Errrrrrrrrrrr...pinback wrote:You realize you have described The Worst Game Ever. A game where you have to spend a lot of time up front, hoping against hope that you didn't choose wrong for the next 43 hours (or in this case, 43 minutes) with no information other than internet forums to go on.
Right. In the IF scene, we call that "misogyny."IF games get slaughtered if they can enter an "unwinnable state"
Well, no. I am telling Retro, who is frozen and QQing, tears streaming down face, what I did to make a good party.And you're describing a game which you can get into that stats just by not tirelessly investigating the magic combination of characters you need to progress past the first fucking scenario.
I didn't know the first time out that the game gives you weapons to exercise your weapon skills. That was new! The first one gave everyone the same loadout. That's the only part that I didn't know. And unlike parenthood, they did give us a manual.
Agreed! I am bad at video games.But I've played the first hour of it about six times by now. I learned a few lessons. I get further each time. But this is before the VERY FIRST STORY MISSION is over.
Okay. What can you control about most fights? You can control when the fight starts. You can control who is shooting with what. You can control where your guys are positioned. You can control the use of cover on the map.I demand an apolo- I demand you explain how we are all fucking this up. I WANT to love this game, you understand. Shadowrun, I was on the fence, and within 20 minutes, I wanted to (and did) hate it.
I guess an actual tip is that the sniper can hit people pretty far away. You can set your dudes up and then have the sniper character pick somebody off from a screen away. Now the fight has started, you immediately have one of the enemies with damage, and they have to run to you.
It gets easier once your guys have over 50 hit points, too.