First you have to read the original scene, in order to see what crap it is, then you can read my re-write and offer commentary.
Original story: Remember, this is an actual published book, god knows how or why..

To a certain extent, Thora was very pleased now that Khrest had requested her help. Without wanting to admit it to herself, she was eagerly waiting for a chance to prove to Perry Rhodan that she could be a quite useful person and not just an impatient haughty woman causing trouble and confusion. Perhaps examining the prisoner would offer such an opportunity to redeem herself.
Khrest was awaiting her. The room in which Raleigh was lying strapped on an examination table was rather large but at this moment so jammed full of instruments of all kind that there was hardly room in which to move around.
`What are you planning to do?' Thora asked in her own Arkonide language.
`Deep probe,' replied Khrest curtly.
Thora audibly drew a deep breath. `Have you exhausted all other approaches?'
Khrest shook his head. `I've tried everything. Assuming he still has a remnant of some memory of the incident with the unknown person who put him under his hypnotic spell, the memory is buried so deep that we can hope to reach it only with a special depth probe.'
Thora's face was serious when. she spoke. `Let's hope he'll survive this ordeal.'
Khrest rolled a little table with the complicated deep-prober instrument next to the examination table. `Will you take charge of the electrodes while I watch the indicator?'
Without a word, Thora took the two spindle-shaped parts of the apparatus which were connected by two thick cables to the actual instrument, and fastened them to a frame above Raleigh's head. The thin ends of the spindles were now pointing at Raleigh's head.
`Ready?' asked Khrest.
Thora checked the position of the spindles. `Yes, go ahead!'
A soft, hum came, now from the small apparatus. Thora kept watching the spindles. They remained undisturbed.
`Full charge!' said Khrest.
The prober-screen showed now the first wave reflexes-a confusion of green lines which for the time being could not be interpreted. Khrest made sure that the film camera attached to the apparatus was working. The film would later be presented to the positronicon for evaluation in order to decipher Raleigh's memories.
The tangle of lines on the screen showed up clearly. It became evident that Raleigh's brain was just an average specimen.
`Exchange the two spindles, please!' requested Khrest after some time had elapsed.
Thora made the change. A second period of radiation produced complementary pictures to the first ones they had already obtained.
The whole examination lasted about 15 minutes.
`That's it!' said Khrest. A switch clicked, a lever fell, the humming sound gradually died down. Nothing had changed all throughout the examination in Raleigh's facial expression. He was breathing quietly and regularly.
`He seems to have withstood it alright,' remarked Thora.
But Khrest was already busy with other things. `Do you want to help me with the evaluation?' he asked.
Thora smiled. `Are you feeling alright, Khrest? My diagnosis: A Terranian-type burst of activity! Here you are working as much in one hour as you would not have accomplished in one whole day back home on Arkon.'
Khrest returned the smile. `Vitality is contagious,' he answered, `or would you prefer lying under a cerebronicon and look at the wave patterns?'
Thora laughed out loud. `No, no! I'd rather help you here!'