Why Did JC BBS Fail? (It has failed.)

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Why Did JC BBS Fail? (It has failed.)

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Who's left? Me, Dayna, Pinner, Gerrit, Vark, Lysander... is that pretty much it? Is the scheme THAT obnoxious?

My commitment to all of you: I will get rid of that stupid head.

Is there a better scheme I could use? I like the basic outline... if you click on the "Freestyle XL" link at the bottom of the screen you'll see this layout in other colors. Would a different color be better?

My tip to other sysops: don't let "I'm leaving forever" be your catch phrase.

Actually, fuck it -- I can make this place worth going to all by myself (no offense to the above listed denizens). Night of 1,000 Magnificent Threads begins TONIGHT.
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Post by Bugs »

I get intimidated by the bling from all the COMEDY GOLD that hangs around here.

But I like the new colors.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I can feel your sarcasm and it pollutes my soul, Bugs.

I like what pinback does with his bulletin boards. He destroys them after a few months and when he starts a new one instantly gets 100-200 new messages. It's a can't-miss proposal.

I think it might be this board's time. The catch phrase that doomed us all could doom the very place it became catchphraseable. That... that would be comforting, to some degree, wouldn't it?
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Post by pinback »

You mean you're going to make the board drink lye?
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The fact at the top of the screen mocks me.

You mock me.

Both hurt.
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Post by Bugs »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I can feel your sarcasm and it pollutes my soul, Bugs.
Nah, I'm serious. Parrish? CO? Knucklez? The blind dude? Angry Dad Chris? I can't hang with those guys. I had my Citizen Ashcroft posts, and that one as Wade from Fargo, but it doesn't get any better than snarky, sniping one-liners from me. I can't produce in the volume everyone else does, and so I'm intimidated to post often.

JC, back in the day, used to be about sitting around and pissing on Da King. Now it's about sitting around and pissing on everyone.
Last edited by Bugs on Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Lysander »

You and I both know that it's been like this for years. The only difference is that now, uh, Worm's not here? i mean, Debaser or Lex or Jeff would show up occasionally but they haven't been frequent posters since... fuck, since *I* showed up. It's not like this is a new thing.

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

the problem is- Bugs, LEx, CO, Roody... whoever, they are the same person to me and do nothing to distinguish themselves from anyone else. I don't dislike these guys, but I honestly could read a post and would have no idea which one wrote it other than the username being there.

I've never met a more sorry piece of crap then Ben, I can't ever read anything he writes when I know he can't function without a dumpster full of perscription drugs each day.

I hate cats, nobobdy knows anything about music or sports, I'll give the blind kid credit he tries to stir things up once a month, but there seems to be nothing edgy coming out of his voice to text program. There really is nothing for ME here other than calling everyone a bunch of maggots which isn't too exciting the 500th time.

The good thing, it's not just this shitty website, all websites are going down hill. I used to be on-line for about 4 hours minimum a day. Now it's only a half-hour to check my fantasy football team, the worthless e-mails I get, job-hunting and porning it. I certainly don't feel like compiling a long rant or post that will quickly get bumped by a picture of a homemade bowl of feces or how somebody almost talked to a girl.

Robb, not to be harsh, but you have put zero effort it to this the last couple years. Which is good because you now have a girlfriend and a good job, the less time you spend on here the better. Remember when you proposed ads to make this worthwhile and everyone was agasht. You should've quit then.
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time


Post by co »

damn, did worm actually leave? Attacking him was the only reason I ever bothered posting here.

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Post by AArdvark »

a homemade bowl of feces

I never knew there was a mass produced kind. Damn! See what I've been missing?

I like this board with the new colors. After the contrast issue was resolved it's very easay on the eyes. GOTTA lose that stupid head tho. Maybe something could be done about the dripping blood-like stuff while you're at it. I could see it if this board had a horror base or something. Maybe a reaction to the cooking base would justify the blood. Anyway, back to the content. Perhaps nobody has any great shakes going on recently that are worth posting about. I certianly don't, unless you count a 64 hour work week or my kids TV commercial. Maybe were all the equivolent of geezers sittin on the front porch rockers, blankets across our laps with nothing to say anymore because it's all been said...

Member that time I did Amy Fri....

Only tole us about a hunnert times already....


(long silence)

Well howabout that chicken I cooked last year....


(Long silence)

You get the idea. everything is SO settled now. Nobody talks politics that much
and Sports... (yawn)


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Post by pinback »

I think the reason this BBS failed is that Knuckles is not nice to me.
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Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

I believe the reason for failure is due to Pinback's ineptness at reviewing hot saucii.

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Post by pinback »

I think the reason this BBS failed is that Jack Straw is not nice to me.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by Knuckles the CLown »

see quotes like this-"The single most remarkable fact of human existence is how hard it is for human beings to be happy."

How fucking hard is it to be happy? Is there anything worse to read about than--how some schmuck (who has never faced a minute of adversity in his life( can't find a way to make it through the day without bitching about how horrible life is?
the last group complained, quite tellingly They said, "Why don't you have a spoon that just says 'Earth?' It would save time



Wait--when did it fail? Fuck. And I visit the place with more regularity than almost anywhere else. Fuck.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

WELLAINTTHATGRAND wrote:Wait--when did it fail? Fuck. And I visit the place with more regularity than almost anywhere else. Fuck.
It failed when Pinback couldn't pick Knuckles up from the airport last year. This is just the death throes.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Lysander wrote:You and I both know that it's been like this for years. The only difference is that now, uh, Worm's not here? i mean, Debaser or Lex or Jeff would show up occasionally but they haven't been frequent posters since... fuck, since *I* showed up. It's not like this is a new thing.
Worm is "between Internets" right now. I hope it works out for him! I hope he finds the Internet we're all on. If I had to imagine a way that we all finally do, permanently, lose contact with Worm it actually kind of would be when the rest of us fled to a net he didn't know about. I'll call it at 2024.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:the problem is- Bugs, LEx, CO, Roody... whoever, they are the same person to me and do nothing to distinguish themselves from anyone else. I don't dislike these guys, but I honestly could read a post and would have no idea which one wrote it other than the username being there.
Bugs likes the Blue Jays, plays in a band, is from Rochester and spews vitriol like soda out of the sinus of life.

Lex is from Scotland was the main character in the last video game I made and -- Jesus, you honestly don't remember Lex? He hasn't been around in a while. He likes consoles. Unfortunately, he is (honestly) six months ahead of me with his gadgets and when I go back and read his old posts I'm like, "Oh!!"

Casual Observer is not meant to be anything other than a casual observer. So that's not fair. To call him out on his "thing." He also saved the life of two cats (Ben's).

Roody is a great guy, I don't know what your problem is with him.

I've never met a more sorry piece of crap then Ben, I can't ever read anything he writes when I know he can't function without a dumpster full of perscription drugs each day.
Jesus, man -- it's been almost a YEAR. You even got home from the airport that night! It's not like you had to cross country fucking ski home or anything. I suffered too, you know. My vindaloo was cold because I was trying to manage the crisis.

I wish Ben would have simply said, "I'm too drunk to drive to the airport." I wish he simply said that. We all would have understood and the last year of you being mean to him would not have occured.

The good thing, it's not just this shitty website, all websites are going down hill. I used to be on-line for about 4 hours minimum a day. Now it's only a half-hour to check my fantasy football team, the worthless e-mails I get, job-hunting and porning it. I certainly don't feel like compiling a long rant or post that will quickly get bumped by a picture of a homemade bowl of feces or how somebody almost talked to a girl.
Aren't we beyond "bumping"? Like, I freaking hope I can start a thread on Alan Trammell / George Bell / Serenity slash fan fiction in the King's Quarter's without people feeling I "bumped" Bugs's post about his band off... off what I don't know.

Robb, not to be harsh, but you have put zero effort it to this the last couple years. Which is good because you now have a girlfriend and a good job, the less time you spend on here the better. Remember when you proposed ads to make this worthwhile and everyone was agasht. You should've quit then.
Well, I think if I can wrap up the top 100 list by December 31st that would be a good time to pull the plug. That way, we all get one last month to reflect on this place. We had a good run, shit, I've been running this BBS longer than I've been with any woman. Maybe we can even scare up Debaser or Protagonist X for a final take.

This means I really should post Worm's candy take.

And Roody's Messiah review.

And Bond's Wing Commander stuff.

Zero effort? Zero effort MY ASS.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

AArdvark wrote:GOTTA lose that stupid head tho.
Done and done!
Maybe something could be done about the dripping blood-like stuff while you're at it.
I... er... noted!

Perhaps nobody has any great shakes going on recently that are worth posting about.
I am pulling for someone to get Parkinson's, then.

Hey, did you know why they wouldn't let Muhammed Ali throw out the first pitch at the All-Star game last year?

Click to find out!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Knuckles the CLown wrote:see quotes like this-"The single most remarkable fact of human existence is how hard it is for human beings to be happy."
Yeah, but not everyone mentally inserts a "HONK HONK!" at the end of every sentence they read.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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