The "Clean in 2017" Thread.

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by pinback » Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:40 pm

Right! Welp, cheers mates!

by FlyingCarp » Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:28 am


by pinback » Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:55 am

Welp, here we are. February 1. I said "Clean in 2017", but the definite FOCUS (and the part where an actual real-life bet was placed) was on January, though.

I feel I've proven my point.

Let's see what happens today, though.

by Flack » Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:25 am

I would like Tdarcos to review any episode of Intervention by only watching the first two minutes. That should cover the good times and end right before the molestation begins.

by pinback » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:56 am

I'm at the point where I watch Intervention because I'm jealous of all the partying the addicts get to do before the intervention.

by Tdarcos » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:02 am

pinback wrote:Apparently I was wrong. I had been misled by the proliferation of commercial "moonshine" to believe that they were representative examples.

I apologize for my incorrectness and misplaced overconfidence.
That's okay, I presume half of what you say is sheer lies intended to drive people away, and the other half is quote mining of other people to make it look like they said something different from what they said in order to drive them away.

I mean, I just follow the standard rule about you. "When it comes to what Pinback says, you could not believe him if he swore he was lying."

by FlyingCarp » Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:04 am

I had some jalapeno-infused moonshine last night. You're both right and I'm wrong. Whew!!

by pinback » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:44 am

Apparently I was wrong. I had been misled by the proliferation of commercial "moonshine" to believe that they were representative examples.

I apologize for my incorrectness and misplaced overconfidence.

by Tdarcos » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:11 pm

pinback wrote:Absolutely incorrect. Thank you, that's all I wanted to hear.
Short Version: Subsequently checking Wikipedia and other places confirms what I said was correct. If you have evidence that this is not the case, please show me why so I may correct my ignorance.

Long version: ... 0547#90547

by pinback » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:36 pm

Absolutely incorrect. Thank you, that's all I wanted to hear.

by Tdarcos » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:34 pm

pinback wrote:Please explain what you think moonshine is, without looking it up.
Done correctly, pure or near-pure alcohol around or above 180 proof. As commonly done by most moonshiners, rotgut that causes blindness and death from alcohol poisoning.

by Jizaboz » Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:27 am

Flack wrote:When my grandpa was alive he owned 640 acres of land in SE Oklahoma. One time he told me that he used to occasionally run across operating stills on his land, but over the past 20 years all the stills had been replaced by meth labs.
That's a sad shame. A lot of rural West Virginia ended up the same way. I remember moonshine used to be common around here too.. especially around the holidays someone always had a jar. Hasn't been that way in years.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:00 am

Unfortunately, I did finally find the foolproof, 100%, no-doubt-about-it banning procedure. I suspect that he can't even see your message, much less logon and assemble a reply and hit the reply button and have it saved on this forum.

by pinback » Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:06 am

I demand Paul be un-banned for 5 minutes so he can explain to us what he thinks moonshine is.

by Flack » Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:02 am

When my grandpa was alive he owned 640 acres of land in SE Oklahoma. One time he told me that he used to occasionally run across operating stills on his land, but over the past 20 years all the stills had been replaced by meth labs.

by pinback » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:22 pm

Please explain what you think moonshine is, without looking it up.

by Tdarcos » Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:18 pm

RealNC wrote:Drinkers can't try to keep the alcohol addiction while trying to get rid of the other 95% of the can's contents.
Wouldn't moonshine do that?

by RealNC » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:54 am

pinback wrote:Is this the same as vaping for smokers? (i.e., terrible?)
You got addicted to the wrong thing. Smokers can keep the nicotine addiction while trying to get rid of the cancer stuff. Drinkers can't try to keep the alcohol addiction while trying to get rid of the other 95% of the can's contents.

Which totally sucks, I know :-P

by FlyingCarp » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:40 am

Jizaboz wrote:Hahaha!!

Nope, Busch NA is much, much worse.
Seriously. Can't you at least get your hands on a decent non-alcoholic beer? O'Doul's or St. Pauli Girl NA have got to be better than that.

I spent a couple summers working in Doha, Qatar and two of the guys I was there with were big drinkers. However, it was Ramadan and there was no way to get alcohol. Those two were going nuts. They'd drink these unbelievably awful non-alcoholic malt beverages to sort of get the taste. 3 Horses was one of them. You can imagine the jokes.


The only thing they found to somewhat ease the pain (and I joined in just for fun) was this very potent tobacco product called Dokha. You'd get a massive nicotine buzz for 10 seconds and all you'd be left with was a headache paired with an awful taste in your mouth.

How we discovered the stuff is a pretty decent story. We had been driving along the Qatari coast for something to do (because there was literally nothing there to do except shop and eat). We stopped to eat at this little strip mall and as we were talking towards the restaurant, an Iranian guy motioned me over to his shop full of hookahs. I'm a curious fellow, so I went in. He said to me, "You like smoke??" and I said, "Why yes I do." Then he extended a little wooden pipe with some green matter in the bowl. I went through a rush of emotions because as much as my friends were jonesing for booze, I missed the green. I looked over both shoulders, let the guy put the pipe in my mouth, he lit it for me and I took a big rip. As soon as I exhaled, I coughed up a lung and then my knees went weak and my head started to swim. As I braced myself on the counter, my first thought, my second thought was holy shit how long is this going to last? (My first thought was "whoooaaaa dude.")

Fortunately the feeling was gone before I had time to really worry. So, I handed over my riyals for my own wooden pipe and canister of the green, flaky, organic matter. It took me a lot of searching before I figured out what the heck the stuff even was and that it wasn't illegal. Still, I left the shit there when I flew home, but did buy more as soon as I returned the next summer.

by Jizaboz » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:18 pm


Nope, Busch NA is much, much worse.
