by Ben » Thu Jan 23, 2003 3:10 am
I am now about to tell you the most disgusting thing I've ever done that did not relate in any way to masturbation, and it happened (and is happening) today.
If you had any respect for me before (and Christ knows why that would be), and you wish to retain any of that, please do not read what I am about to tell you, because it's totally hideous. Seriously.
One of my new year's resolutions was to stop biting my fingernails. I have succeeded fabulously at this. So well, in fact, that today I actually had to sit down with a clipper and *trim* my fingernails with something other than my teeth. This hasn't happened in... well, in ever, probably.
So what did I do with the trimmings?
(Seriously, don't read any further.)
I put them in a little pile on my desk, and have been snacking on them throughout the day.
Hey, I warned you.
I am now about to tell you the most disgusting thing I've ever done that did not relate in any way to masturbation, and it happened (and is happening) today.
If you had any respect for me before (and Christ knows why that would be), and you wish to retain any of that, please do not read what I am about to tell you, because it's totally hideous. Seriously.
One of my new year's resolutions was to stop biting my fingernails. I have succeeded fabulously at this. So well, in fact, that today I actually had to sit down with a clipper and *trim* my fingernails with something other than my teeth. This hasn't happened in... well, in ever, probably.
So what did I do with the trimmings?
(Seriously, don't read any further.)
I put them in a little pile on my desk, and have been snacking on them throughout the day.
Hey, I warned you.