by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:20 am
"How would you like to visit my church" -- heh, heh. That's a great one. I should try to come up with a list of things that I personally would not want to hear. I am pretty mellow, but attempted religious conversion before drinks have arrived would cause me to look towards the waitstaff and say in a bright yet hurried manner, "check, please!"
There was a girl that worked at the same grocery store as I back when I was 16 or 17. She also lived down the street from me. I asked her out on a date and she told me that she had a boyfriend. I didn't think anything of it until a while later, where she called me out of the blue and suggested that we get together. I was dating Bunky at the time so I just told her that, but when the subject came up and my mother was around she gave me the extended version of her experiences with said family, and apparently they were all religious nuts. To this day I don't know exactly what sect they were from, but it was nigh-alien. The thing I took from it was that my mom was great because she had just as much tolerance for people who are pushy with their religion as I am: i.e., none.
Cell phones on dates annoy me period, but there's nothing like being on a date with a total mama's boy who receives not one, not two, but THREE calls from his mother in the cell in the span of 4 hours. And does not say "I'm busy I'll call you later" but holds a conversation with her all through dinner.
I haven't gone out on a date since I got my cell. I guess I'll bring it, just in case something goes wrong, but I'll turn it completely off. That way I won't be tempted to "see who it is" if the thing does ring or vibrate. I just had the water pump, timing belt and thermostat fixed on my car, so the odds of it breaking down on the side of the road (and me needing a cell to get it towed) is quite low, but still. If it's off, I'm covered. Anyway, it's been three days; I should probably call this girl. I will never feel good about how many days to wait so long as "Swingers" remains in my memory -- that one guy saying you should wait five or seven days (or whatever it was) always blows my mind. Surely they put that line in due to it being absurd, right? I mean, nobody really waits seven days? I can understand it if you've got so many chicks to poll that it's seven days before you get round to Girl #69,105, but those of us with social agendas not quite so brimming need to act faster. I would think. Eh, no use getting worked up about it.
"How would you like to visit my church" -- heh, heh. That's a great one. I should try to come up with a list of things that I personally would not want to hear. I am pretty mellow, but attempted religious conversion before drinks have arrived would cause me to look towards the waitstaff and say in a bright yet hurried manner, "check, please!"
There was a girl that worked at the same grocery store as I back when I was 16 or 17. She also lived down the street from me. I asked her out on a date and she told me that she had a boyfriend. I didn't think anything of it until a while later, where she called me out of the blue and suggested that we get together. I was dating Bunky at the time so I just told her that, but when the subject came up and my mother was around she gave me the extended version of her experiences with said family, and apparently they were all religious nuts. To this day I don't know exactly what sect they were from, but it was nigh-alien. The thing I took from it was that my mom was great because she had just as much tolerance for people who are pushy with their religion as I am: i.e., none.
Cell phones on dates annoy me period, but there's nothing like being on a date with a total mama's boy who receives not one, not two, but THREE calls from his mother in the cell in the span of 4 hours. And does not say "I'm busy I'll call you later" but holds a conversation with her all through dinner.
I haven't gone out on a date since I got my cell. I guess I'll bring it, just in case something goes wrong, but I'll turn it completely off. That way I won't be tempted to "see who it is" if the thing does ring or vibrate. I just had the water pump, timing belt and thermostat fixed on my car, so the odds of it breaking down on the side of the road (and me needing a cell to get it towed) is quite low, but still. If it's off, I'm covered. Anyway, it's been three days; I should probably call this girl. I will never feel good about how many days to wait so long as "Swingers" remains in my memory -- that one guy saying you should wait five or seven days (or whatever it was) always blows my mind. Surely they put that line in due to it being absurd, right? I mean, nobody really waits seven days? I can understand it if you've got so many chicks to poll that it's seven days before you get round to Girl #69,105, but those of us with social agendas not quite so brimming need to act faster. I would think. Eh, no use getting worked up about it.