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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: DER ECONOMY

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:00 am

looper wrote:Me or my brother: "Hey Jerry, a girl called for you."
Jerry: "Oh yeah, which one?"
Me or my brother: "I dunno. It sounded like Chlamydia."
There's an e-mail extension you can get at which is something like

Evil, indeed.

by Phruitcake » Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:49 am

There really is only one that you need to avoid....

"Who the fuck are you?"

by looper » Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:50 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Here are my top ten words or short phrases to avoid on a first date.

9. Chlamydia
An acquaintance of mine (he's friends with my brother, and they were once roommates together across the hall from me) (we'll call the acquaintance Jerry), is very good with the ladies. But he never stays with one for very long. He's very outspoken about their beauty and about sex, etc.

There's a joke that my brother and I share about him, it goes something like this:

Me or my brother: "Hey Jerry, a girl called for you."
Jerry: "Oh yeah, which one?"
Me or my brother: "I dunno. It sounded like Chlamydia."

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:09 pm

Well, it's been a couple days since I left a message and haven't heard back, so it's unlikely that I will.

If I may steal a riff from Craig Kilborn when he was with the Daily Show: What did we learn today? Well, don't say "Macintosh Switch Ad" into your first voicemail, apparently.

by loafergirl » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:48 pm

So long as the cell is off you're in the clear Robb.

And religion, I could care less unless the person worships something evil. So long as they do not attempt to push it on me, it's all good. I did have an unfortunate situation where I was dating a Christian who believed I was going to go to hell, and when asking him how he could be with someone who he believed was going to go to hell his response was "I was hoping in time that maybe...". Relationship ended.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:36 pm

Worm wrote:Words I hope against hope I never hear on a date well with some sick anticipation wait for the day when I marry the women who utters them.

1. Battle
2. Raper
This is another reason to have the cell off if I do manage to go out. Though, with my phone number in possession by Bruce, Lex and Gerrit, there really has been a noticeable lack of BATTTTTTTTTTTTRRRE RAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPERRR!!! messages lately.

by Worm » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:33 pm

Words I hope against hope I never hear on a date well with some sick anticipation wait for the day when I marry the women who utters them.

1. Battle
2. Raper

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:20 am

"How would you like to visit my church" -- heh, heh. That's a great one. I should try to come up with a list of things that I personally would not want to hear. I am pretty mellow, but attempted religious conversion before drinks have arrived would cause me to look towards the waitstaff and say in a bright yet hurried manner, "check, please!"

There was a girl that worked at the same grocery store as I back when I was 16 or 17. She also lived down the street from me. I asked her out on a date and she told me that she had a boyfriend. I didn't think anything of it until a while later, where she called me out of the blue and suggested that we get together. I was dating Bunky at the time so I just told her that, but when the subject came up and my mother was around she gave me the extended version of her experiences with said family, and apparently they were all religious nuts. To this day I don't know exactly what sect they were from, but it was nigh-alien. The thing I took from it was that my mom was great because she had just as much tolerance for people who are pushy with their religion as I am: i.e., none.
Cell phones on dates annoy me period, but there's nothing like being on a date with a total mama's boy who receives not one, not two, but THREE calls from his mother in the cell in the span of 4 hours. And does not say "I'm busy I'll call you later" but holds a conversation with her all through dinner.
I haven't gone out on a date since I got my cell. I guess I'll bring it, just in case something goes wrong, but I'll turn it completely off. That way I won't be tempted to "see who it is" if the thing does ring or vibrate. I just had the water pump, timing belt and thermostat fixed on my car, so the odds of it breaking down on the side of the road (and me needing a cell to get it towed) is quite low, but still. If it's off, I'm covered. Anyway, it's been three days; I should probably call this girl. I will never feel good about how many days to wait so long as "Swingers" remains in my memory -- that one guy saying you should wait five or seven days (or whatever it was) always blows my mind. Surely they put that line in due to it being absurd, right? I mean, nobody really waits seven days? I can understand it if you've got so many chicks to poll that it's seven days before you get round to Girl #69,105, but those of us with social agendas not quite so brimming need to act faster. I would think. Eh, no use getting worked up about it.

by loafergirl » Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:15 pm

Because I am a freak of the female gender hearing of Zork, Frodo, or the Dirty Sanchez/Hot Carl (due to South Park reference), dungeon (so long as it was in a gaming sense)or all mentioned Star Trek terms would not be at all offensive to me. However, to the general female community I would agree it would be best to avoid them.

Top 10 things I don't want to hear on a first date:

10. Venereal disease
9. PMS
8. Republican
7. Are you bi? / How do you feel about threesomes then?
6. My ex girlfriend...
5. Perhaps you would like to visit my church...
4. Oh, that's my cell phone...
3.(turning to his friend during a double date)You remember that time we were looking for hookers...*
2.(via telephone while confirming date)Well my girlfriends sister, er, I mean I like to date several girls at a time like my friend Chris who has 8 girlfriends...**
1.It's my mom on the cell phone***


All items with stars are based on actual events

* It was not actually MY date who said this, but my dates friend while turning to him. Though I do beleive him when he explained that they were suburban kids who had never SEEN a hooker and at 17 were driving around looking for them... HOWEVER that was quite a moment.
** Robb was witness when I received this call, after repeatedly telling the guy (who while trying to cover up his slip kept making it worse) "put down the shovel" and then saying "how about you call me if you're ever interested in dating one girl *click*" I burst out laughing uncontrollably for about 20 minutes until I could relay the other side of the conversation to the other 3 people in the room with me (Robb being one of them)
*** Cell phones on dates annoy me period, but there's nothing like being on a date with a total mama's boy who receives not one, not two, but THREE calls from his mother in the cell in the span of 4 hours. And does not say "I'm busy I'll call you later" but holds a conversation with her all through dinner.

by bruce » Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:40 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Here are my top ten words or short phrases to avoid on a first date.

10. Zork
9. Chlamydia
8. Vulcan
7. dungeon
6. nasal sex
5. Frodo
4. Cleveland Steamer
3. Megatron
2. furries
1. on-board floppy controller
Not quite mine.

10. Dirty Sanchez
9. Sapir-Worf
8. Worf
7. Altarboy
6. Syphilis
5. Squick
4. Socket job
3. Furries
2. Discharge
1. Hot Carl

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:08 pm

Here are my top ten words or short phrases to avoid on a first date.

10. Zork
9. Chlamydia
8. Vulcan
7. dungeon
6. nasal sex
5. Frodo
4. Cleveland Steamer
3. Megatron
2. furries
1. on-board floppy controller

by loafergirl » Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:15 pm

WOO HOO, go Robb!

Oh, and regarding said date please see my post in Best Of base Topic "Eew" page 3. Except replace the words music with games, and replace the Beatles with Zork*.

*This is not to say that Jonsey does in fact dislike Zork it is only being used as an example. Thank you, please drive through.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:06 pm

Lex wrote:Hello.
I am glad I didn't come on too strong there; I didn't mean to sound so very nasty, but I really don't want you to enter another job where you're going to be wishing you were inthe games' industry; I just want you to doo it, y'knwo?
I didn't take it in a nasty manner at all. At 28, I really ought to be getting my life in order. After going to the wedding of one of my best buds, I'll admit that the thought of having an actual woman play a significant role in my life and putting together a real future is something that I'd like to have. How on earth am I going to be able to do that if I am spending 8 hours writing code at work for profit and then another five or six writing code at home for fun? I can't live like that any longer. (Well, until I finish this current work-in-progress, natch.) It's severely impacting the quality of my life.

No, instead, I am going to try to make my hobby my job. I am also going to try to get a date this weekend, so when you wake up at whatever hour you wake up on Sunday you won't find me on ICQ blathering non-sensible comments written largely in caps like you have for two of the last three weekends as it's still my late late Saturday night and I've gone mad writing long_desc entries.

by Lex » Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:44 am


I am glad I didn't come on too strong there; I didn't mean to sound so very nasty, but I really don't want you to enter another job where you're going to be wishing you were inthe games' industry; I just want you to doo it, y'knwo?

Ach. Cold han ds.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:24 pm

Lex wrote:What I want to know is: What are you doing about it? Look at this as a chance to move on, rather than a terrible, terrible loss. You never really liked colorado anyway, except for a few Solid Citizens. Let's look for work. You should be sending in your CV to countless games-companies, all across the US. Why aren't you?
Starting today... I shall be! Actually, if you guys want to proofread my resume, I'll link to it before I send it out.

Get your but in gear. you know what happened last time, at the expense of my capitols. don't get me wrong; I felt really bad for you, yaddah yaddah, it's a terrible thing, and the tech-centre marketó[ is going out, true. But find a job in the industry you've wanted, or waste another 5 years. Get it.
Again, an excellent point. I've known for ten years that I've wanted to make video games. Time to seriously apply myself towards that goal.

Idol Minds (the guys that did the Cool Boarders games) is based on Louisville, Colorado and they have three positions open according to Gamasutra. I could physically drop off a resume and CD this week in fact. The job being advertised on Gamasutra means that they are probably flooded with applications, but at the same time who knows how many people that are in the game industry want to move to Colorado? So I'll give it a shot.

Re: The Next Step

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:20 pm

danzaland wrote:Robb send me your resume and I will pass it to my buddy Ilan in North Miami Beach. I think I might have told you about his offer and though you thought you might not fit the bill you may be able to adapt to that job versus unemployment. On the other hand if you were to save all your cash and keep yourself on a schedule you could probably start and finish writing a new game in your "time off". But that will take plenty of self discipline Grasshopper.
I'm pretty close to having one done now, so hopefully I won't be out on the streets before I finish it. I hope to have it in beta test by March 3rd.

I will definitely keep your offer in mind. The thing is, I don't know a soul in Florida. But yeah, it's definitely better than getting on unemployment for any length of time.

I've spoken to one of my bosses today, and what I got from the conversation was that while he is pretty much unfireable, if something doesn't work out with Samsung and this other unnamed potential suitor, the guys the company hired to facilitate the sale will be snaking around. I don't think we quite have to interview for our jobs ala Office Space, but it's not much better.

The thing is, there's been four layoffs since I've worked here. Yeah, the economy sucks, but am I really leading any kind of life worth leading constantly in the shadow of the atom bomb?

by loafergirl » Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:27 pm

I have to say, when all is said and done I'm rather fortunate that I still have a semblance of job security, 3 1/2 years at Time Warner, our stock price having gone down fairly dramatically (with the rest of the stock market) and we're still hiring...


by Lex » Sun Feb 23, 2003 12:51 pm

What I want to know is: What are you doing about it? Look at this as a chance to move on, rather than a terrible, terrible loss. You never really liked colorado anyway, except for a few Solid Citizens. Let's look for work. You should be sending in your CV to countless games-companies, all across the US. Why aren't you?

Get your but in gear. you know what happened last time, at the expense of my capitols.

don't get me wrong; I felt really bad for you, yaddah yaddah, it's a terrible thing, and the tech-centre marketó[ is going out, true. But find a job in the industry you've wanted, or waste another 5 years. Get it.

Seriously, I want a report of what you've been doing to apply to these companies. I don't care if they're newly formed or
f[r] hugely famous; any employment will get you into the iterative circle of becoming a Game Designer, and <sniff> selling text games.

I'm sorry if that sounded heartless, but really, get your arse in gear while you have the chance; don't go for another bleeding-heart BIOS-dumping job.

BIOS-dump, sure.

But do it for the Xbox.

The Next Step

by danzaland » Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:50 am

Robb send me your resume and I will pass it to my buddy Ilan in North Miami Beach. I think I might have told you about his offer and though you thought you might not fit the bill you may be able to adapt to that job versus unemployment. On the other hand if you were to save all your cash and keep yourself on a schedule you could probably start and finish writing a new game in your "time off". But that will take plenty of self discipline Grasshopper.

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:12 am

Yeah, that was pretty great. I made a couple people read the whole thread just so they could come across that last post.
I'm off to La Crosse, WI, for the weekend. I figure why not drive around while I can.
