by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jul 12, 2002 2:23 pm
Trent Wyler Robertson wrote:I don't understand. TWR
Shut the fuck up, Hill. I know that because the Krips page gave you the closest thing to positive feedback you ever have or ever will receive on the piece of shit you decided to slob over to Geocities you think there was some implied invitation to talk about it here, but the truth is, fuck you.
And in this particular case, it's not even that the game in question is a complete pile of dogshit and ineptly, laughably slapped together in a poor pantomime of "design" and "programming" -- it's that the retard who hurled his slopped together mess at the scene in large arranged himself to come off as one of the most annoying guys in Usenet. Nobody cares if you make a crap game. And Jesus Christ, did you. Some miserable games even eventually get revered -- I could talk about Space Aliens Laughed At My Cardigan at length, for instance, and that is a game that is usually considered to be poor.
But in your case? The real crime is how totally unfunny you've been in the four or five months you've been so transparently and desperately trying to make a name for yourself. Nothing that your pea-sized monkey brain can come up with is remotely original, clever, biting, particularly cruel, amusing or really worthy of note. To paraphrase Dr. Evil, you're the Diet Fucking Coke of Usenet Trolls. I can't choose between "disgusting" or "sad" as to the best description of your "antics," though -- you're obviously totally obsessed with the community and it was also flat-out obvious that there was no way you would ever,
ever make a meaningful contribution to it. Bruce briefly referenced a "heh" to that "groin loiterer" comment and you've plopped it into three or four of your few dozen shit-ramblings in a desperate attempt to cry, "Look! Look at me -- I said something that was mildly funny once! I'm talented, too! Oh, fuck you! Fuck you all!!" Seriously, you're able to handle yourself about as well as a thirteen year old girl getting her first period on a Drama Club camping trip.
And you're no doubt just steaming at the "successes" enjoyed by a few of the more well-known members of the modern day IF scene and, having resigned yourself about 95% of the way (I mean, you still
did release that fucking code-fetus to the world) to the fact that you'll never be worth a good goddamn within it, you had attempted to seek out the "easiest" targets you could perceive and rail on them. The reason most of your inane dribblings are against women is that --
even in your 100%, completely anonymous 'Civil War General Persona' -- you're still too much of a fucking pussy to call someone out whom you suspect might be willing to respond with equal (well, superior, really) rancor.
That's fucking pathetic.
Hey, maybe after writing that post to Papillion that you're apparently so proud of you felt the need to post a response to yourself proclaiming it as one of the Comedy Ten Commandments you could write a
scathing, edgy mail to Dani Fucking Buten or somebody, Hill -- not only was she a girl, but she's also
fucking dead, so there's even
less chance that you'll get a response you're in no way prepared to even remotely respond to!
You're the fucking man
now, dog!
[quote="Trent Wyler Robertson"]I don't understand. TWR[/quote]
Shut the fuck up, Hill. I know that because the Krips page gave you the closest thing to positive feedback you ever have or ever will receive on the piece of shit you decided to slob over to Geocities you think there was some implied invitation to talk about it here, but the truth is, fuck you.
And in this particular case, it's not even that the game in question is a complete pile of dogshit and ineptly, laughably slapped together in a poor pantomime of "design" and "programming" -- it's that the retard who hurled his slopped together mess at the scene in large arranged himself to come off as one of the most annoying guys in Usenet. Nobody cares if you make a crap game. And Jesus Christ, did you. Some miserable games even eventually get revered -- I could talk about Space Aliens Laughed At My Cardigan at length, for instance, and that is a game that is usually considered to be poor.
But in your case? The real crime is how totally unfunny you've been in the four or five months you've been so transparently and desperately trying to make a name for yourself. Nothing that your pea-sized monkey brain can come up with is remotely original, clever, biting, particularly cruel, amusing or really worthy of note. To paraphrase Dr. Evil, you're the Diet Fucking Coke of Usenet Trolls. I can't choose between "disgusting" or "sad" as to the best description of your "antics," though -- you're obviously totally obsessed with the community and it was also flat-out obvious that there was no way you would ever, [i]ever[/i] make a meaningful contribution to it. Bruce briefly referenced a "heh" to that "groin loiterer" comment and you've plopped it into three or four of your few dozen shit-ramblings in a desperate attempt to cry, "Look! Look at me -- I said something that was mildly funny once! I'm talented, too! Oh, fuck you! Fuck you all!!" Seriously, you're able to handle yourself about as well as a thirteen year old girl getting her first period on a Drama Club camping trip.
And you're no doubt just steaming at the "successes" enjoyed by a few of the more well-known members of the modern day IF scene and, having resigned yourself about 95% of the way (I mean, you still [i]did[/i] release that fucking code-fetus to the world) to the fact that you'll never be worth a good goddamn within it, you had attempted to seek out the "easiest" targets you could perceive and rail on them. The reason most of your inane dribblings are against women is that -- [b]even in your 100%, completely anonymous 'Civil War General Persona'[/b] -- you're still too much of a fucking pussy to call someone out whom you suspect might be willing to respond with equal (well, superior, really) rancor.
That's fucking pathetic.
Hey, maybe after writing that post to Papillion that you're apparently so proud of you felt the need to post a response to yourself proclaiming it as one of the Comedy Ten Commandments you could write a [i]scathing, edgy[/i] mail to Dani Fucking Buten or somebody, Hill -- not only was she a girl, but she's also [i]fucking dead[/i], so there's even [i]less[/i] chance that you'll get a response you're in no way prepared to even remotely respond to!
You're the fucking man [i]now[/i], dog!