Soft, "medium-rare" bacon.

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by Flack » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:10 pm

Then I would use the mind control ray from your novel to convince them otherwise.

by Tdarcos » Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:17 am

Flack wrote:Let me explain the joke to you -- I am willing to pay Comcast $20 to turn off your internet access. And by "$20" I really mean "four billion dollars."
In which case I sue Comcast, collect the money you paid them plus huge punitive damages, then get FIOS from Verizon.

Then if you try to stop them, I will have enough money to buy a commercial connection from MFS.

Then if you stop them, I buy it from Level 3 Communications.

Then buy it from MCI.
Then buy it from AT&T.
Then buy it from Sprint.

And if it goes beyond that, I'll have enough money to pay for a direct gigabit connection to the nearest internet exchange point which is 75 miles away in Warrenton, VA. It costs about 5 grand a mile to lay fiber, so...

And then I could sell the surplus bandwidth and buy this house, and run my own carrier.

And at that point, you could never disconnect me.

by AArdvark » Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:06 am

Could you describe the smell?

So glad the internet doesn't transmit olfactory information.


by RealityCheck » Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:19 pm

Tdarcos wrote:when there is a complaint (my room often smells because opening it up to air it out is difficult)
oh my god that sounds fucking disgusting

by Flack » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:00 pm

Let me explain the joke to you -- I am willing to pay Comcast $20 to turn off your internet access. And by "$20" I really mean "four billion dollars."

by Tdarcos » Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:18 pm

Flack wrote:$20 for Comcast to smite him for another week.
Actually, Comcast lost $20. They promised a 1-3pm arrival time; the two guys did not show up until 5, so my landlord will get a $20 credit.

Oh, and the reason I will not ask him for a credit is he's actually giving me a discount, I only pay him $10 a month. It may have to do with my attitude as a tenant. I don't ask for anything unless I'll pay for it (like adding Internet), I pay my rent on time, by bank check, and I don't bother the other tenants unnecessarily and when there is a complaint (my room often smells because opening it up to air it out is difficult), I fix it as soon as possible.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:20 pm

Flack wrote:Reality check for Reality Check: Tdarcos does not require financial reimbursement for shitting all over conversations.
JC FUN FAX: You've all been able to post as "Reality Check" for about two seconds after I put that ban in.

"Khan, I'm laughing at the superior intellect!"

by Flack » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:49 pm

Reality check for Reality Check: Tdarcos does not require financial reimbursement for shitting all over conversations.

by R E a L I T I T T Y Chk » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:36 pm

I'd pay $25 for tdarcos to shit all over the dilbert blog comments section for a week. Just be yourself.

by Flack » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:41 am

$20 for Comcast to smite him for another week.

by pinback » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:45 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote:$10 for a bacon video.
And I can trust you? Welshed on one $5 video and raped one of my postings. Yeah, right.
$15 out the door.

by Tdarcos » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:58 pm

pinback wrote:$10 for a bacon video.
And I can trust you? Welshed on one $5 video and raped one of my postings. Yeah, right.

by pinback » Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:06 pm

$10 for a bacon video.

Re: Soft, "medium-rare" bacon.

by Tdarcos » Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:36 pm

pinback wrote:Am I the only one in the world who likes soft, barely cooked bacon, with plenty of unrendered white fatty bits still oozing grease?

I'll hang up and listen.
That's the only kind of bacon I like either, the soft, chewy kind. I do not like crispy bacon.

by RetroRomper » Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:47 am

Bacon? Chewy without the chew; this just means its cooked about three minutes before it becomes crispy at all (so it is also still cooked). I always had difficulty obtaining this with packaged bacon and found that the butcher block (where they cut a hulking slab of it into strips for you) was always the preferred type (was recently turned onto Apple smoked bacon but that is the usual packaged nonsense).

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:19 pm

lol ben never likes anything other people do

by AArdvark » Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:55 am

The slower you cook the bacon, the better it tastes. Chewy, with crispy edges, that's the way.


by Flack » Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:44 am

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:47 pm

I'm sorry, Ben. I'll gooooooooo with that style of bacon. I don't hate it. But that's the kind I can make. I can't make the crispy kind.

As a result, I like what I can't have more.

I am now off to play a game with collision detection. Any game with collision detection.

by Flack » Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:12 pm

To be fair, right now we only have "(everyone in the world) - 2". We will need a few more responses for a control group.

Also, I had someone offer me a bottle of this tonight. I passed.
