JQW wrote:FWIW, I'm not bitching, merely noting that self-preservation instincts keep me the hell away from places where there are fucking BOA CONSTRICTORS running around loose.
Er... that was in the Reptile Rescue itself, which I do not regularly go to. I mean, I'll go there... the boas are locked up... I've had dinner there... but it's not a recreational place for Longmont's (I live in Longmont -- do not bother to memorize that, as we are moving before the end of the year) hottest youngsters.
Jonsey, it's not our fault you decided to move to somewhere with the tourist appeal of a bleeding zit. Move to LA, Vegas, San Francisco, Orlando, NYC... maybe even Chicago or Boston or somewhere like that, for God's sake - and then you'll have a better time getting us off our lazy asses and choosing your place for a visit.
I know it was said already, but it bears repeating. You live in Rochester, which has nothing going for it other than 1) Your friends 2) Pizza. And you don't even like pizza!
I PRESUME you were not trying to do a comparison between Denver and Rochester, but Denver and other cities. I'm stunned that you think Denver is inferior to frigging Boston or San Francisco. I mean, I can admit that it's inferior to Las Vegas and, probably, New Orleans, but BOSTON?
Have you even ever been to Boston? Serious question. I have not.