by AArdvark » Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:11 pm
Now for a better version:
Meanwhile back in Terrania, Khrass, the three-eyed Arkanoid, had arrived at a stage during his inter-brain examinations of Raleigh where he hoped to obtain the first important information.
Raleigh had spent the last few days in a trance and had offered no resistance to Khrass's endeavors to penetrate into his subconscious mind. Khrass knew how important the information in Raleigh's brain might be for Harry Rhodant. He asked Thurp to assist him with the decisive examination.
Thurp, the beautiful three eyed, triple-breasted Arkanoid woman, had been recovering from the shock she had suffered during her recent adventure on Venus.
To a certain extent, Thurp was very pleased now that Khrass had requested her help. Without a ship to command she felt quite useless here on Earth. She was waiting for a chance to involve herself in something and not just be an impatient haughty alien causing trouble and confusion.
Khrass was awaiting her in his lab. He was wearing a white smock that matched his hair and eyebrows. Raleigh was unconscious, strapped to a wheeled examination table. 'To do what, are you planning?' Thurp asked in the Arkanoid language.
'Deep probe,' replied Khrass curtly.
Thurp audibly drew a deep breath and looked at him with all three eyes. 'Dangerous to him that could be.'
Khrass shook his head. 'I know, everything else I have tried. Memory of the enemy he still has, buried deep it is. Brain probe we need.'
Thurp's face was serious when she spoke. `Survive this will he?'
'Hoping we are.' Said Khrass
'Lucky you are, helping you I am able now. Approaching rapidly my zug-zug cycle is.'
Khrass looked at her with two eyes. He had not realized that Thurp wasn't taking her anti zug-zug tablets. The Arkanoid species normally went into a sexual heat twice a year, but with the aid of the anti zug-zug tablets they could go for years without the annoying intrusion of having to copulate every three or four hours for two weeks straight. When the zug-zug was past, the Arkanoids were usually bed-ridden for days and it took weeks for them to be fully recovered. Khrass wondered why she had stopped taking her tablets, but it was really none of his business. All he said was, 'Lucky humans.' He was past the age of the zug-zug and all the irrational behaviors that went with it. He suspected that her sneaking off to Venus six months ago had something to do with her not taking her tablets.
He rolled Raleigh's table over to the deep-prober. He looked at her with one eye while he adjusted the controls. 'Installing the probe spindles please? Setup the control I will.'
With a nod, she took the two spindle-shaped parts of the apparatus which were connected by two cables to the actual instrument, and fastened them to a frame above Raleigh's head. The thin ends of the spindles were now about an inch away from Raleigh's temples.
'Ready?' asked Khrass.
'Ready' Replied Thurp.
Khrass flipped two switches and slowly turned a large black dial on the machine. A soft, hum came, now from the small apparatus. Thurp kept watching the spindles. They remained undisturbed.
'Full charge I am going.' said Khrass.
He twisted the dial all the way over. The hum became louder. The lights in the lab flickered and dimmed. Blue sparks suddenly jumped from the spindles to Raleigh's head, singing some of his hair. He moaned in his sleep but stayed still.
The prober-screen showed the first wave reflexes-a confusion of green lines which for the time being could not be interpreted. Khrass made sure that the large film camera attached to the apparatus was working. The film would later be developed and transferred to the Positronicon for evaluation in order to decipher Raleigh's memories.
The tangle of lines on the screen showed up clearly. It became evident that Raleigh's brain was an average specimen.
'Larger spindles we need. Reset the machine I will and closer resolution we will have.'
'Brain-toast it may make. Dangerous it might be.'
'Answers to many questions this man has. Worth the risk it must be.' In English he added, 'Besides, as the saying goes, they are only human.'
Thurp shrugged and replaced the thin spindles with the larger ones. When she finished she gave Khrass the ready signal and he turned the dial back to full blast again. The hum was very loud this time and the overhead lights went almost totally dark. The lab was lit up by the flashing blue sparks jumping from the spindles to Raleigh's head.
'Record it this will if memories in here are.' said Khrass in his own tongue.
The examination lasted about 15 minutes.
'That's all' said Khrass. He twisted the dial back to zero again and pulled the main switches to off. The humming sound gradually died down as the lights came back to full strength. Nothing had changed all throughout the examination in Raleigh's facial expression. He was breathing quietly and regularly.
'Looks alright he does.' remarked Thurp, looking at Raleigh with one eye. Khrass was already busy with the camera. 'Helping me transcode please?' he asked.
Thurp looked at Khrass with all three eyes. 'Feeling alright are you, Khrass? Working like an Earthman you are. Not so much work at home on Arkanoid would you be doing.'
Khrass returned the smile. In English he said, 'While these earthmen may sometimes act like snurflbarfers, their vitality is contagious,' he answered, 'Anyway, would you prefer lying under a zaxxonicon and consuming mass quantities?'
Thurp laughed out loud. 'Don't be a thak-weed, I'd rather help you here.'
Now for a better version:
Meanwhile back in Terrania, Khrass, the three-eyed Arkanoid, had arrived at a stage during his inter-brain examinations of Raleigh where he hoped to obtain the first important information.
Raleigh had spent the last few days in a trance and had offered no resistance to Khrass's endeavors to penetrate into his subconscious mind. Khrass knew how important the information in Raleigh's brain might be for Harry Rhodant. He asked Thurp to assist him with the decisive examination.
Thurp, the beautiful three eyed, triple-breasted Arkanoid woman, had been recovering from the shock she had suffered during her recent adventure on Venus.
To a certain extent, Thurp was very pleased now that Khrass had requested her help. Without a ship to command she felt quite useless here on Earth. She was waiting for a chance to involve herself in something and not just be an impatient haughty alien causing trouble and confusion.
Khrass was awaiting her in his lab. He was wearing a white smock that matched his hair and eyebrows. Raleigh was unconscious, strapped to a wheeled examination table. 'To do what, are you planning?' Thurp asked in the Arkanoid language.
'Deep probe,' replied Khrass curtly.
Thurp audibly drew a deep breath and looked at him with all three eyes. 'Dangerous to him that could be.'
Khrass shook his head. 'I know, everything else I have tried. Memory of the enemy he still has, buried deep it is. Brain probe we need.'
Thurp's face was serious when she spoke. `Survive this will he?'
'Hoping we are.' Said Khrass
'Lucky you are, helping you I am able now. Approaching rapidly my zug-zug cycle is.'
Khrass looked at her with two eyes. He had not realized that Thurp wasn't taking her anti zug-zug tablets. The Arkanoid species normally went into a sexual heat twice a year, but with the aid of the anti zug-zug tablets they could go for years without the annoying intrusion of having to copulate every three or four hours for two weeks straight. When the zug-zug was past, the Arkanoids were usually bed-ridden for days and it took weeks for them to be fully recovered. Khrass wondered why she had stopped taking her tablets, but it was really none of his business. All he said was, 'Lucky humans.' He was past the age of the zug-zug and all the irrational behaviors that went with it. He suspected that her sneaking off to Venus six months ago had something to do with her not taking her tablets.
He rolled Raleigh's table over to the deep-prober. He looked at her with one eye while he adjusted the controls. 'Installing the probe spindles please? Setup the control I will.'
With a nod, she took the two spindle-shaped parts of the apparatus which were connected by two cables to the actual instrument, and fastened them to a frame above Raleigh's head. The thin ends of the spindles were now about an inch away from Raleigh's temples.
'Ready?' asked Khrass.
'Ready' Replied Thurp.
Khrass flipped two switches and slowly turned a large black dial on the machine. A soft, hum came, now from the small apparatus. Thurp kept watching the spindles. They remained undisturbed.
'Full charge I am going.' said Khrass.
He twisted the dial all the way over. The hum became louder. The lights in the lab flickered and dimmed. Blue sparks suddenly jumped from the spindles to Raleigh's head, singing some of his hair. He moaned in his sleep but stayed still.
The prober-screen showed the first wave reflexes-a confusion of green lines which for the time being could not be interpreted. Khrass made sure that the large film camera attached to the apparatus was working. The film would later be developed and transferred to the Positronicon for evaluation in order to decipher Raleigh's memories.
The tangle of lines on the screen showed up clearly. It became evident that Raleigh's brain was an average specimen.
'Larger spindles we need. Reset the machine I will and closer resolution we will have.'
'Brain-toast it may make. Dangerous it might be.'
'Answers to many questions this man has. Worth the risk it must be.' In English he added, 'Besides, as the saying goes, they are only human.'
Thurp shrugged and replaced the thin spindles with the larger ones. When she finished she gave Khrass the ready signal and he turned the dial back to full blast again. The hum was very loud this time and the overhead lights went almost totally dark. The lab was lit up by the flashing blue sparks jumping from the spindles to Raleigh's head.
'Record it this will if memories in here are.' said Khrass in his own tongue.
The examination lasted about 15 minutes.
'That's all' said Khrass. He twisted the dial back to zero again and pulled the main switches to off. The humming sound gradually died down as the lights came back to full strength. Nothing had changed all throughout the examination in Raleigh's facial expression. He was breathing quietly and regularly.
'Looks alright he does.' remarked Thurp, looking at Raleigh with one eye. Khrass was already busy with the camera. 'Helping me transcode please?' he asked.
Thurp looked at Khrass with all three eyes. 'Feeling alright are you, Khrass? Working like an Earthman you are. Not so much work at home on Arkanoid would you be doing.'
Khrass returned the smile. In English he said, 'While these earthmen may sometimes act like snurflbarfers, their vitality is contagious,' he answered, 'Anyway, would you prefer lying under a zaxxonicon and consuming mass quantities?'
Thurp laughed out loud. 'Don't be a thak-weed, I'd rather help you here.'