by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:55 pm
Ok. I'll tell you what I did. OK? You can do what I did.
Max in intelligence. Max in Surgery and Field Medic, but I also gave her Shotgun.
Max in luck. She has Perception, Shotguns, Hand Guns, Field Medic. She also has one of each of the speech stats, Hard Ass, Kiss Ass and Smart Ass. On your first level, give her some sort of hand to hand weapon skill, only because ammo is so scarce, sometimes it's nice to have one person with a tire chain or bottle of acid. I guess a bottle of acid is not a hand to hand weapon but more of a hand to face weapon.
We don't max this guy out. A little in accuracy or dexterity or whatever. I forget what attributes the game has. We're not overly concerned with intelligence. Whatever makes it seem like he would shoot well.
He gets most of the gun stuff. Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Shotguns... the only other skill he gets is Computer Science. He is basically the JC poster known as Bruce.
Try to raise his intelligence and luck and accuracy a little. He gets snipers and machine guns... but we try to put one into every other skill. Lockpicking, Safecracking are a must. Alarm Disarm, Demolitions are also useful. Possibly another Perception. You want to get one rank of everything for this dude as quickly as possible.
That's four dudes, none of whom are tripping over each other trying to perform the same trick. The Doctor, the Talker, the Shooter and the Skill Bro. This way it doesn't matter what NPCs you add or don't add. (Not that the game has let me add one yet, which is infuriating.) You want to make the Shooter person be competent with all kinds of weapons. You can relax on Energy Weapons for two or three levels. You can relax on Toaster Repair for a few levels for Mr Fix-It. You can relax yourself, because this is how I am doing the game.
Also, restart every time someone dies because it's bullshit that you can't roll new dudes.
Ok. I'll tell you what I did. OK? You can do what I did.
Max in intelligence. Max in Surgery and Field Medic, but I also gave her Shotgun.
Max in luck. She has Perception, Shotguns, Hand Guns, Field Medic. She also has one of each of the speech stats, Hard Ass, Kiss Ass and Smart Ass. On your first level, give her some sort of hand to hand weapon skill, only because ammo is so scarce, sometimes it's nice to have one person with a tire chain or bottle of acid. I guess a bottle of acid is not a hand to hand weapon but more of a hand to face weapon.
We don't max this guy out. A little in accuracy or dexterity or whatever. I forget what attributes the game has. We're not overly concerned with intelligence. Whatever makes it seem like he would shoot well.
He gets most of the gun stuff. Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Shotguns... the only other skill he gets is Computer Science. He is basically the JC poster known as Bruce.
[b]Mr. FIX-IT [/b]
Try to raise his intelligence and luck and accuracy a little. He gets snipers and machine guns... but we try to put one into every other skill. Lockpicking, Safecracking are a must. Alarm Disarm, Demolitions are also useful. Possibly another Perception. You want to get one rank of everything for this dude as quickly as possible.
That's four dudes, none of whom are tripping over each other trying to perform the same trick. The Doctor, the Talker, the Shooter and the Skill Bro. This way it doesn't matter what NPCs you add or don't add. (Not that the game has let me add one yet, which is infuriating.) You want to make the Shooter person be competent with all kinds of weapons. You can relax on Energy Weapons for two or three levels. You can relax on Toaster Repair for a few levels for Mr Fix-It. You can relax yourself, because this is how I am doing the game.
Also, restart every time someone dies because it's bullshit that you can't roll new dudes.