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by Lysander » Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:45 pm

I've got that baet.

One of my best, if not my best, friend on campus is David Fincher's second cousin.

by chri$ » Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:09 pm

He just misses me.

by Vitriola » Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:21 am

The universal balance must be maintained. Anger can neither be created nor destroyed.

by pinback » Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:16 am

JQW seems... angrier than he used to.

Doesn't he? Doesn't he seem angrier?

by JQW » Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:34 am

First off, only a fucking IDIOT would think that I was comparing Rochester to Ft Collins. (Which is not Denver. If you're going to play that card, I'll mention Niagara Falls - one of the seven wonders of the world, honeymoon capital of the world, as well as good tittybars - and NYC, greatest city in the USA. There's also Watkins Glen, USA's historic home of sports car racing.)

I said "you MOVED there" - obviously, none of the locals like me have MOVED to Rochester. We're here and have family and jobs and all and it's not worth attempting to move at this point. No job? Hate your family? Everyone else moved away? Dream job doesn't exist locally? Then it's understandable to move across the country.

And hell YES, Denver is inferior to those countries. Unless you're got a hard-on for skiing, and if you do, there are places all over the country that can offer good skiing.

'Vark, funny you should ask that, I went and nabbed a bunch of Wacky Packs jpgs back in October.

Vitrocola, you have to understand, RobB's folk's house is the one that is 45 minutes away from everything in Rochester. Most beautiful scenery anywhere? C'mon. I've travelled this country from one end to the other and seen nearly all the major sites. Denver ain't gonna cut it. And Denver culture? My morning yogurt has more culture.

And again, you're, what, an hour? 2? from Denver.

CO, rats are obsessively clean; the only smell is if you don't clean their cage (in our case, aquarium) regularly. The rats themselves are not foul-smelling at all.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:44 pm

JQW wrote:FWIW, I'm not bitching, merely noting that self-preservation instincts keep me the hell away from places where there are fucking BOA CONSTRICTORS running around loose.
Er... that was in the Reptile Rescue itself, which I do not regularly go to. I mean, I'll go there... the boas are locked up... I've had dinner there... but it's not a recreational place for Longmont's (I live in Longmont -- do not bother to memorize that, as we are moving before the end of the year) hottest youngsters.

Jonsey, it's not our fault you decided to move to somewhere with the tourist appeal of a bleeding zit. Move to LA, Vegas, San Francisco, Orlando, NYC... maybe even Chicago or Boston or somewhere like that, for God's sake - and then you'll have a better time getting us off our lazy asses and choosing your place for a visit.
I know it was said already, but it bears repeating. You live in Rochester, which has nothing going for it other than 1) Your friends 2) Pizza. And you don't even like pizza!

I PRESUME you were not trying to do a comparison between Denver and Rochester, but Denver and other cities. I'm stunned that you think Denver is inferior to frigging Boston or San Francisco. I mean, I can admit that it's inferior to Las Vegas and, probably, New Orleans, but BOSTON?

Have you even ever been to Boston? Serious question. I have not.

by AArdvark » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:41 pm

Pinback! You are famous!

Thank you! I was amassing the nerve to try a search again

and now (like scrubbing bubbles) I don't have tooooo!



by pinback » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:39 pm


There is an amusing confluence here. The owner of that website, and by all accounts the world's foremost authority on Wacky Packages is none other than Greg Grant.

Greg Grant is the son of Jackie and [Bob?] Grant.

Jackie Grant divorced [Bob?], however, and then later remarried. The name of the man she married was...

David Parrish.

Thus, Greg Grant, world's foremost authority on Wacky Packages is my stepbrother.

This fact doesn't land me nearly as many chicks as you would think.

by AArdvark » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:32 pm

That's fucked up. People collect candy wrappers.

I seen trash cans do that. But most trash cans I know of have never posted collections on the internet. With pictures.

I consider a candy wrapper trash. Landfill, re-bicycle-able, gar-bahzze.

It's just somthing wrong here.

Anyway, if anyone knows the bubblegum cards I was referring to please thow up a link of som'thing.


by AArdvark » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:22 pm

Y'Know, that would make a cool photoshop!

Quaker Instant Bitch.....

Like those bubble gum cards with the spoof products on them.. What the hell were they called?



by Bugs » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:43 pm

Not suggesting RobB do or not do anything. I'm just saying, I love a woman with a quick wit and killer sense of humor, and Vitriola is about the only other woman I've seen who compares to my own sharp Quaker Instant Bitch.

by AArdvark » Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:28 pm

Bugs says to go out and get your rings.....


by Bugs » Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:38 pm

I swear to god, if I wasn't already married, and knew her, I'd marry this girl.

by Vitriola » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:57 pm

JQW wrote:Jonsey, it's not our fault you decided to move to somewhere with the tourist appeal of a bleeding zit. Move to LA, Vegas, San Francisco, Orlando, NYC... maybe even Chicago or Boston or somewhere like that,
Yeah, if the Rocky Mountains, Vail, Aspen, alpine slides, Boulder rivers, and Denver culture had more places where you could get $7 sodas, stand in line for 2 hours before you got to see anything, bright, flashing lights everywhere you looked and a constant barrage of advertising they'd probably be alot more popular =( It must be SO much better when Robb can visit you on Bumblebee Lane, 45 minutes away from the nearest in spot in the middle of winter in an area that never sees the sun. I can totally understand why nobody comes here. Physical activity outdoors! Constant sunshine! The most beautiful scenery ever! Cool places to take kids! What a yawn.

by co » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:07 pm

JQW wrote:(Hey, I had 14 rats at one point, I know all about people being weirded out by your choice of pets.)
That many rats must really stink, I would hope they weren't in the house. I'd much rather have a snake or two in the house than a mess of smelly mice or rats.

by JQW » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:27 am

FWIW, I'm not bitching, merely noting that self-preservation instincts keep me the hell away from places where there are fucking BOA CONSTRICTORS running around loose.

Yeah, they're friendly, just like pit bulls.

Hey, you're welcome to have whatever pets you want. (Hey, I had 14 rats at one point, I know all about people being weirded out by your choice of pets.) But you have to understand that loose snakes tend to discourage visits. No snakes in the house, fine, that's certainly helpful.

Jonsey, it's not our fault you decided to move to somewhere with the tourist appeal of a bleeding zit. Move to LA, Vegas, San Francisco, Orlando, NYC... maybe even Chicago or Boston or somewhere like that, for God's sake - and then you'll have a better time getting us off our lazy asses and choosing your place for a visit.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:39 pm

AArdvark wrote:Just, er, how many creatures do you have there? And how many cages / tanks are scattered about? No wonder Jonsey takes so long to get home..

When one creature joins, it's because another has left. There's one iguana that we are hosting. Vitriola has a leopard gecko that has become a family member, so those are the only non-mammilian lifeforms about. All the snakes were moved a while ago.

Though, should we ever get a house there will probably be one room where she can deposit whatever species she wants in it. So at that point ALL BETS ARE OFF! BETS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE TABLE! They'll literally RIP EACH OTHER'S HEADS OFF!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:37 pm

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:If I ever come to visit you guys in Ft Collins, remind me to stay in a fucking HOTEL ROOM. It's like goddamn Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom over there.
Yeah, I was really worried about what I was going to do when one of the JC Stud Squad came to visit. I'll worry about that right after I worry about the Roche Limit breach on Phobos.

by AArdvark » Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:06 pm

Just, er, how many creatures do you have there? And how many cages / tanks are scattered about? No wonder Jonsey takes so long to get home..


by Vitriola » Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:46 pm

Fort Collins is swimming in pigs, not reptiles. And we don't live there. Haven't in years. And I haven't even posted the most recent picture of who's staying here. You'd like him, he is small and very fierce.

Reminder to self - post picture of ig.

And our apartment is too small to have anyone stay here anyway.

What's up with you? Too much Instant Quaker Bitch for breakfast?
