Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

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Curious, how do JC'rs treat the hotel rooms they stay in??

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Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Casual Observer »

Just read about a "study" about how people leave their hotel rooms and it occurred to me that there's probably some variation among JC'rs about how they act with the hotel rooms when they travel. My wife (who has allergies) makes us double clean a hotel room when we get there and then makes sure we leave it as clean as possible. Myself, when I travel on business I relish in living in a space where I don't have to give a shit about being neat and clean. I throw my used clothes around just to be shoved back in my bag when I leave. I leave towels all over the floor and am not always careful about getting stuff into the trash bin. Although I always leave some cash for tip, I relish in the fact that this isn't a room that I have to clean or neaten and I can just relax and let everything hang out and be where it ends up. Hotel workers need jobs and if they don't have to do enough then maybe there aren't as many of those jobs for people (I feel the same way about carts at Walmart or putting shit back exactly where it belongs in a store). In short, when I stay by myself in a hotel I'm a filthy pig and am absolutely unrepentant about it.

Not sure if this is something people care about but I'm kinda curious which side people are on regarding neatness in hotels.


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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by pinback »

I tidy up before leaving for the day. I don't make the bed, but I try to get all the trash in trash cans, pick stuff up off the floor, make it presentable. The fact that some people say "hey, I'm paying for the room, let the dollar-an-hour illegal clean up my filth!" is beyond my understanding.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Tdarcos »

From 1995:
. Something was bothering me, and I wasn't sure what it was. Then I remembered. Mr. Allen hadn't sent us any homework! Then I realized I was being a dumbo again since we were already more than a month ahead of the class assignments!
. About 11:15 I heard Lynn get up and take a shower, and make all sorts of noises related to whatever women do when they get up and get dressed. She opened the door to her room. She came out wearing her usual sweat shirt and blue jeans. "Good morning," she said.
. "Good morning," I replied.
. I saw behind her that her bed was neat. She looked over at my room and wrinkled her nose at it. I turned around, looked through the open door, and saw my bed wasn't made.
. "Is there something wrong?" I said.
. "Do you normally just leave your bed in a mess?"
. "Lynn, this is a hotel. A maid will come in and make the beds. Did you forget?"
. She had this odd look on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry. This place looks so much like an apartment I'd forgotten. I'm really picky; I once had a roommate who never made her bed for weeks."
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I am not up to proper standards at home, so what I like about the hotel room is that it's a fresh start. So I try to pick up after myself. I ... I don't make the bed. They have a way of making the bed that is better than I can do. This is fine, I shall let them do that. But I try to at least "organize" everything else.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Flack »

When I stay in hotels, I put stuff in three places. I put toiletries on the bathroom counter, electronics on the desk, and my suitcase on the little suitcase stand. I take a garbage bag with me and keep my dirty clothes in it. I use one towel per day and leave it on the bathroom floor. I never make the bed, and I never put anything in the drawers, closet or safe because I'm paranoid I'll leave something behind. And I put my trash in the trash can, because I'm not a monster.

While we're in full disclosure, I set the thermostat to 69 degrees (or, if it does half steps, 69.5). If the air conditioner has a motion sensor, I immediately google the brand and figure out how to override it.

I don't tip as much or as frequently in hotel rooms as a lot of other people. If I have a buck or two, I'll leave it. If I don't, I don't lose sleep over it. I went 35 years not knowing you were supposed to leave a tip.

When I check out of a hotel room, I assume all housekeeping has to do is make my bed and empty my trash can.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by pinback »

Hmm, so far we have three people saying they're relatively neat and tidy (and one person quoting an unpublished 6,000 page book), but only two votes for relatively neat and tidy.

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Billy Mays »

Tipping hotel staff, lol.

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by pinback »


Why is everyone horrible. Oh wait, Trump supporter, I forgot.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Billy Mays »

Why would I tip the person who is cleaning up the room for somebody else?

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by pinback »

You justify your horribleness however you'd like. Enjoy.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by AArdvark »

What's your take on leaving DNA where you know housekeeping will have to unknowingly squelch it?


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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Brian, don't -- !
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Casual Observer »

AArdvark wrote: Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:53 pm What's your take on leaving DNA where you know housekeeping will have to unknowingly squelch it?

Good question. Etiquette says if it's a business trip then DNA goes in the tissues then hopefully the trash can. On vacation it goes somewhere else.

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by ChainGangGuy »

Flack wrote: Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:25 pm While we're in full disclosure, I set the thermostat to 69 degrees (or, if it does half steps, 69.5). If the air conditioner has a motion sensor, I immediately google the brand and figure out how to override it.
While heading to the room's bathroom facilities (the lil' travelers room) for a fresh, wholesome whiz is usually the first order of business, my next stop is to the crank down the air conditioning. I will soon have that room looking like I'm ready to battle rogue Kryptonians or simply sit back and enjoy the teachers found within a Marlon Brando crystal. I'm happy to report I apparently stay at hotels dumpy enough to have not upgraded to motion activated, Ring doorbell-style thermostats.

As for tidiness, I pick up the litter, loosely corral the towels and see to it the bed is reasonably within order. That's all anyone can ask, right?

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Tdarcos »

In this story: ... pid=191354 I mention how I stayed overnight at two unrelated motels, one in Frostburg, MD and the other in Warfordsburg, PA and in neither case did I tip anything.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Casual Observer »

Did you really put a "please help" sign in your back window and wait for someone to help? Jesus fucking christ, that mindset is why you're a ward of the state now and your cat ran off. I've had my car die on the road more times than I can tell you and especially somewhere like MD which is saturated with people I would have just walked a couple miles to somewhere where I could make a call and get shit taken care of.

Also, I know how clutches work, they don't just "fail" and you can't go anywhere. You can have a master or slave cylinder fail and then it's tough to change gears or the clutch pressure plate will wear down (btw, months of warning about this) to the point where it starts to slip at high torque situations. We'll need some details about what specifically happened before we let you off the hook about gross mis-maintenance of a toyota that will rarely ever leave you stranded up to 500k miles.

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Tdarcos »

Casual Observer wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:48 pm Did you really put a "please help" sign in your back window.
Thinking back, I remember I had no tape and was holding the sign out the window. Yeah, I had two choices. Stand outside in near freezing conditions or hold a sign out the window; I had forgotten from 20 years ago exactly what had happened. For reasons I explain below, walking was not an option.
and wait for someone to help? Jesus fucking christ, that mindset is why you're a ward of the state now and your cat ran off.
Again, you still show more of your ignorance. A "ward of the state" is a person under total guardianship. Prisoners are wards of the state. People in state-provided or state funded care such as nursing homes or long-term or permanent inpatient residential psychiatric care are also. I am simply a recipient of a public disability DB pension. I receive nothing from "the state" but cash benefits or cash equivalent such as Medicare A (emergency care) B (hospital stays and equipment) and D (prescriptions). Oh yes, I also receive a whopping $15 a month in SNAP benefits, the new name for Food Stamps.

Do you consider every recipient of cash/cash equivalent Social Security retirement benefits living on their own and taking care of themselves without personal assistance a "ward of the state?"
I've had my car die on the road more times than I can tell you and especially somewhere like MD which is saturated with people I would have just walked a couple miles to somewhere where I could make a call and get shit taken care of.
Again. you did not read what I wrote. I broke down just past Hancock, which is about 30 miles e of Cumberland. Which is about 20 miles e of Frostburg. This is at the top edge of the "thin" slice of Maryland. When you're not in the towns it's kilometers between neighbors. There's nothing out there, it's fields and farmland for miles. This is a deeply rural area near the MD/PA/WV meeting point.

Also, at that time the Maryland State Police had been warning people in radio PSAs not to walk on the shoulders of freeways other than very short distances to the exit if necessary; many people had been killed. Best response was to show a "send help" sign and stay in your car as State Police patrol all freeways 24/7.

When the tow truck picked me up at Hancock we drove out along a few miles of greenery and no houses to the car and came back. From where I-68 terminates at Hancock and the road goes N as I-70 to Warfordsburg, PA, maybe 15, 20 miles, there was a fireworks store maybe 5 miles outside Warfordsburg. That's all. Warfordsburg was about 5 blocks long across one side of the exit. Until you get to the termination of I-70 at Breezewood another 15-20 miles up the road it's all green space.

Know what you are talking about before you proceed to prove you don't know what you're talking about.
Also, I know how clutches work, they don't just "fail" and you can't go anywhere.
DON'T PISS DOWN MY BACK AND TELL ME IT'S RAINING! it did to me. There was some smoking the day before which I first mistook for a brake problem. I bought some D.O.T. 3 in Frostburg and the brake reservoir was a bit low so I thought that was the problem. It wasn't.

Along the way the clutch "came apart" (dropping pieces) and stopped working. It would no longer change gears. Pushing the clutch release then moving the gear to any selection would not work and the car remained in neutral. The clutch failed making it incapable of going anywhere. I was there, that was what happened.

Know what you are talking about before you proceed to prove you don't know what you're talking about.
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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Casual Observer »

Tdarcos wrote: Fri Jun 29, 2018 11:22 am DON'T PISS DOWN MY BACK There was some smoking the day before which I first mistook for a brake problem. I bought some D.O.T. 3 in Frostburg and the brake reservoir was a bit low so I thought that was the problem. It wasn't.

Along the way the clutch "came apart" (dropping pieces) and stopped working. It would no longer change gears. Pushing the clutch release then moving the gear to any selection would not work and the car remained in neutral. The clutch failed making it incapable of going anywhere. I was there, that was what happened.

Know what you are talking about before you proceed to prove you don't know what you're talking about.
i was kidding about ward of state, you're just a hipocryte for advocating against a program that you have collected more benefits than you paid into (we're paying for you now).

sorry you never learned about the cars you owned but here's my Click and Clack moment. You did not have clutch pieces falling off the car as you drove, that's a lie or mis-remberance. Your master or slave cylinder broke and then you couldn't disengage the clutch. That's why pushing the pedal to the floor didn't allow you to shift into gear. Also correlarltes to low dot 3 reservoir.

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Casual Observer »

If clutch related smoking could be mistaken for a "brake problem" then it's clear one of your clutch cylinders had leaked onto the hot engine or manifold.

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Re: Curious, how do JC'rs feel about being neat in hotel rooms

Post by Jizaboz »

Hey everybody look at Mr. Mechanic over here!

A clutch definitely can smoke. While it's not a sign of total failure with just smoke, the smell and all is pretty obvious when it happens.

Clutch failure can come in a few forms. An old delivery truck I drove (an old piece of shit Ford Ranger pickup) went through a clutch like every year. After the 2nd failure I really tried to drive the thing like a grandmother and baby the clutch.. didn't matter. Bad design I guess. If you were rough with it on a bad day you'd smell smoke before you even got a mile from the parking lot before you even touched the brake. When it failed you had nothing.. like it was always in neutral.

A Honda I had experienced a clutch failure much like Tdarco's experience! Was about 2 blocks from my house and I go to mash the clutch and the friction is gone and the pedal just goes straight to the floor and the car lunges forward. At that point the clutch was basically acting as a "switch". I could still move and change gears but to do so I had to stomp the clutch and change gears at the same time and instantly give it gas, squawking the tires every time hitting 1st and 2nd gear lol. It's like it was always partially engaged and I didn't have neutral unlike the Ford so you had to keep the clutch stomped down at lights.

When I managed to get the Honda to a shop the next day the mechanic said the clutch was both "burnt" and "pieces had come of it" and set it on the counter grinning at me. Somehow I doubt the guy took it out back and wacked it with a hammer and took an acetylene torch to it.
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