander? wrote:Christ, how many times have I posted some stupid assonine post or even an entire thread that had no point to it whatsoever? This isn't The Balad of Shame and Wasted Lives. We won't bite your head off and make you public board enemy #1 if you breathe wrong. Just *relax*. 'Cause if oyu don't I'll... I'll leave... forever...
This is true -- your posts are usually completely incomprehensible, but once we realized that you were blind it all became OK. And not because we were too scared to make fun of you for it, no, if anything it became a rallying point.

But you know, just on the off-chance that you might get banned from a Battlefield 2 server somewhere due to your inability to see very well and therefore team-kill, well, I won't play the game. How's THAT for male bonding? Fuck you, Electronic "Arts"!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:54 pm



Outstanding. RACK EM

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:54 pm


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:54 pm

AArdvark wrote:(*what I need to do is add more content rather than just two sentences that comment on the subject and a sig. Consider me the Jim Rome of this BBS, all commentary, no substance)

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:53 pm

Knuckles the CLown wrote:ASL?
What's wrong with you.

by pinback » Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:41 pm

Welp, Worm's my hero again. That was fast!

by Worm » Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:35 pm

Actually, I just saw them on bmezine recently, so they're technically only cached on my computer.

This is my current background.

by Jack Straw » Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:22 pm

Worm wrote:I have a few pictures of split open penises with flowers in them.
Why does that not even begin to surprise me?

Is your desktop background also penii with flowers?

by Worm » Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:10 pm

MasterGrazzt wrote:I think forums where users post images of split-open penises in response to people saying they don't like such-and-such anime are the ones classified as "hostile".
I have a few pictures of split open penises with flowers in them.
I realize that since my account is what, three days old, there's a chance it will be deleted because I posted in this thread.
That's the wonder of the PHPBB software, YOU CAN NEVER BE DELETED!

by MasterGrazzt » Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:43 pm

I think forums where users post images of split-open penises in response to people saying they don't like such-and-such anime are the ones classified as "hostile".

I realize that since my account is what, three days old, there's a chance it will be deleted because I posted in this thread.

by Lysander? » Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:59 pm

I think that Jolt Country BBS failed because it logs me out at random for no reason at all.

Okay, seriously now. All fucking around aside.

I think that Jolt Country BBS failed becasue the read-post ratio is a about 20 to 1.

Seriously guys, this may e the most hostile forum on the internet but it's also the most fun. You know what I did to get accepted here at JC? I started a topic saying hi, and started posting to threads. People, that's all it fucking takes. it's not rocket science. Just start posting, and if we will make fun of you. If we don't like you, we will make fun of you, only visciously. How many new people have popped up out of hte woodwork in this thread to basically say "funny ass shit kep going cause im not that funy :("? Christ, how many times have I posted some stupid assonine post or even an entire thread that had no point to it whatsoever? This isn't The Balad of Shame and Wasted Lives. We won't bite your head off and make you public board enemy #1 if you breathe wrong. Just *relax*. 'Cause if oyu don't I'll... I'll leave... forever...

by AArdvark » Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:47 pm

Nothing like a good honest outside point of view.

As for this board 'failing', well, Since it really has no charter, or purpose other than communication, I don't think it could fail. Failure would be to remove it, take it down, format the drive it resides on. Those things would be failures. JC has made the days a little brighter by being able to come up with stuff that is amusing, poignant, and interesting. (Even though I seem to be a thread kill*)

I say this board is a success. Has been since the day it went up.


(*what I need to do is add more content rather than just two sentences that comment on the subject and a sig. Consider me the Jim Rome of this BBS, all commentary, no substance)
