Casual Observer wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:48 pm
Did you really put a "please help" sign in your back window.
Thinking back, I remember I had no tape and was holding the sign out the window. Yeah, I had two choices. Stand outside in near freezing conditions or hold a sign out the window; I had forgotten from 20 years ago exactly what had happened. For reasons I explain below, walking was not an option.
and wait for someone to help? Jesus fucking christ, that mindset is why you're a ward of the state now and your cat ran off.
Again, you still show more of your ignorance. A "ward of the state" is a person under total guardianship. Prisoners are wards of the state. People in state-provided or state funded care such as nursing homes or long-term or permanent inpatient residential psychiatric care are also. I am simply a recipient of a public disability DB pension. I receive nothing from "the state" but cash benefits or cash equivalent such as Medicare A (emergency care) B (hospital stays and equipment) and D (prescriptions). Oh yes, I also receive a whopping $15 a month in SNAP benefits, the new name for Food Stamps.
Do you consider every recipient of cash/cash equivalent Social Security retirement benefits living on their own and taking care of themselves without personal assistance a "ward of the state?"
I've had my car die on the road more times than I can tell you and especially somewhere like MD which is saturated with people I would have just walked a couple miles to somewhere where I could make a call and get shit taken care of.
Again. you did not read what I wrote. I broke down just past Hancock, which is about 30 miles e of Cumberland. Which is about 20 miles e of Frostburg. This is at the top edge of the "thin" slice of Maryland. When you're not in the towns it's kilometers between neighbors. There's nothing out there, it's fields and farmland for miles. This is a deeply rural area near the MD/PA/WV meeting point.
Also, at that time the Maryland State Police had been warning people in radio PSAs not to walk on the shoulders of freeways other than very short distances to the exit if necessary; many people had been killed. Best response was to show a "send help" sign and stay in your car as State Police patrol all freeways 24/7.
When the tow truck picked me up at Hancock we drove out along a few miles of greenery and no houses to the car and came back. From where I-68 terminates at Hancock and the road goes N as I-70 to Warfordsburg, PA, maybe 15, 20 miles, there was a fireworks store maybe 5 miles outside Warfordsburg. That's all. Warfordsburg was about 5 blocks long across one side of the exit. Until you get to the termination of I-70 at Breezewood another 15-20 miles up the road it's all green space.
Know what you are talking about before you proceed to prove you don't know what you're talking about.
Also, I know how clutches work, they don't just "fail" and you can't go anywhere.
DON'T PISS DOWN MY BACK AND TELL ME IT'S RAINING! it did to me. There was some smoking the day before which I first mistook for a brake problem. I bought some D.O.T. 3 in Frostburg and the brake reservoir was a bit low so I thought that was the problem. It wasn't.
Along the way the clutch "came apart" (dropping pieces) and stopped working. It would no longer change gears. Pushing the clutch release then moving the gear to any selection would not work and the car remained in neutral. The clutch failed making it incapable of going anywhere. I was there, that was what happened.
Know what you are talking about before you proceed to prove you don't know what you're talking about.