by hygraed » Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:08 am
I was on Direct2Drive yesterday, and I noticed that they had the Deus Ex GotY edition for $10. Having never played what I have heard is a great game, I made an instant impulse purchase.
This is pretty much a compilation of every cool thing ever. Action, stealth, and tons of cool gadgets. It's pretty difficult, too. I like how ammo is kind of scarce, which forces you to try to find alternate ways of neutralizing enemies. I'm still trying to infiltrate the base in the Statue of Liberty, and loving every minute.
It doesn't look half-bad, either, at 1024x768 and 32-bit textures.
I was on Direct2Drive yesterday, and I noticed that they had the Deus Ex GotY edition for [b]$10[/b]. Having never played what I have heard is a great game, I made an instant impulse purchase.
This is pretty much a compilation of every cool thing ever. Action, stealth, and tons of cool gadgets. It's pretty difficult, too. I like how ammo is kind of scarce, which forces you to try to find alternate ways of neutralizing enemies. I'm still trying to infiltrate the base in the Statue of Liberty, and loving every minute.
It doesn't look half-bad, either, at 1024x768 and 32-bit textures.