Ben's latest CRAP!

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by The Voluptuous-AmazonRace » Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:44 pm

We do not think you should kill yourself; Lex. ;;; We love;;; you and need you're man seed;



by The Dwarven Race » Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:11 pm

Nobody tosses a dwarf!!

But everyone tosses their cookies when faced with your ugly face on a crisp new dawn. For the love of all that is holy under the dread king Dweuymar, please, Lex, end your life as quickly as possible!!!

by The Vulcan Race » Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:10 pm

We concur; it would be most logical if you were to end your life as soon as possible, Mr. Lex.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 16, 2003 1:56 pm

Dear Lex,

Please kill yourself.


The Rest of the Human Race

by Lex » Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:35 am

And Oats.

by Lex » Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:33 am

Lay the fuck off this guy Robb; he has single-handedly saved the Internet countless times, and if it weren't for him, you'd be dead. Because. Think about it. Remember all those time he has threatened death on you? Well, what if he hadn't been born, and wasn't there to change his mind again? Seriously, cunt-rag, think it through. This man created the only serious piece of comedy you can understand outside of GOATSECX links. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the Bad Name for Bulletin Boards threads. AND IF IT WEREN'T FOR HIM YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN OF YOUR ARSE AND OPENED UP JOLT COUNTRY.

Which is a steaming pile of shit anyway, I'm just saying.

I may be drunk, but I can still spell poignant.

by loafergirl » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:28 am

Whiney bitches =)

by The Corrector » Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:06 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:1,023,200,194 awful websites
Ha! Shows how much you know!

Try 1,023,200,195!!!

by Rodney King » Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:05 pm

Cant we all just get along?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:03 pm

That was beautiful, man.

Now that he's gone, I kinda miss the ol' guy. We all had some good times... didn't we? I don't quite know where the guy flat-out lost it, but still. He's been through some tough times as of late. I shoulda been there for him.

Well, wherever you are, Be -- er, Dude, I hope you are well.

by Worm2 » Tue Jan 14, 2003 8:40 pm

Worm3 or is he wrote:Hey, howcome whenever I type B E N, it comes out Cocksucking Fruit Loop?
No, you most definitely are not.

Ben ben ben.
I made a new web comic ... about peace in the middle east of JC.

by The Scent of Failure 4.4 » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:56 pm

Welcome to my world. :sad:

by tidus » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:53 pm

The 'I Can't Get Laid' Guy wrote:Re: Cocksucking Fruitloop

Ah, lovely. Let's all congratulate your gracious spermgurgler of a hostess for figuring out how to do a search and replace on thread titles and content. (And, as it turns out, how to disallow my name.)

Proving once again that no matter how you spell it, there's no "class" in "Jolt Country".
Hmm, that new one doesn't seem to work either.

by bparrish » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:51 pm

Re: Cocksucking Fruitloop

Ah, lovely. Let's all congratulate your gracious spermgurgler of a hostess for figuring out how to do a search and replace on thread titles and content. (And, as it turns out, how to disallow my name.)

Proving once again that no matter how you spell it, there's no "class" in "Jolt Country".

by Worm3 or is he » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:50 pm

Hey, howcome whenever I type B E N, it comes out Cocksucking Fruit Loop?

by Ben » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:38 pm

I'm not so much "arguing" as trying to explain by way of demonstration what a fucking embarrassment to the human race our "host" here is. A lot of you guys would never know what an absolute, unmitigated vat of crap Robb is unless I was here to explain it to you.

Dig this, fucking numbnuts just started trying to take this to EMAIL. Like there's any fucking way I'm going to allow that to happen, and shield you from knowing what a bag of guano he really is. Hey Robb, wanna see my new email filter?

Code: Select all

SENDER CONTAINS "Robb" OR "Jonsey" OR "Fucking Imbecile Who Thinks He's Cool Because He Plays Twenty Year Old Video Games Instead of Getting Laid"

I can't believe I wasted so much of my life talking to that fucking lay-oozer.

by Worm » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:31 pm

You guys are actually arguing?

Uh, over what?

Could I have more pictures of the man covered in yellow?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:29 pm

Ah, you're playing the "I'm not listening" game? What a fucking teenage girl. So is that how it is with Parrish males? Your dad pretends to be Elizabeth White over the internet and you pretend to be a 13 year old she-cunt who is whining about her first period on LiveJournal? Mood:Menstruating!!

That cat Bennie of yours is the only member of the Parrish family with a penis. And look what happened to him.

by Ben » Tue Jan 14, 2003 6:51 pm

I'm sorry, did someone say something? See, I have this faint buzzing in my ears. It's a strange buzz too...

It feels like a buzz of:

Resentment: From someone who's never been able to match the humor, wit, and intelligence of the very worst of my writings with the very best of his.

Stupidity: From someone who is unable to realize exactly who it is keeping the trains in his little "web kingdom" running on time.

Desperation: From someone whose mouth has got his ass a little too close to the fire, and is now struggling mightily (and futilely) to save himself from the scalding, searing pain I am inflicting.

So, sorry, did someone say something?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jan 14, 2003 6:43 pm

Ben wrote:I know you didn't just try to encourage me to not come to this fucking place again. I know you didn't just fucking do that. Because that's about the last fucking thing you need, except for any more of your brain cells withered up by that hair coloring you slather all over your worthless skull.
Hey! I haven't done that in years, Sinead.

Maybe you're right though, maybe it's time for me to get off the pity train and stop coming here and feeling sorry for your pathetic fucking ass because nobody here uses this damn board. At one point, I did. I felt sorry for you, because I know how much of your substandard, meager talent and effort you put into this place, just to have nobody show up and use it.
Not only should you get off the pity train, but the gravy train as well, seeing how I have had to MOTHERFUCKING SUPPORT your tired self these last few months. Pathetic?? You peaked with the Pong FAQ back in like 1995. You haven't had anything interesting or of value to say since then. Everything else has been some strained commentary that at best has people straining out a very thin-lipped smile and at worst unplugging themselves from the Internet all together.

You're a collosal failure, and you've always been such.

Now you, you fucking ingrate, you are telling ME to fuck off? I know you didn't just fucking do that, because you'd be nailing the last fucking nail in this lame-ass BBS's fucking coffin.

Which, now that you mention it, would probably be a fucking improvement at this point.

Oh, I see how it's gonna be. I single-handedly support your own worthless BBS over at "Pinback's Web Central II" AND whatever retarded social experiment you're trying to engage in over at "Monto Rusa," and THIS is how I'm treated? I've gone above and beyond the call of duty in making you something other than the pure bucket of grime and failure that you'd otherwise be seen as at those places, and you want to get pushy with me? You're unbelievable! I sincerely hope in this unbelievable fairy-world existence of yours you are able to ride pink unicorns and chase rainbows all day long because you're going to be spending all your time in that gay alternate universe real soon now when, everytime you head over to one of the 1,023,200,194 awful websites you've created, you see absolutely nothing of value or comedy posted. THAT'S how it's gonna be, "bro."

